chapter 22

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Chapter 22

------Hanley’s point of view-----

I was propped up against Zack, who had his legs stretched out on the grass. My head rested on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around me. Ella was cross legged in front of us wearing a grin. I smiled at her. For a moment I forgot I was in Zack’s arms and started thinking about Jack, but I couldn’t do that! Everything was perfect right now, or it would be if Jack was here for Ella.

I began to wonder what Jack and Alex were up to; my smile slowly disappeared as I went into deep thought. Moments later I felt Zack shaking me slightly ‘Hanley?’ he noticed my serious expression. ‘What’s wrong?’ I leant off him as he turned and sat in front of me, almost blocking out Ella.

‘Nothing’ I smiled. ‘I was just thinking about Alex, something’s up with him’ ‘Oh’ he replied under his breath looking away. I lowered my head; I knew Zack hated it when I thought about other guys.

I heard Ella gasp with joy and looked up at her running into Jack’s arms though he was all the way on the other side of the park. He pulled her in for a hug and they stood there for some time, talking, kissing, staring into each other’s eyes, like real romantics.

‘Guess you could ask Jack, if they make it over here before it’s time to go home’ he laughed and sat back where he was before, with his arm around me. I laughed back ‘Yeah’. Shortly after that Ella and Jack made there way over hand in hand, Ella was smiling brightly. Jack was smiling too, but more subtle than hers, rather like a worried smile.

I knew something was up instantly. They sat down directly in front of us. Jack went down first and dragged her on top of him before she could decide where she was going to sit. Eventually she sat up on his knee, hands around his neck and his hands around her waist. I still longed for that to be me in her place, but I had Zack. I looked at him and he smiled. I smiled back and cuddled up closer to him.

----Jack’s point of view----

I could tell Hanley knew something was up, but she didn’t have to know, not yet anyway. Maybe I could convince Alex not to say anything, for now I just had to act like nothing was wrong.

‘Alex go home then?’ Hanley spoke. ‘Yeah’ I coughed. ‘Oh’ she pulled a face, she definitely knew something isn’t right. ‘Is everything ok?’ I nodded silently, there was no point trying to hide it anymore. She’d probably ask later, when we were alone.

I flipped out my phone to see if Alex had texted or called or anything. But there was nothing new. Only the time, 4.02pm. I sighed and put my phone away. Suddenly I heard a phone buzzing, I snatched my phone from my pocket again, but there were no new messages. I looked back up and saw Hanley reaching for her phone.

The broken screen lit up, and I knew instantly that she was the one with the message. I wondered who it could be, and one name flashed in my mind; Alex Gaskarth. Without thinking, I shoved Ella off my knee and leaped for the phone, I couldn’t let her read the message.

Snatching the phone from Hanley’s grasp, I saw her face, shocked as hell. “Jack, what the hell? Give it back!” I heard Hanley charge after me, desperate for the phone.  I looked back, to see that I’d accidently shoved Ella into Zack. I also saw Hanley’s face, and she looked like the text was supposedly something important.

I ran far away from Zack and Ella, to the other end of the park, and Hanley was still chasing me. “Jack, for fuck’s sake! Stop being such a brat and give it back!” She seemed so aggressive, and I knew that she was no longer seeing it as a joke.

“Jack, I’m serious, I need it! This isn’t funny anymore!” she panted, sounding tired. She sat on the grass and sulked, waiting for me to get tired myself. I was close to sitting next to her, but I couldn’t let her read about Alex’s true feelings. She’s loose all respect for me, and she’d never trust me, her best friend, again.

While running, I opened the text, but only to have it snatched from my grasp. “No!” I shouted, accidently letting my mouth talk my mind. “Jack, what the fuck? It’s a text from my mum, why did you do that?” I felt so relieved for a small second, before realising there was limited time before she found out the shameful truth.

“It-, err, was a joke?” I could feel the uncertainty of my excuse slip out in my tone. “Jack, we’ve been friends for a long time. I know when something is wrong. Now what the hell is going on?” She looked at me, and I didn’t know what to do.

I felt my heart beat faster the more silence slipped passed me. “Jack?” She placed a hand softly on the direct area where Alex had punched me, and she saw me wince in pain. “Jack, what happened between you and Alex? And don’t lie to me.” She spoke loud and clear, but it didn’t register in my mind.

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