chapter 72

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-Jack’s point of view-

I woke up and saw Hanley’s tear stained face. I couldn’t believe Alex had done this, surely he knew how his actions would dramatically affect Hanley and Max? I sighed to myself as I realized how harsh I was being, I’d completely forgotten how Alex had once been my best friend. I felt tears forming in my eyes, but I couldn’t cry. I had to be strong. I wondered what would happen next. Would Hanley be ok? Despite the fact she’s with me I knew how much she loved Alex. How long would she grieve over him? As if it hadn’t already been hard enough, these past couple of years. I lied in bed for ages, waiting for a noise. Things were never going to be the same again. And that was that.

Normally around now I’d hear the sound of Max running to the bedroom, maybe he was still asleep, or maybe he couldn’t find the will to get out of bed? Hanley was still asleep; I’m guessing she didn’t get much sleep last night. I don’t know how long it was till Hanley finally made movement. She shuffled slightly and her eyes slowly opened. “Alex?” I felt my heart skip a beat and a sudden shock of anger run through my veins. “No” I tried to say softly. She rolled her eyes and she heard the anger in my voice. “No, I mean, Alex, is he...” her voice got quieter and quieter. I nodded slowly. She sniffed whilst closing her eyes tightly. I put wiped away the tears that were falling down her face. “It’ll be ok, I promise, I’ll make it all ok” I was surprised at how confident I sounded when I said that, when really I had the biggest of doubts. She rolled over and cried to herself for a while. I didn’t know what to say, or do. Nothing could make this situation any better.

Eventually she turned back around. “I’m sorry” she croaked as gently placed her hand in mine. “Don’t apologize” I laughed nervously. “I should be apologizing” she looked at me, confused. “The way I acted yesterday, about Alex kidnapping Max, however likely it felt to me, it was totally wrong of me, I forget that Alex isn’t all bad. I overreacted hugely, and I’m sorry. But you should know, you and Max mean the world to me, and if anything were to happen to you” there was a catch in my voice as I held back my tears. “I don’t, I don’t know what” I stuttered. “Jack, don’t” she squeezed my hand. “I understand” she leant over and kissed me softly, before turning back over and falling asleep again.

I sat up and breathed deeply trying to calm myself down. Then I heard Max’s sniffles. I got out of bed and walked into his room. He wasn’t even awake. Just crying. I didn’t want to wake him, but he look so distressed. “Dad, Dad no!” I ran over and shook his arm. “Max, wake up!” Max immediately opened his eyes. “You, you killed him, Alex is dead, you murdered him!” Max tried to run but I sat him down and looked at him. “Max, I would never do anything to hurt Alex, it was just a dream” Max was panting. I looked down at his pillow, it was drenched. I hugged him, and he hugged me back.

With Alex gone, I felt like a piece of my life had been smashed. Of course I would miss Alex, a lot, but it was more the fact that Max and Hanley would never be the same. I’d never be enough for them. Alex was a friend, maybe not me, but definitely to them.

-2 weeks later-

-Hanley’s point of view-

It’d been 2 weeks since the incident. Everything was quiet, and calm. Like a desperate silence. Although it was silent, there was a horrible scream in my head, It was my own scream, screaming out to Alex, but he would never reply. Jack, Max and I were sat in the living room, the TV was on, but Max wasn’t watching. Jack was staring at me, and I was staring at the floor. There was a knock at the door. I looked at Jack, his eyes locked with mine. He looked away and got up to answer the door. I heard the door open, then a few mumbles, then the door closed and Jack returned with an envelope in his hand.

“Who was that?” “Alex’s mum” Hanley jolted forwards slightly. “Max go upstairs sweetie” Max didn’t argue back at all, he moved quickly and quietly, no hesitation, like life had lost all meaning. “What did she want?” Jack stared down at the envelope as he spoke. “She was debating, with her husband, whether or not give us this” he raised the envelope. “She apologized for the short notice” He handed over the envelope. I opened it. Inside were details for Alex’s funeral. “Will you go?” I asked, not wanting to know the answer I knew Jack longed to say. He paused. “Sure” he gave a small, weak smile.

The funeral was 2 days from now. “Mum” Max had been stood in the doorway this whole time. “Max, what did I tell you?” “Sorry” he lowered his head and turned to leave. “No wait, come in” Max sat down next to me. “We’re going to Alex’s funeral soon; we’ll need to find you something nice to wear” Max moved his head slightly in agreement.

-Max’s point of view-

“Ok but” I reached into my pocket; I’d forgotten to give her the letter before. “No buts just get your butt upstairs ok” she smiled. I decided now probably wasn’t the right time. But I didn’t know when would be either. I sat on my bed upstairs, holding the letter in my hand. I really wanted to open it, but when I gave it her she’d know as the envelope would be open. And I think Alex would have wanted her to be the first to read it.

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