chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

Unbearable seconds of silence went past before I decided to break it. ‘This is Zack, Alex.’ I looked at him in hope that my eyes told him not to do anything stupid. ‘Oh’ he backed away slightly; I think he got the message.

‘Well, why are you with him?’ Zack was speaking through his teeth glaring at Alex, obviously getting the wrong idea. ‘He’s just an old friend Zack!’ he flicked his eyes to me then back to Alex.

‘That doesn’t answer my question!’ he spoke slow and quiet, with a hint of anger. ‘I needed a friend, and I couldn’t see you, Jack or Ella exactly could i?’ Zack dropped his eyes to the floor, admitting defeat.

‘Hanley, can I have a private word with you?’ he smiled awkwardly. ‘Sure’ I replied as he turned and I followed. Suddenly I was stopped by Alex grabbing my hand ‘Wait!’ I looked back. ‘What?’ ‘N-nothing, never mind’ he sighed.

Confused, I shook my head and continued to follow Zack as Alex released my hand.

----Ella’s point of view----

‘I reckon we go to Hanley’s, see how things are going?’ I glanced up at Jack, who had his hand in mine as we walked down the street wondering where to go or what to do. ‘Yeah okay’ he smiled down at me.

Whilst walking there out of boredom, I suppose, he began to swing my arm back and forth with his hand still in mine. I laughed at him, the cutie. I swear he almost started to skip as well.

Nearly at Hanley’s we passed the park to see Zack and Hanley talking. There was also another guy there stood awkwardly as though he was waiting for one of them. ‘Jack’ I stopped and in the process yanked at his arm by accident.

‘Ah’ he squealed. I put my other hand over my mouth to contain my laughter, if I was totally honest it was the cutest noise I’ve ever heard come out of him.

‘What?’ he smiled as he walked back to my side. ‘Nothing’ I chuckled ‘But look’ I pointed over at the 3. ‘Oh hey, Zack and Hanley are talking, that’s good right?’

‘I guess, but who’s the other guy?’ Jack squinted slightly. ‘I think… wait a sec!’ his eyes opened in shock. ‘It’s Alex!’ I pulled a face of confusion. ‘Who’s Alex?’ ‘An old friend, I think he met Hanley once or twice, I don’t get what he’s doing with her, except…’ he paused to think. ‘What?’ I shook on his arm. ‘Well….’

(1 year ago)

----Jack’s point of view-----

‘Hey Alex, what’s up man?’ i sat next to him on the wall outside his house. ‘Jack’ he smiled ‘I need to run something by you’ he lowered his head. ‘Sure, what?’  ‘I, kind of like, like your friend, Hanley’ he looked back up at me.

‘Oh’ I said, finishing the sentence with a smile. I hoped he thought I was happy for him, when really I felt sick to my stomach about the whole thing. ‘Yeah and I was hoping you could like, ask her how she felt about me, I don’t wanna say anything in case she doesn’t feel the same way, you know?’ ‘Yeah, sure, sure’ I nodded. All the while I was thinking, this is not happening, not now not ever. ‘Great! Thanks Jack’ he smiled brightly.

I gave a quick smile before standing up to leave ‘I’ll get back to you later’ I waved. ‘Thanks man, it means a lot to me!’ I didn’t look back. Just continued walking to Hanley’s.

I hesitated before knocking on her door, getting an idea of what I was going to say. After knocking she answered almost instantly. ‘Hey!’ she hugged me. ‘Hiya’ ‘Everything okay?’ she asked closing the door behind me as I walked in. ‘mhm’ I looked down.

‘I need ask you something’ ‘what?’ she looked worried? ‘Well, uhm, how do you feel about Alex?’ her eye’s lit up. ‘Why, did he say something?’ the tone of her voice told me she was interested in this topic.

‘Maybe, so?’ ‘Well, if I’m honest, I kind of like him’ I felt a piece of my heart chip off. Why did they both have to like each other? I thought. ‘So what did he say?’ ‘Oh, he was just, uhm, worried. That you felt the way you do, because he’s not interested.’

‘Oh’ her smiled dropped and her eyes glistened. I hugged her ‘Sorry Hanley’ it’s not your fault, she laughed wiping her eyes.

After a while of cheering her up I walked home and called Alex. ‘Hey man, sorry, she’s not into you like that’ I heard the exact same response from him as I had with Hanley. ‘Oh’ he sounded hurt. ‘Oh well’ he laughed it off. He didn’t seem to want to talk for long, so he hung up soon after that.

I felt kind of awful, but it was too late now.

(Back to present time)

----Ella’s point of view----

‘I can’t believe you did that!’ I let go of his hand. Jack looked down as his hand dropped to his side. ‘I know, I was an idiot, but I don’t know, I guess I was jealous! But I’m not like that now, I have you! I know I should be less protective of her’ he looked in my eyes and grabbed my hand, I felt him shaking.

I smiled trying to calm him down and reduce the shaking. ‘So you think Alex still likes her?’ I looked back into his eyes. ‘Maybe, he wouldn’t shut up about her after that, which is why we stopped talking. I couldn’t live with guilt’

‘Well, this is just great. We were on the verge of getting them back together and there’s another guy after her!’ I looked over at them; Zack and Hanley were still talking. ‘I know’ Jack said quietly pulling me into his arms.

What the hell are we gunna do now? I thought.

my only one (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin