chapter 54

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Chapter 54:

We sat in silence, the Doctor stood in front of us waiting for a response that i don't think any of us were prepared to give. I looked from Alex to Jack. Alex's mouth hung wide open, his eyes filled with tears. And Jack also had his mouth open, but the corners curved slightly creating a sort of smile. Then finally Max who looked confused and not really awake or interested in the situation.

'I-i w-what..' i stuttered in disbelief of what was happening. I was told the father was Alex, i didn't lie about anything, but now i looked liked even more worse of a person than i already was. 'How?' i finally manged to speak sense. 'I was told the father was Alex and now you're telling me Jack's the father?' i stood up raising my voice.

The doctor backed off slightly and gave me a concerned look. 'I'm sorry for any inconvenience, but it would appear the first test you took was not entirely accurate. Now if you'll excuse me i have other patients to attend to' I watched as the doctor walked away, dreading the moment when Jack or Alex finally spoke.

It didn't take long. 'Well' Alex choked, attempting but failing miserably to hold back his tears. 'I guess that's that' he stood up and began to walk away. I wanted to run after him but i didn't feel in control of my legs, which stood firmly in the same spot refusing to move. 'Daddy!' Max cried chasing after him. Alex completely ignored him and continued to walk away. 'Alex!' i shouted in hope he'd come back, but he didn't.

I don't blame him. I was just as stunned about this as he was, but obviously he didn't care about that. Basically, this whole situation has made me look as though i've been lying to Alex for 5 years. This realization had only just hit me. 'Alex!' i shouted again, this time forcing my legs to run towards him. I grabbed his arm and he turned around, i'd never seen him so hurt in my life. 'Alex, i have no idea what's going on! I swear, last time the results said you were the father, not jack!' he didn't reply. 'Can we please sort this out? For max's sake!' I looked back at Max who was sat on Jack's knee, you could tell Jack was happy but also scared about this.

'Fine' Alex whispered and held his head down as he walked back over to Jack and Max. I followed behind him and saw Jack about to speak, i quickly shook my head. Now was not the time to say anything. 'C'mon, back to Jack's house!' i spoke brightly so Max wouldn't get too involved.

It was a silent journey back to Jack's, i had no idea what was running through everyone's minds.

-----Alex's point of view-----

I tried my hardest not to say or do anything stupid, i also tried to stop tears from falling down my face, but that wasn't' going too well. How could i not cry though? After everything i've been through i'm sure it's acceptable to let loose a few tears. I felt stupid, how could i have trusted Hanley? The girl that cheated on her boyfriend twice then once with me. I wanted to rewind time, back before i even met with her that day on the park. I could of forgotten all about her and my feelings for her.

I had to bite down hard on my tongue to contain all the things i wanted to say to both of them, things i wouldn't like Max to be repeating. No words could explain my anger. But i knew that later on i would feel more upset than angry, if i were to lash out i'd regret it.

As we arrived at Jack's house Max ran up stairs and i nodded at Jack for him to follow, he was after all Max's new father. Hanley stood in front of me, avoiding eye contact, one of us would have to speak first, i was hoping it wouldn't be me. 'Hanley' she looked up at me at last. I was about to speak before she interrupted me. 'Alex, i just want to say, i am so sorry for everything i've put your through. I never meant to hurt you or anyone for that matter. And you can be mad or upset with me, but i'll always love you, and i'll always think of you as the father, because that's what i read that day, that you were the father of my baby. And even if those test results were wrong, you were a father to him, for 5 years. before i screwed things up again, so, i'm sorry Alex' She finally breathed and waited for me to reply, but i had to say, i was speechless.

-----------Jack's point of view------

I was trying to keep Max as quiet as possible so i could hear Alex and Hanley, but it was no use, Max was being too loud and Alex and Hanley were surprisingly quiet! I couldn't look at Max in the same way now, knowing i was actually more than uncle Jack, i was his dad. His blood related dad. My hands hadn't stopped shaking since my name was read. The question was why did Hanley lie the first time?

I wondered what this all meant. I knew i had my heart set on Hanley for ages now, i didn't know how she felt about me though. Some where in my mind i gathered she would be in love with me too, and we'd be happy family, like i intended. I smiled to myself as i thought about it.

Max sat in the corner playing with his toys next to a draw filled with Hanleys stuff. If i remembered correctly she had a present in there i gave her a while ago, i didn't know what she did with it so i decided to go rooting for it. But i stumbled across something i wasn't expecting to find.

There were sheets of paper and underneath at the very back something twinkled and caught my eye. I reached in and pulled out what appeared to be a ring. At first i thought about how Hanley doesn't wear Jewelery, then another thought came to mind. But it couldn't be could it? Alex wouldn't of, and she wouldn't of accepted right? I sat staring at the ring. Was it really an engagement ring?

'Uncle Jack' Max shouted my name, but i couldn't speak. 'Uncle Jack?' he walked towards me. I saw him stood looking confused in the corner of my eye, but my eyes were still fixed on the ring.

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