chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

----------Jack’s point of view-----------

We decided it was best to sort this out sooner rather than later. While we were walking down to Zack’s, I could see that Ella wasn’t too happy with this. She was forever trying to get out of it. 

“But Jack, I’m going to look like a complete fool!” She moaned. “Well, if you didn’t say that in the first place, you wouldn’t have to.” I grunted. I knew this sounded harsh, but I needed to fix things for my two best friends.

Knocking on the door, I could feel Ella’s grip on my hand getting tighter and tighter. After a short time, I saw Zack come to the door, and I could see on his face that he was stressed. We all were, but I just think this hit him the hardest, right out of the blue. 

“Zack, can we come in? We really need to talk this out... there has obviously been confusions…” I muttered, hoping he wouldn’t punch me in the jaw. If he did believe that I kissed Hanley, I’d stay far away from him. He nodded while looking into the distance, and I dragged Ella into the house.

Once we’d sat down on the sofas, there was an awkward silence. “So, did you didn’t kiss Hanley then…?” He muttered, still not looking at me. “No, I didn’t. Nearly did, but I didn’t.” I felt sorry for him, all this confusion. “Ella, why did you say he did then?!” he snapped. I felt Ella flinch, and I could see panic on her face.

“I.. I just wanted Hanley to feel how I felt, okay? I couldn’t help it!” she blurted out, almost shouting. “It was un-necessary! Why drag me into it? Don’t you know how I felt about her?” he was shouting too, and I regretted coming. “Okay you two, settle down! Ella didn’t mean it, and Hanley still loves you Zack. You should speak to her about this. We never kissed, and it’s staying that way.”

Zack gave a really dirty look to Ella, and sprinted out the front door. I could only hope that Hanley did actually still like him.

-----------Hanley’s point of view-----------

I was at the park waiting by the gate. It was colder than I thought, and I wished I’d brought a jacket. Then, I saw Alex, walking down the street, with a carrier bag. I smiled, because I knew he was the only person that was happy to see me.

He ran the rest of the way towards me, and gave me a tight hug. He reminded me of Jack when he did, but I tried to push him to the back of my mind. This was my day with Alex, not Jack. I wasn’t going to let the situation ruin my day. 

We found a place on the grass, and sat. “So, Hanley, what’s the matter? You seemed upset on the phone.” He looked at me, and I tried to brave a smile. No more tears, I thought. I sighed and explained about the whole Jack and Ella thing, and how Ella called Zack, and about the names and the slap she gave me. 

I hadn’t even finished, but Alex pulled me in for another hug. “Aww Hanley, I don’t think you’re a slut.” I was surprised; I swear Alex was never like this with me before. “Thanks Alex” I said, trying to laugh it off.

After talking a short while, Alex noticed how cold I was. “Here, take this, I don’t need it” he said, putting his jacket around my shoulders. I smiled. He was so nice, how come Jack didn’t talk to him anymore?

I gave him another hug, and I noticed he’d moved closer than before. Maybe he just missed his jacket more than he thought and was trying to get warm? Whilst asking myself this question, I noticed Alex pulling over the carrier bag, and emptying it out onto the ground. 

He’d brought a bag full of sweets, crisps and about 2 litres of Red Bull, and I giggled at the thought of him putting so much money and effort in. “What did you do, raid the shop?” I laughed. “Maybe, I knew they were your favourites from the last time we spoke, which was about… 5 or 6 months ago? Damn, I missed being your friend. Wonder why Jack lost contact with me…?” he muttered, but then looked back and smiled at me. 

We ate the sweets, and drank most of the bottle of Red Bull, and I noticed it was still only 3pm. We had the whole day left? I was so happy, and I hadn’t thought about anything else but Alex’s bubbly personality. Until, I saw Zack.

I could feel myself panicking again. “Alex, we need to go.” I stood up, and stuck the hood over my head, hoping I had it wrong and it wasn’t him. “Woah, what? Is that Zack or something?” He stood up trying to see past me, but I wouldn’t let him.

“Just help me get this food together and lets go, I don’t want him to get the wrong idea, because trust me, he will.” I said, scrambling the food together. I knew that we’d finished, but I also knew Zack would see it was cheating. “Hanley?” Zack shouted, and I knew my efforts were screwed.

I grabbed Alex’s hand, and dragged him to run, because I knew if I saw Zack up close I’d cry again. I’d done so well with not crying today, and I wasn’t going to let it slip this easy. Unfortunately, I’d forgotten how bad I was at sport, and how fast Zack ran. 

He stopped us, and I saw Alex looking at me confused. “Who’s he?” Zack stuttered. “I could ask you the same question, mate.” I didn’t know what to say, so I just stayed quiet as they stood and looked at each other.

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