chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

I stood in the doorway, Alex staring at me with an apologetic look in his eyes. I was in slight shock that Alex had turned up like this, so without a word I nodded and moved out the way to let him through.

I closed the door as he stepped into my house and turned around waiting for him to speak. He kept his head lowered, obviously to avoid eye contact. ‘Urm’ he began. ‘I want to apologize, for how I reacted. I was stupid, selfish and a complete jerk. I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t forgive me’

There was seriously something about Alex that made you fall for everything he said. This was all I was thinking about right now, how Alex had left me before and how shitty he made me feel, but how he’d shown up at such an hour to say sorry, and how cute he sounds when he apologizes.

He lifted his head to meet my eyes. I was about to accept when I remembered the baby was in fact possibly not his. I hesitated. He raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to speak, but I got my words out before he could ‘I forgive you!’ I blurted out remembering also Jack and I had agreed to let Alex think the baby was his.

He smiled a relieved looking smile and pulled me in for a hug, it was so fast and unexpected I forgot to hug back for a moment. When he let go he spun round quickly and from what I could see wiped his face, was he crying?

‘Alex?’ I placed my hand lightly on his shoulder. ‘Are you okay?’ ‘Yeah’ he mumbled. I stepped in front of him and saw a few tears on his cheeks. ‘Why are you crying?’ ‘I’m, I’m going to be a d-dad’ he stuttered.

I felt the literal feeling of my heart breaking as I heard those words, plus that word in my head, ‘maybe’. Alex thought that he being a father was certain, when it’s only really 50% certain. I nearly started crying at the thought.

I peered over at the clock, 10.04pm. ‘Wanna hang for a bit? My mum doesn’t….’ ‘Get home till 1am’ he finished the sentence. I smiled and let out a small laugh. ‘Sure’ he grinned and took my hand. It felt good to be with him again, that’s when I realized, I’m not with him, I’m with Zack.

(8 weeks later)

----Ella’s point of view----

[Hanley! Haven’t seen you in weeks, come out today?xxxx]

I kept one eye closed as I text Hanley just after waking up at 11.15am on a Saturday morning. I hadn’t seen her in ages, she was always busy, most of time it was just Jack, Zack and myself.

I jumped out of bed and threw some random clothes on before receiving a reply.

[Busy, sorry Ella:(xxxxx]

I sighed in anger and pressed dial.

‘Hanley, please come out! I feel like you’re avoiding me!’ I complained.

‘I’m not! I’m just really busy’ she trailed off.

‘Doing what? You’ve been busy for ages now, please!’

‘Never mind!’ there was a moment of silence. ‘Fine, I’ll come out!’

‘Yay, I’ll be at yours for 12!’

‘Cya then!’ she hung up.

I still felt as though she was avoiding me, I was her best friend and she didn’t seem at all happy about seeing me.

I set off for Hanley’s, she was already stood outside the house when I arrived. I smiled and waved as she did too, she didn’t look very happy, in fact, she looked kind of depressed.

----Hanley’s point of view----

I’d kept out of reach from everyone, since it’d became increasingly obvious I was pregnant, then again, if you weren’t in the know you probably couldn’t tell as bad as I thought.

We decided to visit Zack for a surprise, well, Ella decided. I hadn’t seen him for such a long time, I wondered if he even thought about me, he never called or texts like Ella and Jack.

‘He’s been worrying you know’ Ella looked at me.

‘He has? He never calls’ I sighed.

‘Too worried, in case you won’t answer, he thinks you’ve left him’

‘No!’ I replied quickly.

Ella looked away. I could see she was cross with me for not being able to see her.

We turned onto Zack’s street, I began to panic. I glanced at Ella who was staring at my stomach. I stopped. ‘What?’ Ella said nearly tripping at my sudden halt. ‘I can’t do this!’ I turned around and began to walk away.

‘Okay!’ Ella grabbed my arm. ‘What’s going on?’ all the while she kept flickering her eyes at my stomach, she knew. ‘Ella, I’m, well, I’m’ I stuttered. ‘Pre’ ‘OH MY GOD!’ she shouted.

‘ELLA, it’s a secret, shush!’ I grabbed her arms as she was kind of jumping around the place. ‘I don’t believe it!’ ‘Please be quiet about it!’ ‘Don’t worry I won’t say a word!’ she smiled sweetly.

‘Oh’ she said. ‘What?’ I looked at her. ‘Never mind, you’re right, let’s not see Zack, he obviously doesn’t know, and that’s why he’s being weird around you and stuff!’ ‘Wait, what?’ I’d forgotten she doesn’t know the father is either Alex’s or Jack’s. ‘Doesn’t matter, I understand!’ she walked off. I stopped to try and figure out what she meant, but gave up and caught up to her.

(5 hours later)

----Ella’s point of view---

‘See you later Hanley’ I waved goodbye as I closed the front door. I ran upstairs and collapsed on my bed, it’d been a strange day. I was still in total astonishment about Hanley being pregnant!

Zack really ought to know though, I thought to myself. What would the harm be in telling him; after all he knows that it was possibility seeing as they had sex in order for her to be pregnant.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and began to dial Zack’s number, Hanley will thank me in the end, she obviously felt too nervous to tell him, and so I’d be helping her out by doing so!

my only one (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora