chapter 34

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Chapter 34:

She opened her mouth but before she could speak she burst out crying and ran out the door. As the door swung open I saw Jack, tears were leaking through his hands on his head. Alex was sat behind him staring up at Jack, his eyes were glistening. There were so many tears, and It was all my fault.

I fell back and my head hit the pillow. I gasped for air and started choking on my tears.

--------Jack’s point of view-----

You could hear Hanley’s cries of pain coming from the room, I wanted to go in but I was afraid she wouldn’t want to see me right now for whatever reason. I turned around and saw Alex; he had just moved his eyes away from me.

I sat down beside him. ‘Why are you still here?’ there was a moment of silence. You could see he was trying to ignore me but he soon cracked. ‘I’m here for the baby, okay, not for Hanley. That baby might not be mine but I can still be a father to it.’

I was startled at his determination of being the baby’s father, whether he was the biological father or not. ‘What about you?’ he spoke through his teeth. I had to stay on edge; it looked as though he might lash out on me again. ‘Same reason as you I guess. Although, I care about Hanley dude’ ‘I care about her too!’ he interrupted. ‘I never said you didn’t!’ I quickly stated before he got the wrong idea.

It was back to silence after that, until the same doctor approached us. ‘Boys, Hanley has to stay in over the night so you may wanna go home’ I looked at Alex and he looked right back at me. Neither one of us wanted to leave. The doctor coughed to regain our attention. ‘Visiting time is up in a few hours. You have until then to leave’ and with that he walked away.

I felt myself burning up. I knew if I left Alex would try to convince Hanley to be against me or something stupid like that. I couldn’t let him do that. My hands shook with worry. I really did love Hanley, and the baby. I just failed to show it enough.

‘I’m not leaving’ Alex laughed. ‘Me neither’ I said sitting back down. Alex glared at me, his eyes full of hate. He went to sit back down but instead he walked in to see Hanley. I had to stop myself from grabbing him and doing something stupid.

-----Hanley’s point of view----

I hadn’t stopped crying. I was trying to remember a time were I and everyone else around me were truly happy. I cried even more because I really couldn’t remember. Someone was always hurt. I held back my tears as Alex entered the room. He looked angry. If he started shouting at me now, that’d be it. I’d just want my life to be over with.

‘Hanley’ he whispered, his words ran right through me. ‘Please, whether I’m the biological father or not…’ he paused to turn around and wipe his tears. ‘Let me be the father to the baby, I promise I’ll look after you both. Just d-don’t choose Jack. I loved you from the beginning remember?’ he stuttered as more tears ran down his cheeks. I’d never seen someone long for something so much.

‘Alex, i…’ my sentence was cut off by the sound of Jack bursting through the door. ‘Get out!’ Alex screamed at him! ‘You’re ruining everything!’ He tried to swing a punch at him but Jack dodged it and ran up to me. ‘Hanley’ he grabbed my hand, he was shaking fiercely and crying so much I couldn’t understand him.

I looked over at Alex he slamming his fists against the wall, they were both breaking. Whilst I was close to broken. ‘Nurse!’ I yelled. My voice was trembling. At that moment a nurse came in with another doctor who managed to get Jack and Alex not just out of the room but out of the hospital.

That night I lay in bed and cried. I suppose I was trying to cry myself to sleep. Except I couldn’t fall asleep. What if they did something they’d regret?

------Alex’s point of view----

Jack was stood, keeping his distance. I was sat on the hospital step; I wasn’t leaving until he’d gone. He looked at me now and then, like he wanted to say something but never did. Most of the time I kept my head low and my eyes on the ground.

Eventually Jack turned to leave, but before he did he came and sat by me. ‘Alex, I’m so sorry. You’re right, I did ruin everything. It was a drunken mistake. But I care about Hanley just as much as you do. And about that baby too. So, no hard feelings if she chooses me okay?’ I smirked. ‘Sure, no hard feelings’ because I’m sure you wont be upset or anything when she chooses me, I thought.

I stayed for a few more minutes after Jack left, and then headed home. My parents of course had a lot of questions. I didn’t tell them the truth, how could i? They’d never approve of Hanley that way. I went straight to bed, it’d feel like torture if I were to stay up and think about her. And what she’s done. I swear my heart had been stabbed. It literally ached.

To my surprise I fell asleep straight away, I guess I was tired from all the shit that went down today. However, i was disturbed by the phone ringing. I heard someone downstairs answer it, then the sound of the footsteps heading to my room.

My mum opened the door with a smile ‘It’s for you’ I groaned, heaving myself off the bed and reaching for the phone. ‘It’s the hospital’ she whispered closing the door. My heart skipped a beat and I immediately started speaking. ‘Hello?’ ‘Alexander Gaskarth?’ ‘Yes, how’s Hanley and the baby!?’ I said eagerly. ‘Both of them are fine, I believe Hanley lives with you and she can leave now, but she needs transport’ ‘I’ll be right there!’ I said already rushing to the front door.

‘Alex?’ my mum shouted as I sped past her. ‘Need to pick up Hanley’ I said dropping the phone and running out the door. ‘Oh okay!’ i heard her faint voice as I got in the car and raced to the hospital.

Luckily traffic wasn’t too bad this late at night. My fingers tapped against the stirring wheel impatiently at every red light. It was then it dawned on me that a part of me wanting to be with Hanley was only because I didn’t want her to be with Jack after all that had happened. It was an admittedly juvenile reason but it was the truth.

Finally I came to the hospital. Hanley was sat outside. ‘What are you doing!? You’ll catch a cold!’ I rushed towards her, helping her up from the step. ‘I’m fine! Just get me home okay.’ She definitely wasn’t happy with me.

It was a silent journey home; I desperately wanted to speak to her. Tell her how much I love her and how I really care about her. But I got the feeling she’d think I was saying all of that so she’d choose me over Jack.

As soon as we got home she went straight to bed. I watched as she slept, i couldn’t stop thinking about how soon after we’d shared a special moment she was recklessly doing the same thing with Jack. It brought tears to my eyes.

I didn’t care about how she felt towards me right now, I wrapped my arms around her and even though she was asleep she pulled herself into my chest. I smiled and closed my eyes, trying my best not to let the tears escape. I managed well and ended up falling asleep, in the back of my head I was thinking of Jack. And how I could literally kill him right now. 

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