Chapter 55

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Chapter 55:

-From Hanley’s point of view-

Alex hadn’t spoken for awhile now, so I sighed, sitting down on the sofa, running my hands through my hair. He was still stood looking at the wall, deep in thought. It wasn’t long before Max came running down the stairs. “Mummy!” he shrieked, and I stood up fast, and Alex turned to look at us too.

“Yes Maxie?” I asked, as he grabbed my hand. “Uncle Jack found something! Come and look!” I really wasn’t in the mood for Max’s games right now, but I decided to follow anyway. Alex trailed behind, a curious look on his face. “What is it Max?” I laughed as we ran up the stairs frantically.

We burst through the door and saw Jack was sat on the ground staring at something was in his hand. “Jack what’s up?” I smiled, and sat down on the ground next to him, until I saw what was actually in his hand. It was the engagement ring Alex had given to me.

I felt myself shake with panic, as both Jack and Alex looked. I think Alex realised what it was eventually, because I heard him gasp quietly. “Hanley… Please tell me you didn’t…” Jack whimpered, still holding the silver ring in his hand.

I didn’t speak, but just replied with a slight nod. Jack looked away, like he was trying to hide his tears. “Y-you kept it?!” Alex exclaimed, sounding surprised. “Yeah.” I tried to smile, but more tears fell. I’d hidden the ring to remind me of what an idiot I was, ruining what I could of had with Alex. Now, Jack had found it and probably felt like I was excluding him from my life, or something stupid like that.

Jack looked at us both, and looked back at Max, who was playing with his toy train, completely ignoring us. I wondered what was going through his head right now. “Why did you keep it?” Alex asked, sounding as surprised as before. “Because I didn’t want to let you go, not properly. Keeping that ring was the closest thing I had to you.” Jack placed the ring in my hand, and with eyes streaming, stormed into the bathroom.

“Hanley, I need that ring back.” Alex sighed, looking away from me. “W-what? Why?” I panicked, gripping the ring tightly as more tears dripped down my cheeks. “Because we can never be together again. It’s for the best.” He sighed, wiping the fresh tears that had rolled down his cheeks. He held his hand out, and as I dropped the ring into his hand, I couldn’t help but go into full hysterics. Alex stuck his hand in his pocket as he left.

I heard the front door slam, and I put my head into my hands. I felt Max’s arms around me, and I looked up and tried to smile at my 6 year old son. He was smiling back at me, and I gave him a proper hug. He smiled once again before returning back to his train.

Jack walked out the bathroom, and looked at me. I felt like he was about to lecture me about how the ring ordeal had upset him, but instead, I felt him wrap his arms around me as I continued to cry. I put my head on his shoulder and let my tears escape quietly. “Don’t bother about him Hanley. You’ll always have me.” He whispered into my ears, and I admit that felt comforting.

“I’ll stand by you, I promise. Besides, at least Max has his real father!” He smiled. That was a little insensitive of him to mention, but I smiled back either way. “Thank you, Jack.” I smiled slightly, and let go of his hug. I looked at the time, and looked back over to Max, who was still playing with his plastic train. “Max, its way past your bedtime!” I yawned, feeling tired. “I think it’s time we all went to bed.” Jack yawned, standing up. “Okay Uncle Jack.” Max skipped behind him, as Jack went to help him get settled into his bed.

I got my pyjamas on, and slipped under the duvet in my bed, falling asleep straight away.   

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