chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

(5 months later)

----Hanley’s point of view---

It was coming close to the end of my pregnancy, each day I felt more and more scared. Jack was helping out a lot though; he put a smile on my face when I wasn’t wearing one. He’d been a big help. However, I couldn’t help but think about Alex.

I couldn’t believe I’d left him in such a state. Call me selfish, but I just wanted to be safe and happy. For the sake of the baby though. I’d wanted to call him or see him even many times, but Jack would definitely lecture me for it.

I hadn’t spoken to him in months, I prayed he was okay. I’d forgotten how much he wanted to be with me and the baby, I couldn’t live with myself if he’d gone and done something stupid.

It was nearly 1 am. I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to disturb Jack, so I sat up and thought about all this stuff. That’s something no one should ever do, think about life. Where it’s going, where it’s been. All your mistakes and regrets. It’s what I tend to think about when I can’t sleep. Bad idea.

I softly grabbed my stomach as the baby started kicking again; it’d been doing so for the past couple of weeks now. It was adorable the way Jack would freak when it kicked. I’d laugh and Jack would have his hand on my stomach and jump every time.

I’d gone on off day dreaming again, and then suddenly I felt something. My heart raced as I realized my water had broken! I breathed heavily in panic whilst shaking Jack’s arm until him finally woke up.

‘Jack! My waters broke!’ ‘What?’ Jack moaned propping himself up. ‘MY WATERS BROKE!’ I shouted jumping out of bed. ‘What!?’ he jumped out too. ‘Oh my god. What do we do!?’ he said, his eyes full of fright.

‘Get me to the hospital!’ I said anxiously running out the door. ‘Okay, okay!’ he shouted following me. As we climbed in the car I started to calm down a bit, but by the way Jack couldn’t fasten his seat belt properly due to the fact his hands were shaking like crazy I could see he wasn’t relaxing quite as well.

‘Jack!’ I laughed trying to bring humour into the situation. ‘Calm down!’ Sweat started dripping down his head, but he soon relaxed and managed to fasten his seat belt. After that we were on our way to the hospital.

We were nearly there. ‘Are you okay?’ Jack said whilst I screamed in pain as I got my first contraction. ‘I’ll be fine!’ I shouted. Finally we were there; as we got inside I was placed in a wheel chair and rushed into a room. Jack came too.

----Jack’s point of view----

Everything was happening so fast. Doctors crowded all around us. I held Hanley’s hand; it was horrible watching her suffer like this. I had to close my eyes through most of it; I’m not gunna lie, it’s not a pretty sight... at all.

Many more of Hanley’s screams and a hearing a lot of the words ‘Push!’ and ‘You’re nearly there sweetie!’ later, Hanley was lying back nearly half asleep. ‘Is it over?’ I joked. ‘Jack, if this is your kid, I hate you for this!’ she laughed. I laughed along but I found the ‘if’ part kind of insensitive.

‘That reminds me, call Alex okay?’ she said looking up at me. ‘What? No way!’ I exclaimed. ‘Please Jack; imagine if it was the other way around? You’d want Alex to call you wouldn’t you?’ I sighed. ‘Fine’ and with that I exited the room and pulled out my phone.

I dialled in Alex’s number and waited for him to answer. ‘Hello?’ he answered. He sounded, I don’t know, tired? ‘Hey man, it’s Jack…’ ‘Oh’ he said, you could tell he definitely wasn’t happy to hear my voice. ‘Hanley, wanted me to tell you that she’s just had the baby’ I waited for him to reply, it was at least a minute later when he did. ‘I’ll be right there!’ he said hanging up.

I hung up and sat down outside the room, I didn’t want Alex to arrive. Moments later he was running down the hall towards me. ‘Where is she?’ he said, looking as frightened as I did when I found out her water had broken.

I pointed to the door and Alex ran through.

----Hanley’s point of view-----

I was holding the baby in my arms, it was a boy. Tears of joy were running down my cheeks. Suddenly Alex burst through the door, a smile spread across his face as he saw me.

‘Alex’ I squealed handing the baby over to a doctor. ‘Hanley’ he whispered running up to me. He stopped with his face right in front of mine, then leaned in and planted his lips on mine. I couldn’t help but think what Jack would do if he were here right now. ‘I missed you so much!’ he sobbed.

I began to cry too. ‘I missed you too’ Alex looked over at the baby. ‘It’s a boy’ I smiled. He smiled back, but it soon fell. ‘So, whose is it then?’ ‘You need to take the test’ i looked down at the floor.

‘Okay’ he sighed.

------Jack’s point of view-----

I walked into the room; Alex was by Hanley’s side. ‘Are you ready to take the test now?’ A doctor looked from Alex to me. I nodded, as did Alex. The doctor led me and Alex to a different room. She took samples of our DNA and then led us back to Hanley’s room.

‘So?’ Hanley said eagerly. ‘They’re doing the test now’ Alex said sitting on a chair by Hanley’s bed. I walked over but stayed standing. Hanley began to cry, Alex wiped her tears. It bothered me how close he was getting after not being with her all these months. But for the sake of Hanley I tried not to lash out.

Many minutes later the same doctor walked into the room. ‘We have the results.’ Alex jumped up. My heart rate increased and I felt my palms sweating. I looked down at Hanley, she was biting her lip. It seemed hardest on her, all of this. ‘The biological father is…’ The doctor began when Hanley shouted out ‘WAIT!’ the doctor jumped a little bit.

‘What?’ Alex said looking down at Hanley. I couldn’t move I was so frightened. If my name was said, then I’m going to be a father! It’s literally a life changing answer. ‘Alex, Jack, would you mind leaving the room?’ ‘What, why!?’ Alex choked. ‘Please, I wanna hear the results first’ ‘But…’ ‘C’mon Alex, let’s go’ I interrupted. I don’t know why but I was trying to prevent myself from hearing the answer, I guess I was scared. Scared that, if it was me I’d be a father, but also scared that if it wasn’t me, I’d lose Hanley.

I began to walk out the room and Alex followed me. ‘What is the matter with you!?’ Alex shouted as he closed the door behind us. ‘Dude, I think it’s best we do what Hanley wants, after all she’s been through’ I said sitting down. ‘Fine’ Alex sighed admitting I was right immediately. A sickly horrible feeling ran through my stomach, and there was no doubt it was running through Alex’s stomach too. We sat patiently, waiting for the results.

------Hanley’s point of view-----

I managed to stop crying and looked at the doctor; she was waiting for me to calm down. Eventually I did and wiped away my tears. ‘Okay, I’m ready’ I breathed. ‘Are you sure?’ the doctor said, she walked over and sat on the chair. ‘You don’t have to do this you know?’ she looked at me. ‘No, I do. It wouldn’t be fair on Alex and Jack’ ‘Okay’ she said looking down at her board. ‘The father is…’ she paused and I paced myself, ready for the answer. 

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