chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

 ----Jack’s point of view-----

Since Ella had left I’d been sat on my bed doing nothing but thinking of her. I wish she’d just forgive and forget the whole thing, and randomly show up at my door.

Just at that moment there was loud knocking on my front door, my eye’s lit up as I thought my wish may have come true. I ran down the stairs and swung the door open, but it was just Hanley.

You could tell she’d been crying. In my mind I felt too upset to take care of her, but she was my friend and I still needed to be there for her. ‘What’s up?’ I put my arm around her and lightly pushed her to get her inside so I could close the door.

‘Ella’ she muttered. ‘She slapped me and called me a slut’ as she spoke more tears started to run down her face.

I didn’t know what to say, so I wrapped my arms around her and held her instead. ‘She’s just angry Hanley, she’ll calm down eventually’ I sounded hopeful. ‘Oh and she told Zack, he came to mine and confronted me before walking away’ ‘Uh oh’ ‘Why uh oh?’ she looked up at me.

‘Because Zack told me he was angry and needed to talk to me, he’s on his way over’ she pulled away from me. ‘I should get out of here’ she sobbed wiping the smudged make up from her face. I nodded and went to open the door.

As the door opened a figure began to emerge from behind it, Hanley was staring directly at who ever it was. I peered round the edge of the door, to see Zack staring back at her.

Zack shot his eyes at me. ‘What is she doing here?’ I’d never heard him so angry before. ‘She, urm, she just came to’ I stuttered. ‘I was just leaving’ she interrupted and pushed passed him. ‘Yeah’ I looked at the floor. This moment could not have been more awkward.

Zack laughed at me ‘I’m not stupid you know? You two obviously like each other?! And that’s obviously why she was here’ I didn’t look up or reply. ‘I didn’t expect Hanley to be like that, but Jack, you’re meant to be my best friend man!’

He stormed out and went a different direction to Hanley. Everything was a mess. I slammed the door shut, went back to my bed, and continued to hope for Ella to come.

---Ella’s point of view---

I didn’t go back home after the scene I caused with Hanley. I don’t know what came over me; it felt wrong that I didn’t really regret it though.

I was sat on the grass at a park near my house, I wanted to see Jack. But I didn’t know if I fully forgave him yet. I sighed and stood up.

I slowly made my way to Jack’s house, on the way there I saw a girl walking down his street. She had her head down and her hands kept wiping her face. As I came closer towards her I realized who it was.

‘Hanley?’ she looked up and immediately flicked her eyes away to see it was me. ‘What are you doing?’ she didn’t reply. ‘On your way home?’ ‘Yeah’ she mumbled under her breath.

‘Oh, hey about before’ I began ‘I’m sorry’ she still hung her head. ‘Wait, where did you say you’d come from?’ ‘I didn’t’ she whimpered. ‘Well, I’m heading this way, to Jack’s house’ she wiped her face again.

‘That’s where you’ve been isn’t it? Jack’s house’ she didn’t move. ‘Even after you see how upset I was you run back to him? Well, that’s it Hanley. I take my sorry back’ I shoved on hitting her sides with my arm.

I was angry again. I could have killed her back then, but I didn’t. I just wanted to get to Jack’s house, so he could tell me that he loved me and not her.

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