chapter 24

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Chapter 24

(1 week later)

It was a Saturday morning. I had the whole day ahead of me. Ella had gone for the weekend with her parents and I still wasn’t talking to Alex. Which left Zack and Hanley, it dawned on me they might be spending the day together, but I grabbed my phone and began to text.

[Hey, wanna hang?]

I flicked through my contacts, my finger sliding up and down from Zack and Hanley’s name. In the end I sent it to Hanley, I still wasn’t entirely over her, I kept convincing myself I was, but then I’d see her face. I hoped soon I’d forget about these feelings for her.

Seconds later I received a reply.

[Sorry, with Zack all day! How about come round to mine tonight?(: ]

I sighed. I knew she’d be with him, but a small part of me thought she’d rather hang with me. I threw my phone lightly at the end of my bed, all I could do now was wait until tonight.

10 minutes of lying on my bed and I was already bored, I got up, dressed and grabbed some breakfast. It was only around 11am. I sat at the dining table with a piece of toast, I felt myself dozing off. I had thoughts of going back to bed.

I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing; ‘Hello’ I answered, my voice was just about loud enough for anyone to understand. ‘Jack?’ I immediately recognized Ella’s voice. ‘Ella!’ I perked up ‘What’s up?’ ‘Nothing’ she sighed. ‘Really bored and I miss you’ I chuckled ‘I miss you too’ ‘It’s not funny! What are you up to today then?’ ‘Nothing. Hanley and Zack are spending the day together’ ‘oh, and Alex?’ ‘Haven’t spoken to him for about a week now’ ‘Awh’

I sighed. ‘Come home!’ I broke the silence and heard Ella laughing on the other end ‘Wish I could, there’s nothing to do here, I only called to hear you voice…’ ‘Awwwh’ I interrupted. ‘Haha’ she laughed sarcastically. I smiled, I forgot how much I’d missed her laugh, even her sarcastic ones. ‘I need to be going, call me later?’ I paused for a moment, I didn’t want to hang up ‘Earth to Jack!’ she raised her voice. ‘Yeah, sure, sorry, I just don’t want you to go!’ ‘Sorry I have to, talk to you later, bye!’ ‘Cya’ I hung up and dropped my phone on the table.

I missed Ella, a lot, but right now I felt like being with Hanley. I started thinking about all the memories, the good times, the bad times. The time were we nearly, I stopped my thoughts. I had to stop to thinking of her in that way.

It was now 12pm already. I went over to the cupboard to get a drink, today’s plan was chilling on the couch watching TV. I opened the cupboard door when I remembered there was a pack of Carlsberg cans in the fridge. I grabbed a can and switched the TV on, nothing interesting was on so I watch the first thing that came up. Soon later I finished the can and grabbed another. It wasn’t long before I was drinking can after can, all the while I was still thinking of Hanley.

-----Hanley’s point of view----

‘Bye Zack’ I whispered into his ear as he hugged me tightly after walking me home. ‘Sure you can’t come back to mine?’ he smiled. ‘Nope, sorry’ I winked. ‘It’s only 7pm, please?’ he whined. ‘Aha, I can’t, I’ll see you tomorrow!’ I went to walk away but he didn’t release me from his arms. ‘Promise?’ ‘Yes!’ ‘Good’ he leaned in and pressed his lips on mine for a good few seconds.

He pulled back and smiled at me, I giggled ‘Goodnight’ ‘Night’ he waved as I looked back and closed the front door. I sat down for a minute but soon someone was knocking at my door. I opened and saw Jack half dead holding a bottle of vodka containing some sort a liquid inside.

I pulled a face, ‘Jack’ I said seriously ‘What have you been doing?’ he didn’t say anything, just walked inside. ‘Nothing’ his voice slurred. ‘Want some?’ ‘I’m good thanks’ I said pulling his arm over to the couch before he fell over.

‘Oh c’mon Hanley!’ ‘Maybe later’ ‘Fine’ he said putting the bottle down. There was a moment of silence; Jack sat staring at me, a dopey smile on his face. ‘Jack, why are you like this?’ he shrugged and laughed. I laughed too; a drunken Jack was one of the funniest things I’d ever seen in my life.

‘Have some’ he whispered. ‘No’ I laughed. ‘Have some!’ he grabbed the bottle and sat next to me, though he nearly sat on me. He handed me the bottle, I looked at him. ‘Go on!’ he laughed. I took a few gulps, it didn’t taste that nice, but I didn’t stop for a while. I went to move the bottle from my lips but Jack’s hand pushed it further into my mouth. I moved it out of the way laughing.

‘Hanley’ I looked at him laughing ‘Yeah?’ ‘I love you’ he put his arm around me. ‘I love you too Jack’ I hugged him. I felt a little dizzy. ‘No, I love you, love you like how you used to love me’ I paused then burst out laughing. Throughout everything I didn’t realize I’d still been drinking.

‘I know what you mean, and I love you too’ I didn’t know what I was saying. I felt drowsy but happy, and kind of sick. He pushed himself on top of me and kissed me, I couldn’t have pushed him back if I wanted to.

I closed my eyes and lost all feeling in my body.

I opened my eyes; my head was in excruciating pain. I lent over my bed and threw up a bit. What the hell happened last night?

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