chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

I opened my mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out. Only quiet stutters of words that didn’t make sense. Jack was lying on the bed, propped up against the wardrobe staring at me, he hadn’t moved since he’d last spoken. I literally did not know what to say, I could feel my heart beat increasing and my breathing became uneasy.

My eyes flickered everywhere, a part of me was telling me to say ‘I dropped my phone and I just happened to be reading that text at the time, but then you knocked so I forgot about it’ but another part of me was thinking ‘he’s gunna find out sooner or later, may as well just tell him now!’

I didn’t know which part of me to listen too. I was about to choose the second one when I thought about why I didn’t tell him in the first place, he likes Ella. And a lot too. I could not live with myself if I wrecked my best friends’ happiness.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled before replying ‘Jack…’ my voice became quieter as I continued ‘I threw my phone after reading the text out of anger because-’ ‘Anger?’ Jacks loud voice startled me. ‘Yeah because…’ ‘Wait, I don’t get it? This text is from Ella, saying she kissed me? Why would you be angry about that?’ ‘JACK’ I grew impatient of his interrupting. His eyes widened in shock as he closed his mouth.

‘Look, for some reason i recently may have thought about you as more than a friend… but I’ll get it over it okay! I don’t wanna come between you and Ella.’ I stared at the floor; I couldn’t look him in the eye right now.

‘I don’t believe this, do you know how happy she makes me feel? And now you’ve told me this I can’t be with her!’ ‘Yes you can!’ I exclaimed.

‘NO, I can’t, because I know that my best friend has feelings for me, I can’t date my best friends friend knowing that’ I paused in slight confusement for a moment. ‘Jack, I’m sorry-‘

Jack was standing up to leave; I sensed tears trickling down my face. I couldn’t move, my body started to shake and I couldn’t breathe at all now. I heard Jack stomping down the stairs then finally a loud bang from the front door slamming shut.

I fell into my pillow and cried. What have I just done?

------------------------------------Jack’s point of view------------------------------------------

I stopped and leant against Hanley wall, tears were trapped in my eyes. I couldn’t cry, I was too angry. I felt upset for her though. I looked down at the floor in deep thought, I was lost for ideas.

Was this my fault? Should I go back to her? I didn’t know what to think. I wish I had never come. I stayed there for a while, thinking hard about what to do. I didn’t come to a legit conclusion, but it was the best I had.

I began to walk towards Hanley’s door. I couldn’t help her feelings for me, what I do know is I can’t leave her in this state. I slowly knocked, hoping she would answer. Minutes went by, but I didn’t lost hope. Finally the sound of footsteps coming closer to the door could be heard. The door started to open and it revealed Hanley’s face. She looked dead; something told me that she was, on the inside.

She didn’t speak, only made quiet sniffles and wiped her eyes. ‘Can I come in?’ my voice was croaky, like I’d been crying though I hadn’t. But I was close to.

She nodded and pulled back on the door, I walked inside as she closed it. As soon as she turned around I wrapped my arms around her. I felt her drop into me. Somehow, this feeling reminded me of Ella.

After I let go, she spoke ‘Jack, please forgive me, I can stop these feelings honestly, it’s just a crush’ I looked at her, I saw the hurt in her eyes. The pain that I caused. It broke my heart.

‘Hanley, don’t worry about it’ I tried to stay strong, someone had to.  We hugged again; I hoped I wasn’t making matters worse. ‘C’mon, we better go get some sleep’ I smiled at her as she looked up at me. ‘Okay’ she walked off but I think I caught a small smile off her.

I followed her upstairs and we both fell asleep straight away. However, I didn’t sleep very well. I kept waking up; Hanley was always asleep when I did. She seemed to be sleeping soundly.

I kept looking at her, to see if she was awake, but she never was. I couldn’t help but notice how different she looked. Nothing had changed about her appearance, or her personality. But there was something about her, something that made me look at her in a different way.

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