chapter 31

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Chapter 31:

I'd been at Alex's for a week now, and his parents seemed to like me being there. I woke up to find that Alex was still asleep, and I didn't have the heart to wake him, so I snuck downstairs to see his mum in the kitchen, making a cup of tea.

"Hello Hanley. You sleep okay?" she smiled, stirring the tea. "Yeah, very well, thank you." I returned her smile. "Hanley, I appreciate what you've done for Alex. Forgiving him, as such. I know he can be a handful at times, but he seems to think you're the one for him." she laughed, setting the teaspoon aside.

"You think so?" I laughed, unsure whether that was true. "Most definitely! I've seen him with other girls, Hanley, and not one of them has made him laugh, smile nor talk like the way you do. And he's never made a commitment as big as the one both of you are at this moment. So, I'm thanking you on his behalf." she smiled, and patted my hand.

At that moment, Alex came through the door, and sleepily smiled at us, his hair stood up on end. "What are you two talking about?" he smiled, yawning. "Nothing, nothing." I giggled, and Alex's mum winked at me, and left the room.

Alex leaned against the cooker, and pulled me in for a hug. He kissed my lips, and I thought about what his mum had said. Maybe she was right? Maybe he did think I was the perfect girl for him?

I thought about Jack for a small second. I hadn't spoken to him in about a week. I pulled away from Alex, and continued making our breakfast. What could I say to Jack? Tell him that I'm staying at Alex's for now?

I shook my head, and continued frying the bacon. I felt Alex's arms around my waist, and I felt him kiss my neck. I was ruining another romantic moment. I went to flip the food with the spatula, when I felt the baby give a strong kick, forcing me to tumble over, spilling the glasses of orange juice Alex had poured for us.

"Shit! I am so sorry, Alex!" I mumbled, grabbing the paper towels. "Hanley, are you okay?!" Alex exclaimed, helping me clear up the juice and broken glass. "Yeah, the baby just kicked me, that's all." I laughed, and I saw his face light up. "Really?" he inquired. "Yeah! I think he or she wanted to get noticed by daddy." I joked, and Alex crouched down and started 'talking' to the baby.

Call me paranoid, but what if the kick was for being with the wrong dad? I tried to shake that thought out of my head, and poured the bacon onto the plate along side the eggs. The baby kicked again, and I felt myself fly forwards again, near the flame. Alex grabbed me before I managed to go the full way forward. "Why don't you go sit down, I'll finish this." he chuckled, and kissed my nose.

I sat at the table, and tried to calm the baby down. "Hanley? Come here a second, we want to show you something." Alex's mum whispered, so I made my way upstairs. Alex's parents were stood outside a room, that as far as I knew was empty. They were both smiling at me, and I felt suspicious. What was happening?

"Now, we know that you can't stay at home anymore, so first of all, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you need to." Alex's dad smiled. "Also, enter the room and tell us what you think!" His mum beamed. I slowly opened the door, and I gasped. I was totally speechless.

The room was filled with baby stuff! A cot, toys, books, everything. "We didn't know whether the baby is a boy or a girl, so we painted the room yellow. I hope they like Winnie the Pooh!" she laughed. His dad patted me on the back, and his mum hugged me.

"I don't know what to say! Thank you, Mr and Mrs Gaskarth!" I laughed, uneasily. "Your welcome, dear. Anything you need, just come and ask us." she smiled, and they both went downstairs. "We're going out Alex, take care." she waved bye, and they disappeared out the door.

After breakfast, Alex took the plates in, and I started thinking about what happened next. I stood up, and decided that I'd tell my mum that I'm staying at Alex's house for the time being.

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