chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

----Jack's point of view----

Seeing Alex again made the guilt flush right back into my system, seeing the look of happiness that he was talking to Hanley again. "Let's just walk over there, I'm sure it'll be fine, we can help Zack and Hanley get back together!" Ella whispered, dragging me along. I walked slower, hoping Alex wouldn't recognise me. I was wrong.

I looked up and he looked at me, his face full of surprise. "Jack?!" I heard him exclaim. I tried to ignore him, but he came running over. "Jack! Not seen you in ages! How come?" Ella looked at me while I tried to think up an excuse. "I was, er, busy." I muttered, trying to smile at him. I wished I hadn't been so protective over Hanley. This wouldn't have happened, none of it.

I looked over to Zack and Hanley; they were still talking, but it looked like they were getting along and not arguing. After me, Ella and Alex sat and talked for about half an hour, I looked over at Zack and Hanley again, to see that they were no longer talking, but were happily stood there kissing.

I nudged Ella, and she smiled. Alex caught on and looked, but he had the opposite reaction to Ella; I saw tears form in his eyes. "Hey, are you just gonna stand there all day and ignore us?" Ella shouted, and waved at them. They walked over, hand in hand, but Zack seemed a little protective over her. It reminded me of what I was like around Alex.

Alex stayed quiet for about 5 minutes, before standing up and turning around. Me and Hanley both got up at the same time and ran towards him to see what was up. I knew what was up, I just couldn't say.

"Alex? Where are you going?" Hanley laughed. "Oh... I need to get somewhere." he muttered, looking at the floor. "What? You never mentioned it before! Do you want me and Zack to walk with you?" she asked, and I watched as Alex's face winced at Zack's name. "No, I'll be perfectly fine on my own." he said quietly, a small sense of anger and pain let out in his voice.

"Hanley!" Zack shouted. I realised then that we'd almost walked out of the park. "Coming, hold on!" she yelled back. "I have to go, bye Alex, meet up soon, yeah?" she said, hugged him tightly. "Yeah, sure..." he murmured, full of uncertainty. Hanley ran off, and I texted Ella to stay with them for a bit.

I may not have spoken to Alex in a while, but he looked like he needed a friend. "What's up Alex?" I placed a hand on his shoulder as he continued to stare at the pavement. "I still like her..." He muttered, and I couldn't help but sigh. "You're just going to have to get over her, Alex. Like she got over you."

I didn't stop myself in time, and as soon as I finished, Alex's head snapped up to look at me. "What? Get over me?" he sounded hopeful, defying the object of the sentence. I was going to have to tell him. "Alex... You know when I said that she didn't like you?" I was the one looking at the ground now. "Yeah...?" "that may not have been completely true..." I felt so guilty, and it was mere seconds before Alex exploded.

"What? What the hell, man! You were supposed to be my friend! You knew how I felt about her, how much it'd upset me, why did you do that?" the anger in his voice made me jump out of my skin.

I'd never heard him like this before, not even when he'd got in a fight with someone. I wasn't even able to respond before Alex punched me in the jaw. I could only manage to groan in pain, before Alex hit me again.

"Okay! Okay, I deserve that, but just stop Alex. Hitting me isn't going to change anything!" I shouted, but it was pointless. He took the remains of his anger out on a garden wall, punching the rough bricks until his knuckles bled and looked swollen.

We sat on his garden wall, and he looked at the sky. There was a silence, until I felt my phone buzz, a third time. I'd ignored it the first two times, but I decided now was a good time to read it.

[Jack, how's Alex? He didn't look too good, send him my love!x]

Hanley was so sweet when she wanted to be. I nearly fell off the wall when I noticed that Alex had read it from behind. "Hmm." he grunted, before jumping down. "I'm going inside, see you later, 'best friend' " he snarled.

I waited till he'd close the door and I tried to sooth my bruised jaw. "Ow." I muttered, walking back to the park. I hoped Alex would forgive me. Or maybe he'd just tell Hanley, and they'd both hate me. I just wanted everything to be okay again.

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