chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

I could feel the sick in the back of my throat, waiting for my mouth to open so it could jump out. I tried to speak, but no sound came out, and I could hear Ella on the other end of the phone line, distressed. “Hanley?! What is going on?!” I didn’t know what to say. 

-----Ella’s point of view-------

I was upset and angry with Hanley at the moment. She knew what was wrong with Jack, and clearly something was wrong with her too. I was yelling down the phone now, and I didn’t care who heard. “Hanley, answer me dammit!” I was near tears again, and I couldn’t help it. 

“Hanle-“ I was cut off by the sound of her hanging up. I looked at my phone, shocked at what she had done. I knew then, that she had something to do with Jack’s weird mood. I decided that the best thing to do was to go to hers. She had to speak to me then. 

“I’m going out mum!” I shouted up the stairs,and before she could respond, I ran out the house. I needed to speak to Hanley, and I wasn’t going to risk my mum’s approval to talk with her. 

After a short walk down the street, I got to her house, and I saw all the lights were on except for in her room. I cautiously knocked on the door, and her mum answered it. “Oh, hey Debbie. Is Hanley there?” I said quietly. “No, sorry Ella. She wasn’t feeling well so she went to bed. You want to go check if she’s still awake?” She smiled at me. I wondered if she knew about Hanley and Jack’s moods. 

I followed her up the stairs, and she tapped on the door. “Hanley?” Her mum murmured softly. “Yeah?” a voice whispered. “Ella’s here. You okay hun?” She said, sticking her head in the room. “Yeah.” She replied, even though it was obvious she wasn’t. She was wiping tears from her eyes. 

I sat on her bed, staring at her carpet. Hanley said nothing, and neither did I. Out of nowhere, while she was crying; Hanley got up and ran out the room. I began to follow her, but the bathroom door slammed shut and I could hear her throwing up. “Hanley?” I yelled through the door. “Hanley, I just want to talk.” It seemed she had the same sickly feeling I did. In the mist of the gagging, I could hear her voice; “Ask Jack. Not me.” She howled, and I thought it was best if I just asked Jack. She didn’t look like she was coming out of the bathroom anytime soon.

I walked down to Jack’s house and I could see him sat by the window, with his family. They were watching Home Alone, but I suppose there was no surprises. Jack looked like he had been crying, and to be honest, I was sick of all these random unexplained tears. I tapped on the window, making him jump. He looked at me, and walked slowly for the front door.

“Ella..” He began. “Jack, what the hell is going on?” and Jack shot a look in my direction, seemingly alerted. “What are you talking about?” he muttered. “Jack, I was at Hanley’s about 5 minutes ago. She was crying her eyes out and told me to ask you.” I looked into his eyes, and almost instantly, he looked away. “What? I don’t know anything about what’s up with Hanley.” He looked at the grass underneath his feet. “Okay, well what is up with you then, and don’t roll your eyes, because I can tell from here you’ve been crying within the last hour.” He looked at me again, and snapped the door shut behind him, making sure his family couldn’t hear. 

“It doesn’t matter what’s wrong with me. I want Hanley to tell you, not me. It’s up to her, she started this, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt…” He tried to hug me, but I shrugged him off. “Wait, what do you mean, she started this…?” He looked away again, hands on the back of his head in panic. “Jack!” I shouted at him now, and his attention snapped back at me. Shit was going down today, and I didn’t know how much more I could take.

He was lost for words, and I could tell. “Jack, I just want you to tell me. I want you and Hanley back to normal!” I snapped at him. “Hanley….” He muttered, looking at the clouds. “Hanley, well, I, well, ermm…” he began. I could see where this was going, and I didn’t like it at all.

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