chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

I walked hastily down the road and kept at the same quick speed, until I finally stopped outside Alex’s house. He was sat along the wall. As I approached him he turned at me and welcomed me with a warm smile. It showed me how happy he was to see me, so either he’d react well to this situation, or it’ll wipe that smile right off his adorable face.

I sighed to myself as he jumped off the wall and wrapped his arms around me; I forced a smile as he pulled away and looked into my eyes. ‘Is everything okay?’ he dropped his arms but one fell to my hand and pulled me over the wall were we both sat. I breathed for a few seconds. I had no idea what I was going to say, I should of thought this all the way through. You’d think I’d have learnt that by now.

‘Alex, remember that night?’ He looked at me, he smiled slightly and nearly made a joke but I scowled at him before he could. ‘Yes?’ he said quickly changing to a straight face. ‘Well, I don’t know if we used protection or anything but…’ I paused to see if he could tell where this was going. He pulled a confused expression and laughed ‘You’re not trying to tell me you’re pregnant are you?’ he continued laughing, I hoped the way I sat with tears forming in my eyes would answer for me.

‘Seriously?’ his laugh became uneasy. I nodded as a single tear ran down my cheek. ‘Haha, no way!’ He continued laughing, but more of an awkward laugh, as though he knew i was being serious, but chose to take it as a joke. ‘Alex, I’m not kidding!’ I snapped. He stopped laughing and stared at me.

‘B-but, you can’t be?! Have you taken the test?’ he stuttered. ‘Mhm’ I looked down at the floor, fearing what Alex’s face expression was right now. ‘F-fuck’ he shifted away from me and nearly fell back off the wall.

He leaped off the wall before falling back and stood in front of me. ‘You’re gunna get take care of it though right?’ He paced around. ‘What?!’ I squealed and looked up at him in disgust. ‘I’m not having an abortion, that’s sick!’ I finished off the sentence quickly as I realized I was speaking way too loud.

‘So what then?!’ he exclaimed. ‘You’re gunna keep it?! And what, expect me to be the father?! I can’t do that Hanley! I can barely commit to a relationship?!’ He sat back on the wall, his head in his hands.

‘I don’t believe this’ I whispered. ‘What?’ ‘You! I thought you’d support me in this, I thought you cared about me!’ I wiped the floods of tears falling from my eyes. ‘I do! But this is too much, I’ve got to get out of here!’ he stood up and began to walk away. ‘You dickhead! You’re gunna leave me like this!’ I stood up and grabbed his shoulder. He turned around ‘I can’t deal with this, not right now!’ He shoved my hand off and ran down the street.

I fell back onto the wall, and cried in disbelief of what he’d just done. I thought Alex would of helped me, been there for me. At the moment all I could think of is who would actually be there for me in this situation? I came to a clear conclusion, Jack.

I walked home slowly, in my head playing back how Alex reacted. And then thinking of all the things he could have done instead, and where we would be right now. At his house? Talking things over. Still outside on the wall? Comforting me, telling me everything would be okay. But instead, he’s off somewhere, and I’m here. Walking home, with no one and nothing, but my thoughts and regrets.

I collapsed on the couch when I got home. I didn’t want to cry anymore. I tried to forget about the whole thing. But it was all so overwhelming. I held back my tears, and grabbed my phone. I dialled Jack’s number; I needed someone to be there for me, right now.

‘Hello?’ his cheerful voice came through the other end.

‘Jack’ I sniffed. ‘Please come round right now!’

‘What’s wrong?! Are you hurt?!’

I attempted to reply, but all I could think of is why couldn’t of Alex reacted more like this?

‘I’m fine, just please come’ I whimpered.

‘I’m on my way right now, hang tight!’ I heard him closing his front door.

‘Okay’ I choked hanging up.

Literally minutes later Jack knocked at the door.

I opened it and he immediately dove at me for a hug. ‘Hanley!’ he yelled ‘What’s wrong?’

‘I need to talk about something’ I sniffed.

‘Sure, c’mon let’s go up to your room and calm you down’ he put his arm around me and led me upstairs. All the while I was crying hysterically.

We sat on my bed. ‘Okay, speak to me’ He placed his hand in mine. I really couldn’t deny my feelings for Jack anymore. No one had to know, but I knew, I loved him, it’s always been him, and probably always will be. I told him the story, Jack sat quietly the whole way through.

Once I finished I stopped to let him speak, but he didn’t. ‘Jack?’ he pulled his hand away, but his eyes never left mine. ‘Jack?’ I repeated. His mouth dropped but no words came out. I sighed and looked down at the floor for the second time today.

Suddenly, something caught my eye. I bent down and pulled a t-shirt out from under my bed. I studied it and came to realize it was Jack’s. I looked back at him, he hadn’t moved in the slightest. ‘Isn’t this yours?’ His eyes flickered to the t-shirt; he nodded slowly and closed his mouth.

‘I don’t remember you leaving this here?’ He gulped. Was I missing something? I thought to myself. ‘Oh wait, it could have been when you came that time and we got real drunk and had no idea what happened’ I laughed slightly.

‘Well I don’t really remember, do you?’ he looked so worried, I stared at him, and I’d never been so confused in my life! ‘We didn’t do anything stupid did we?’ Still no reply. ‘Jack!’ I clapped in his face. He blinked and back away. ‘Hanley’ he whispered. ‘Are you sure the baby, is Alex’s?’ ‘What?’ I laughed.

He was still staring at the t-shirt. ‘Of course it is! You have to have sex to make a baby and Alex is the only guy I’ve had sex with’ I paused and looked at the t-shirt. Then it hit me, hard. A flashback of that night struck my mind, I remembered everything now.

I dropped the t-shirt and felt myself start to shake, then looked over at Jack’s pale white face, also known as, the face of one of my baby’s possible fathers. 

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