chapter 35

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Chapter 35:

----Hanley’s point of view-----

I woke up in Alex’s arms; he had a big grin on his face. I sighed and a tear fell loose, i couldn’t look at him right now. Even though he had done nothing wrong i just felt bad for what i did, and i felt awful that because of what i did the baby could be jacks.

I couldn’t let Alex think i want to be with him, i wouldn’t want him to get his hopes up. I sighed and shrugged his arms off as i climbed out of bed; he made a small moan and turned over.

I crept downstairs, the clock read 7.45 am. No one was up yet. I sat on the living room couch and put my hands on my head trying to think everything through. But i ended up falling asleep.

----Alex’s point of view-----

I shuddered and woke up to turn over to see Hanley had gone. I wondered if she’d had only just left, or left when i fell asleep because maybe she didn’t want to be near me. It got me thinking, who does Hanley wish the baby’s dad was? The way she was acting it seemed as though she wanted it to be Jack. I winced at the thought, jack being the father of what was supposed to be my child.

I drew my attention back to Hanley. I jumped out of bed and lightly ran down the stairs. She was sleeping soundly on the couch. I didn’t want to disturb her, but i stroked her hair gently. She smiled slightly, it made me feel reassured that she wanted to be with me, but then i frowned as i realized she could be dreaming of Jack.

This whole thing was becoming a competition. Whether jack saw it that way i don’t know. All i knew is I’d do whatever it takes to keep Hanley and the baby with me, biological father or not. Jack shouldn’t even be in the picture.

‘Alex?’ a small voice agitated my thoughts. I looked down at Hanley, she looked as though she was about to cry. ‘Hanley what’s wrong?’ I knelt down on the floor to see her eyes, but they were closed. She was sleeping talking.

‘Alex, I’m so sorry.’ She whimpered. Actual tears began to fall. I wanted to wake her but i was interested to know what she was dreaming about. I waited for her to speak again but she didn’t, so i whispered in her ear ‘Sorry for what?’ and she soon replied ‘its jack’s’ those two words went through me like a dagger. I fell back and tried to remain calm, after all it was just a dream.

‘I have to be with jack, i love him’ i grinded my teeth together, i was about to storm off to jacks and finish him right now. But that was it, settled, over with. She loves jack. Not me. I scurried away and brought myself to my feet, i felt sick to my stomach. It was whirling like a bitch. I don’t know what would happen now, regardless of whose baby it actually is.

----Jack’s point of view----

I couldn’t sleep knowing Alex was with Hanley every second of everyday, probably saying bad things about me, like how I’m not responsible enough to look after a baby. Talking me down so she would choose him. It was nearly 11 am. I had to do something, i wasn’t about to let Alex take this away from me without a fight.  

I threw on some skinnies and a top, tied up my shoe laces and sprinted all the way to Alex’s. I was tired, but the thought of being that much closer to Hanley lit a fire in my soul and kept me going.

---Hanley’s point of view---

I yawned and saw Alex looking scared sat in the corner of the room, his eyes were half closed. ‘Alex?’ i whispered sitting up on the couch. ‘Yeah?’ he mumbled. I paused for a moment, for a man who said he wanted to look after and care for me he didn’t seem very polite. ‘Nothing’ i sighed.

‘Oh’ he lowered his head. I rolled my eyes and stood up. ‘Breakfast?’ ‘No thanks’ he choked. It sounded like he was crying. But right now i couldn’t care less. I’m a 4 months pregnant woman, practically still a kid, who just nearly lost her baby and he’s crying?

I decided to skip breakfast and went straight to my room to get changed. Afterwards i reached the bottom of the stairs; i was on my way to confront Alex of his unhelpful behaviour, when someone started rapidly banging on the door. I jumped in fright but then heard a familiar voice ‘Hanley, open up!’ my eyes lit up as i realized it was Jack.

I ran for the door handle but Alex beat me to it. ‘He’s not coming in!’ i studied his wet cheeks, seemed as though he really was crying earlier on. ‘Why? He’s still a friend to me!’ i exclaimed. Jack was still banging on the door, listening to our conversation. ‘Exactly Alex, Haney’s still mine and you’re not taking her way from me so let me in you dick!’ he was screaming now. ‘No!’ Alex protested.

‘Alex!’ i shouted pushing him out the way. He slammed straight into the wall; i didn’t realize he was so weak. I didn’t have time to help him up; jack had already barged in and wrapped his arms around me. ‘Alex are you okay?’ he managed to stand on his feet and i ducked away from jack as i saw his hand swoop at jacks face.

‘Alex!’ i yelled as jack fell crashing to the floor. ‘Get out of my house!’ he spat ‘I’m here to see Hanley!’ he jumped up and punched him back, but a lot harder. For some reason Alex seemed powerless today. Alex’s feet literally rose from the floor and his head slammed into the wall.

A small amount of blood dripped along wall. I screamed as tears caused my vision to blur.  I jumped in jack’s way before he went to hit him again ‘Stop!’ i shouted and jack held his hand back. I quickly turned to see Alex had already got back on his feet and his arm was in mid-air, he was aiming for jack but I’d already got in the way and Alex’s fist ended up right in my face.

I fell back into jack’s arms and instantly felt blood running from my nose. ‘YOU IDIOT’ jack screamed after lightly putting me down. He ran at Alex and continuously punched him until Alex’s eyes fell. ‘Are you okay?’ jack said stroking my cheek wiping my tears. ‘I...’ i sniffed staring at Alex praying he’d move.

‘C’mon, Alex just attacked you! It’s not safe here!’ i was too weak to reply, i was in hysterics and Jack was picking me up so i didn’t have to walk. ‘Hanley’ Alex croaked. ‘Alex’ i climbed down from jack’s arms and heard him sigh. ‘Alex, are you okay?’ ‘Don’t go!’ he whispered. ‘I didn’t mean to hit you! You know I’d never hurt you!’

I hesitated before answering and Alex’s voice grew with rage ‘You want him don’t you? You’re going to choose him because you love him!’ ‘I never said that’ i interrupted. ‘You did, you were sleeping talking. Just go with him then! If that’s what you really want’ my heart raced, i had no idea Alex had heard what i said. ‘Alex, i didn’t mean it, it was a dream!’ ‘Just go!’ he shouted and I jumped back.

He glared at jack ‘i hope you’re happy’ ‘I will be thanks, and don’t worry, i won’t hurt Hanley’ he hissed picking me up again and carrying me out of the door. I looked back and saw Alex, lying on the floor, blood dripping down his face. He was staring at me, like he hated me, but also like he loved me.

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