chapter 70

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Chapter 70:

-Hanley’s point of view-

The next day arrived and I woke up in Jack’s arms. He was still asleep. A wide smile spread across my face, for once in a long time I felt so happy and so safe. Then I remembered Alex. I wondered if he was ok, but I couldn’t dwell on that or else Jack would notice something was wrong, and I couldn’t explain to him how I felt about Alex. Even I was unsure. Jack wriggled slightly and interrupted my thoughts. I looked up and saw his eyes open suddenly, and land on mine. “Morning” he whispered softly but he was beaming a giant smile. He hugged me more tightly and kissed me on the cheek, anyone could easily see how happy he was. 

“Morning” I replied with a slight giggle. He smiled again. “MORNING!” Another voice shouted and I sat up to see Max running into the room. “Good morning” I laughed. Max stood at the end of the bed grinning to himself. “What’s got you so happy?” Jack said sitting up. “Well, now I have my mummy back and my new daddy!” I looked at Jack and smiled, Jack did the exact same. “Yeah, that makes me happy too max” Jack said staring deeply into my eyes. I wanted to lean over and kiss him right then but I didn’t think Max would appreciate the sight.

“Uncle Ja- I mean, daddy, can we get some breakfast now?” Max’s cheeks flushed slightly as Jack smiled weakly at his error. “Sorry” Max smiled awkwardly. “It’s fine, I know it’ll take some getting used to” Jack winked and climbed out of bed. “C’mon, I’ve got some nice cereal Maxie” Jack and Max walked off to the kitchen. I fell back into the bed and started thinking some more. About Alex, about what would happen next, about everything. “Hanley!” Jack called. “Mummy, come on!” Max’s voice followed. “Coming” I replied heaving myself from bed. As you could imagine I was tired after last nights events.

Jack had already started making breakfast for the three of us and Max was frantically looking in his toy box in the other room. “Mummy! Daddy!” Max suddenly shouted. “I’ve lost it, my favourite one and I’ve lost it!” Max was nearly in tears. “What it is?” Jack said as we both came running in. “The red one, the red train for my train set, it was the fastest one and I can’t find it!” Max was crying now. “It’s ok” Jack tried to calm him down. “Where did you last have it?” Max settled down slightly as he began to think, suddenly his eyes widened and he stopped crying. “Do you remember?” Jack said bending down to Max’s eye level. Max slowly nodded and mumbled something.

“Oh” Jack replied and stood back up looking uneasy. “Where it is?” I said, without realizing the concerned tone to my voice. “It’s at, um” Jack paused. “Alex’s house” he rolled his eyes. My heart skipped a beat. My first thoughts were it’s only Alex I’m sure we can get it, but then I thought about the offer Alex had made me that I rejected much earlier this morning. I bit my lip in wonder of what to do.

“I’ll just leave it” Max sighed, more tears running down his face. He was so upset I couldn’t stand and do nothing. “It’s fine Max” I smiled brightly to assure him it was fine. Jack shot his head in my direction and glared at me. “We’ll drive you down there and you can run in and get it ok?” I was talking to Max but all the while I glared back at Jack. “Ok, yay!” Max squealed with delight and ran for his nearly ready breakfast. Jack eyes finally gave in and he gave a small nod.

I smiled and walked with him back to the kitchen. Breakfast couldn’t have gone any quicker, and soon the 3 of us were driving down to Alex’s house. “What if he doesn’t answer me?” Max said nervously as we approached his house. “He will” i said firmly. “But what if he doesn’t” Max whined. “Well, here” I reached for my keys in my pocket, I still had Alex’s. “Do you know where you left the train?” Max nodded. “Ok” I handed him the keys. “Just let yourself in, shout to Alex it’s you and that you’re getting your train, get your train, and leave. Don’t do or say anything else, got it?” he nodded silently. “Good”

“We’re here” Jack mumbled. I took Jack by the hand and he gave a small smile. “Ok Max, try to be quick ok!” “Ok” max said climbing out the car.

-Max’s point of view-

I ran towards the front door and stopped abruptly before turning the key in the keyhole. The door creaked slightly as it opened, and slammed shut again. I walked gradually around the house, it was so quiet. “Alex?” I said quietly, there was something frightening about the silence. “Alex!” I said a bit more loudly. “Maybe he’s not home” I thought. I walked up the stairs, which also creaked, to where I remembered leaving the train.

I smiled as I reached the top of the stairs and found it lying in the corner. I’d been pushing it all around the house the day I left it; it was the best toy train ever. I ran and grabbed it feeling relieved that I could now leave. I held the train in my hands for a moment, the silence however had gone, it was replaced by the sound of more creaking, as though something was swinging back and forth.

Curious, I walked slowly towards the direction of the noise. I stopped in front of a door, knowing the noise was coming from inside the room behind it. “Alex?” I said, my voice shaking. Was someone in there? I shrugged and reached for the door handle. The door, like apparently every other thing in the house, creaked as it opened. With the slight sense of fear running through me, I peered around the door.

My stomach twisted as I saw the source of the creaking, I dropped my toy and didn’t care about the loud bang it made as it hit the floor and pieces of it scattered along the floor. “A-A-Alex?” my voice trembled with terror, as I approached the lifeless body, hanging from a piece of rope around its neck.

-Hanley’s point of view-

“How long does it take?” Jack sighed getting restless. “If he’s not back in five minutes we’ll” “ALEX” I jumped as I heard Max’s voice cry in distraught, I had heard max cry about a lot of things, but never had I heard his cry in such a petrified tone.

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