chapter 64

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Chapter 64:

-Hanley’s point of view-

I continued running and ran all the way back to the house. I took one look in the mirror, tears had smudged all of my make up and the wind had caught my hair. And I was still in my wedding dress, no wonder I got a few funny looks on the way down here. I quickly grabbed a suitcase knowing that someone would probably be on there way here to find me. I wiped away my teary eyes and began to pack a few things. I didn’t want to be with anyone right now.

Before leaving I decided to change from my dress, don’t know why I didn’t in the first place. I threw it on the floor looking at and stared at it, remembering the time when Jack and I had sat and chosen it. I felt my stomach twist in upset, how could Alex do this? I thought. I grabbed the suitcase and hurried out the house to the nearest bus stop, just as I arrived a bus was approaching. I didn’t know where it went but I didn’t care, I needed to get away and fast.

No one was on the bus so I sat all the way at the back and began to clear up the mascara running down my face. I looked out the window as I passed the house, as we kept going down the road I saw Jack’s car pass. I ducked down but he wouldn’t of seen me anyhow, his eyes where fixed on the road. I hadn’t a clue where I was going to go; I didn’t even know where to get off. It wasn’t long before the bus came to its last stop though, and I had to get off.

I slowly walked down the bus and got off in a place I’d never seen before. I wanted to ask where I was, but the driver didn’t seem too friendly. I started walking down the street a bit, dragging my suitcase behind me. I stopped and sat at a bench when I finally realized what a stupid mistake I had done. I dropped my head into my knees and for the second time today began to cry.

I wasn’t even thinking about why I was crying, or what I was going to do now, I just felt like crying. My life was fine but then just like that it all started to go horribly wrong, I began to think everyone would have been better off if I’d never met them before.

The street was quiet, a few cars went past every now and then but apart from that there was silence. Until finally, around an hour later, I heard footsteps approaching me. The chances were I didn’t know who it was so I kept my head down not caring what I looked like right now. But then I felt a hand land on my shoulder and a familiar voice. ‘Hanley?’ I slowly looked up and blinked a few times to clear my vision, then smiled as I saw Ella. ‘Ella!’ I croaked. ‘What are you doing here?’ she laughed and sat down beside me. ‘It’s a long story’ I sniffed. ‘Are you ok?’ Ella looked concerned as her eyes glanced to the suitcase next to me. ‘Not really’ I whispered. ‘Well, do you need a friend? And possibly a place to stay?’ I thought for a moment if this was a good idea, last time I saw Ella she somehow managed to make Alex believe that Max wasn’t his child, then again she was right. I nodded and she smiled picking up my suitcase.

We began to walk down the road; it wasn’t long before we reached her house. ‘Sit down’ she said as we entered the living room. I collapsed on the couch exhausted from everything. ‘So’ she sat herself down ‘What brings you here?’ I tried to hold back my tears as I began to tell her everything, about how Jack was max’s child, how I’d hurt Alex so fucking much. How Jack had proposed yet I still loved Alex and I accepted anyway, and all about today too. The wedding and how I ran out. After I’d finished she looked at me in shock, when I first mentioned that Jack was Max’s child she looked like she was going to hit me, I could see the hurt and anger in her eyes, I began to feel like Ella wasn’t the best person to run into, but then as a carried on with the story she calmed down and realized how shit I must feel.

‘Oh’ she said after a long awkward silence. ‘Well, you can stay here for as long as you like’ she tried to smile, but I knew she was still upset. ‘Did ever really apologize to you for what I did?’ she looked away and wiped her eyes. ‘No’ she laughed and began to cry slightly ‘I ran out the hospital before you could say much’ I laughed along a little. ‘I’m so sorry Ella’ she smiled at me ‘It’s ok’ and came over to give me a hug.

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