chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

I woke up, and saw I had two texts on my phone. I read the first out loud to myself.

[I found my phone, it was under my pillow. You were right Hanners, cyber high five! :)]

I smiled, it was from Jack. I don’t know why, I just sat there and smiled like a freak to my phone. I looked at the clock on my bedside table, and realised I’d been grinning like that for about 3 minutes.

I shook my head and stood up, got dressed and then read the other text.

[Hanley, are we hanging out after school again with Jack and Zack? I could use some form of excuse to get away from my mum:/]

Now, for some reason, I felt selfish yet jealous about Ella and Jack. I mean, nothing happened yet, but I just felt like Ella was ruining what we had. Of course she wasn’t, and I still loved having her as a friend, but I just wanted it to be Jack and me.

I replied after a trail off thought, recognising that it wasn’t fair on her if I had him all to myself. Besides, Zack was kind of cute.

[Yeah, walk with me after school, and we’ll go to his:)!]

I was finally the end of the day, and we started walking home. Ella included Jack in almost every sentence. ‘I wonder if Jack likes me’. ‘Can you ask Jack if he thinks I’m cute?’ ‘Should I ask for his number?’ These questions were stalking me all day, and eventually I got sick of it. “Ella, what do you think of Zack?” I blurted out, right in the middle of her rant about Jack’s amazing hair. “Erm, he’s okay, why?” She looked at me like I’d shot a gun in the air. “Oh, nothing, I was just thinking that he was cute, and I wanted your opinion. Don’t you think he looks really strong?’

I dragged on the conversation about Zack until we’d got outside Jack’s house. “So this is where he lives…. Awesome!” She smiled. I knocked on the door, and saw a tall figure in the frosted glass door. He opened the door. “Hello! Welcome to my lair, mwahahaha!” He put on some weird voice, and Ella emphasized her laugh.

We went into his lounge, and I had a sudden thought. ‘What if Zack’s not here to talk to? I’ll be stuck awkwardly in the middle of them!’ I panicked, until I saw Zack run down the stairs. “Oh, Hi Hanley, hi Ella.” He smiled as I went and hugged him. I felt a rush of relief as he sat on the white sofa next to me, as Jack flicked on his TV.

We’d sat together for awhile, before I decided I could take no more of this display of Jack and Ella’s conversation. I mean, I was having a great time with Zack, but I was jealous of Ella having the freedom of not screwing up a friendship to be in a relationship. “I’m gonna go now, I have physics homework to do. You coming Zack or would you rather stay here?” I smiled at him. He stood up and yawned. “Yeah, I’m gonna go too. See you guys!” jack didn’t hug me this time, just smiled and waved. Neither did Ella, she just waved. “Bye!” I said, and I closed the door.

----------------------------------------From Ella’s point of view---------------------------------

I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. I was sat with the cutest guy I knew, alone in his house, and he seemed to like me. I just hoped it was more than a friend.

As the show that we’d been pretending to watch finished, we both reached the remote for the same time, our hands accidentally connecting. I felt a spark, and he looked at me, melting me with his chocolate brown eyes. I wanted to stay like this. And funnily enough, neither of us snatched our hands back.

He grabbed the remote after about 30 seconds of staring in silence, and turned the television off completely. “I hate that show.” He said. I didn’t have the effort to giggle. I tried, but I was lost in his eyes. He flicked his eyes from my eyes to my lips, and I could see where this was leading.

I looked down, and his fingers were still threaded through mine, and I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks. He started combing my side fringe with his hands, all the time, his eyes never leaving my eyes, a small smile on his face.

I edged closer, wanting to see more of his eyes. There was something powerful about them, the fact they glistened in the lighting. It was then, he made a move, his lips planted on me, his arms gripped around my waist.

We sat on his sofa, lips locked together, for a short while. It might have been a minute or two. Then, he wrapped his arms around me, and I nuzzled my head into his warm chest.

“That was surprising!” I whispered, my head on his shoulder. “I just wanted you to know how truly person you are. I’ve never met anyone like you, and I never want to let someone like you go.” I could feel my cheeks burning again, and his arms tightly around me, I never wanted to leave.

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