chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

I stood waiting impatiently to know what was going on. I had a basic idea, but I was hoping I was wrong. Jack’s eyes would always avoid mine, as he tried to get his words out. ‘Jack’ I spoke softly, my voice croaked slightly as tears began to form in my eyes.

‘You and Hanley didn’t…’ I trailed off. ‘No’ Jack responded quickly. I sighed in relief, but Jack cut it off ‘But’ for a moment the worrying pains in my body had gone, but of course returned quickly after hearing Jack say but.

‘We nearly did’ he looked down. I felt a horrible aching pain in my heart. I felt like dying, literally. I felt so many emotions right now, mostly upset and disappointment.

There was silence. I didn’t know what to say, or do. I stared at Jack, he didn’t speak or move. I bit my tongue, trying to hold back words I might regret. After too many of awkward minutes passed I inhaled and exhaled deeply, before turning around to leave.

I slowly turned when I felt Jack grab my arm. I looked back at him, a single tear streaming down his face. ‘I’m sorry’ His voice was running through me, pulling on my heart strings.

I was so angry, but I just wanted to fall into his arms. He let go of my arm and it dropped to my side. I wiped my eyes before the tears started to fall. ‘Why did you do it?’ I spoke quietly but he heard me. ‘I don’t know, it just happened. Nearly happened!’ he added.

‘Okay, were you not thinking of me?’ there was rage in my voice. ‘I wasn’t thinking at all’ he sighed. I turned fully round so my body was facing him. ‘Can we please forget about it?’ Jack looked hopeful. ‘I don’t know, I need to go’ Jack turned around and put his head down and his hands to his face. I didn’t move.

He turned back ‘Fine, but Ella there’s something you should know’ I stared at him. ‘Whatever happened between me and Hanley, I don’t know what did but, I wasn’t thinking like I said, and, I love you.’ I froze. A continuous line of thoughts ran through my head.

This was it. I felt like bursting into tears and running at him and jumping into his arms and shout at him I love you too. But an invisible wall of anger was stopping me. Jack gazed into my eyes, waiting for a reply.

A tear started to stroll down my face ‘I h-have to g-go’ my voice stuttered. I quickly turned and walked away rapidly. ‘Ella!’ he shouted, I wanted to turn around, but I kept walking.

----Jack’s point of view----

I started to run after her, but stopped. I knew that me trying to talk to her would just make her cry more. And I didn’t want to see that. I’ve fucked up, with the girl I love, and I’m not gunna try and convince her to forgive a jerk like me.

I went back inside and up to my room. My phone in my hands. The name ‘Ella <3’ on the screen. I wanted to call her so badly. But I couldn’t find the courage to do it. I wanted to know what she was thinking, about Hanley, about me, about us.

----Ella’s point of view----

I ran all the way home. All the while my tears blurring my vision. I fell onto my bed and didn’t stop crying for at least an hour. The worst part was, it was Hanley. My closest friend has betrayed me and didn’t even care to tell me.

Some how I got it into my head it was all her fault. All my feelings had now converted into anger and hate. I snatched my phone form my pocket and pushed the buttons typing her number.


I could feel my blood beginning to boil.

‘I can’t believe you!’ I shouted down the phone.

‘Ella please let me explain’ she sounded hysterical.

‘Jack already did!’ I interrupted. ‘I thought you were my friend! Well I guess I’ll blame my judgement, now I know you’re not only a bitch but a whore as well! What would Zack say?’ I paused, I suppose waiting for a reply.

But I was actually thinking of something. It was mean, but hey, I wouldn’t have do it if she hadn’t have done that.

I hung up the phone, it sounded as though she was just about speak.

I didn’t stop to think about what I was doing, right now I just wanted someone to feel as hurt as I did. I dialled a different number, eager to go ahead with my plan.

‘Hello?’ I heard on the other end of the phone line.

‘Hey, Zack’ 

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