chapter 69

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Chapter 69:

I held my breath as Hanley’s smile slowly disappeared as Jack spoke. I wasn’t sure whether Jack had said something to upset her because his irritating voice was only a mumble to me, but Hanley’s beautiful smile was decreasing all the same. “…okay. Listen, I’m going to have to ring you back” she murmured, a tear rolling down her cheek. She hung up, and set the phone down on the table again in silence.

“What did HE want?” I asked, a little more insensitively than I’d meant to be. “I, I, Er.” She stuttered, wiping the reoccurring tears. I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her, laying my head on her shoulder. I didn’t want to let go, ever. 

“C’mon, you, me and Max. We can leave the country or something, I don’t know. Let’s just get out of here, please?” I tried to kiss her cheek, but she moved away, and took a few steps out of my grasp. “Alex, I’d love to do that, I really, really would. But I can’t do that to Jack. I’m sorry.” I broke down in tears, and so did she. “Please please please please please” I begged, grabbing her hand and crying like a child. 

“I’m so sorry Alex, I know I’ve said this before, but I mean it, I am so sorry for everything, I’ve been such a bitch and a stupid whore, and I should have just left you alone, but I-“ I pressed my lips upon hers, so fiercely that if I didn’t have her in my arms she would have fallen over. I wanted this kiss to change her mind; I wanted her to say that she’d follow her heart instead of what her brain was saying. 

Her body eased up later, but eventually pushed me away gently. “Alex, don’t do this to me. Don’t do this to yourself. I want you to know that this is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” She cried, tears drowning her cheeks. She looked so perfect, and I felt like dying. “Okay.” I whispered, and limped towards the door.

“Alex” Hanley murmured, and I stopped. “Yeah?” I turned and smiled at her slightly, hoping she’d changed her mind. “Take care, please.” She kissed my cheek one last time, her tears dripping onto my shoulder. I didn’t understand, if this really was the hardest thing she’d had to do, why was she doing it? I grunted anyway, tears still staining my cheeks.

I continued to walk out the door, and saw Ella was asleep on the couch. I glanced at the clock; it was almost half past four in the morning. I wasn’t tired, but my heart was definitely broken. I walked out the door, and before shutting it, I looked at Hanley one last time, who was stood in the kitchen door frame. “Goodbye, Hanley.” I whispered, and shut the door behind me.

---Hanley’s point of view---

Alex didn’t leave straight away, presumably so that I had time to change my mind and leave with him. I really did want to go, but I couldn’t ever hurt Jack like that. I may have hurt Alex terribly, but Jack was, I don’t know, different. Alex could handle the pain much better than Jack could. 

Eventually, when I finally heard Alex tires screech and his engine getting further away, I gasped for air, letting more tears out uncontrollably. I tried to mute the noise I was making because of Ella’s tired looking body which had collapsed on the sofa, but it proved almost impossible.

After about twenty minutes of pure agony, I wiped my face dry with a paper towel and sat at the kitchen table and tried to calm myself down. Whether Jack was awake or not, I needed to hear his voice. He might be able to calm me down, I thought, as I pressed the dial button on my phone. 

“Hanley!” Jack’s voice gaped with relief, and I smiled, although tears continued to flow down my cheek. “Hanley?” He asked again, as I hadn’t answered him the first time. “Jack” I said breathlessly, unable to talk properly. “Why are you still awake?” I asked, giggling to myself at how cute he sounded. “Like I’m going to fall asleep, I was waiting for you to call back!” He laughed. “Jack, I’m coming home.” I smiled, and I heard him almost yell ‘YES’ in the background. “Oh shit, I just woke Max up. Go back to sleep Maxie.” I was grinning to myself for the first time in a long time. 

“Do you want me to pick you up now, or?” he asked, and I was tempted to say yes, but looked back at the clock. “Jack, it’s almost five fifteen in the morning, I think you’ll be too tired to drive right now!” I laughed, still whispering. “I’d do anything to see you right now, please?” He begged. “Erm, alright then?” I laughed, standing up and beginning to collect my things. “What about Max?” I laughed again, looking forward to seeing Jack’s face again. “I’ll have to carry him into the car. We’ll be at Ella’s in about 20 minutes, what’s her address?” I told him the details and he hung up.

I collected everything that I’d brought to Ella’s house, and left a small post-it note on the kitchen table:

‘Thank you for everything Ella, I’m sorry for leaving in such a rush! Feel free to stop by sometime, or text me, you have my details. Hanley x’ It wasn’t long before I heard a beep outside the house, and I quickly left Ella’s house before that horrid neighbour of hers appeared again.

I stood on the doorstep for a split second, staring at the man who should have been my husband. I didn’t hesitate running into Jack’s arms again after that, and as I reached him our lips connected. It felt magical. 

Max was falling asleep in the back of the car, so we returned to the house. After Jack had put Max in bed, I collapsed into his arms outside our bedroom, bursting into tears. He didn’t ask any questions, just held me and stroked my hair, telling me everything would be alright. I hoped he was right.

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