chapter 53

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Chapter 53:

(1 day later)

"Max, put your shoes on, we're going to be late!" I shouted, rushing around and filling my bag with keys, my purse and a waterbottle for Max. "I'm here Mummy!" he said, standing next to the front door with Jack. Jack stayed silent, looked from Max to me, and gave me a quick smile. I could tell he was still hurt. He still, after 5 years wanted to be Max's dad, and I felt sorry for him. He was having to put up with me and Max living with him, and he's only 'Uncle Jack' to Max, not 'Daddy'.

We got in the car, and Jack began driving hastily down the road, and I could have sworn he was over the speed limit. "Jack, would you be careful?!" I shouted, as he drove around the corner at the same high speed. "What, do you want to be late to this appointment?" He muttered. Yes, he was definately still hurting. I can't say I didn't see that coming though. It took a bit of talking into for him to come to the hospital today. 

Eventually, we arrived, and and saw Alex stood outside, his face showing both fear and lack of sleep. Before I could even get out of the car, Max had already leapt out of his seat. "Daddy!" I think all 3 of us winced at that moment, suspicion and doubt filling the awkward silence. "Max.." Alex trailed off, leading him inside by the hand. I looked over at Jack; he was aeant against the wall looking up at the sky, a tear or two dripping down his cheek. 

"Jack?" I spoke up, feeling guilty that he was dragged into this. "Yeah?" He replied, quickly wiping his tears away. "I'm so sorry." I sighed, hugging him tightly. I felt like crying myself, but I was determined to not cry throughout this whole hospital trip; for Max. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him through the reception, me leading the way. I sat between Alex and Jack, as we waited in the busy hospital.

It reminded me of when Jack and I were about 5 or 6, we'd go into my back garden, and play 'Explorers', or something daft.I smiled, remembering these happier times from when we were Max's age.

-----A long while ago-----

"Jack, come on! We have to go through the snake den!" I laughed, trying to pull him through. Hanley, you're mum said not to go under the trampoline, we'll get muddy...." He said, looking at me funny. "Please? I'll wash us with the hose if we get muddy. I have something to show you Captain Jack!" I smiled, pulling him under the trampoline where we both sat, our knees pulled up to our faces.

"What is the surprise then, Hanley?" Jack sniffed, looking around. "Do you want to know what the surprise is, Jack?" I muttered happily. "Yes!" He grinned, his eye shining brightly. "Do you?" "Yesssss!" He laughed, picking pieces of grass out from the ground. "Well then, close your eyes, and you'll find out!" I watched as he closed his eyes, still fiddling with the blade of grass in his hand. And then, I leant forwards and kissed his lips. Just, acting like it was normal.

"Ew, Hanley!" he smiled, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. I smiled at him, until we were interupted. "Hanley, Jack, dinner's here!" my mum shouted from the house. "Coming!" I shouted, as me and Jack scrambled out.

----Present time------

"Hanley? Wake up!" I was awoken by Alex shaking my shoulders. "Huh?" I groaned, yawning and stretching. "You fell asleep while we were waiting to be tested. Their doing Jack and Max now." He smiled, and I fell instantly back in love with him. All over again. "Oh!... I'm sorry Alex, I was supposed to be there..." I sighed wanting to fall asleep in his arms. But of course, due to the fact I was a complete bitch, that was no longer possible.

"Don't worry, You looked peaceful, happy almost." I rubbed my eyes and sat up straight, as Alex continued to talk. "What were you dreaming about? You kept murmering words but I couldn't understand you." He laughed, as we stared into each others eyes. "Oh, it was nothing..." I whispered, trying to resist the urge to kiss him. "You can tell me anything Hanley..." He muttered, and I felt his hand on mine. 

"Daddy!" We heard Max running around the corner, and I sat back up straight, trying to act like nothing happened. Jack followed behind him, looking very depressed. I'm guessing he was just sick of the same old routine. Me fucking up somehow, someone else paying for it. 

Max sat on Alex's knee, and Jack slumped in the seat next to me. "The doctor said about 5 minutes for these reults." He muttered, and I tried to smile, but It just made me look twice as upset. The five minutes dragged on, most of it awkward silences and Max talking to Alex about how much'd missed him and how he'd grown. 

Finally, a doctor with a clipboard walked over to us. "You must be Max Gaskarth's family, I assume?" He said, looking down at us as Alex nodded. "Ah. Follow me please." He turned and walked into a room, and Jack shut the door behind us. "Now, you must understand that we aren't 100% sure about these results, but It is 90% likely that they are true." As we all nodded, he looked through the papers on the board, and looked back up at us. 

Max was sat on my knee, Alex to the left hand side, Jack to the right.It was now, more than ever, did I feel like I was at breaking point. But, I held back my tears and wrapped my arms around my son. Whatever happened, he was stuck with me. "The results show that Mr Jack Barakat is the father of Max." Jack, Alex and myself all gasped at that point.

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