chapter 48

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Chapter 48:

’Sure man, what’s up?’ Alex still had a smile on his face. ’Uhm....’ Zack looked at me and I shook my head, begging him not to say anything. Zack looked back at Alex ’Maybe Hanley should tell you?’ I felt my heart pound as Alex pulled a worried expression. ‘What’s going on?’ he removed his arms from my waist.

I sighed and tried to come up with an excuse, but I couldn’t think fast enough. ‘Hanley and I kissed’ Zack spoke. I froze. There was nothing I could say or do, only hope for Alex to not believe him. ‘What?’ he laughed. I stayed still. ‘It’s true’ Zack sighed. ‘Zack, I realize you may still have feelings for Hanley but I know Hanley, she wouldn’t, would you?’ Alex looked back at me. I looked at Zack who knew I was about to deny everything. I shook my head slowly and Alex smiled.

‘Zack, maybe you should leave?’ Alex said, his smile slowly left his face. ‘What?!’ Zack exclaimed staring at Alex. ‘Hanley! Tell him, you kissed me and I know you can’t live with the guilt for long!’ Zack struggled as Alex tried to push him out the door. ‘Zack..’ I whispered trying to hold back the tears forming in my eyes. ‘There was no kiss ok, now please leave!’ Alex shouted.

Zack continued pushing Alex out the way trying to get to me. ‘I’m going for some air!’ I shouted over Zack and Alex. They both ignored me and I went out the back, listening to the sound of them arguing. I climbed in the car and decided it’d be best to go get max. If Alex did eventually find out about me and Zack then me and Max would probably have to live somewhere else or something.

I drove to Alex’s parent’s house and saw Max asleep on the couch as I approached the front door. I knocked lightly and Isobel answered  ‘Hey, I need to take Max home’ ‘Oh?’ Isobel let me through. ‘Yeah, something’s popped up, I’m really sorry!’ I picked max up in my arms and made my out. ‘It’s fine’ she smiled closing the door behind me.

Half way home Max woke up.  ‘Hey Maxie’ I smiled. ‘Mummy? What’s going on?’ he rubbed his eyes. ‘You’re going home now’ ‘Oh’ he yawned. I arrived home and saw Alex and Zack talking still by the front door. I felt my heart beat racing again as I picked max up and walked to the front door.

Zack let me through and Alex took Max off my hands. ‘Hanley, please tell him!’ Zack pleaded. I ignored him and sat in the living room continuing to listen to there arguing. ‘Look, I’m not gunna tell you again Zack, You and Hanley didn’t kiss and that’s the end of it!’ I heard Max wake up and mumble something.

‘What?’ Alex suddenly sounded scared. ‘Hah, I told you!’ Zack shouted. I ran up to them and asked what was going on. ‘You did kiss him mummy!’ my hands began to shake ‘N-no I never’ I stuttered. ‘Don’t lie! You’re not aloud to lie!’ Max was beginning to get cross with me now too.

‘Hanley’ Alex said with anger in his voice. ‘Did it happen or not?’ I avoided eye contact with Alex and looked at Zack who had a worried look on his face. His eyes shimmered as though he was about to cry. I suppose I couldn’t keep this on hold forever. I nodded slowly with my head down. ‘See’ Zack said. I didn’t look up, I was too scared to see what Alex looked like right now. Suddenly I saw Max’s feet being placed on the ground. Then the sound of Alex running up the stairs.

I held my hands to my face and the tears came flowing out. Zack put his arms around me and I was in such hysterics I couldn’t shake them off. I didn’t know where Max was or what he thought was happening but that was the last thing on my mind. It was completely over; Alex had given me enough chances so I seriously doubt he would give me another. All these negative thoughts streamed through my mind. 

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