chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

We sat there staring. My eyes were set on Jack, and his were locked into staring at the shirt I was gripping tightly in my hands again. After about twenty minutes, I heard Jack swallow, before he pulled his phone out. I knew instantly what he was about to do; he was about to tell Ella.

I snatched the phone, and Jack’s eyes flicked to me. “Hanley…” He muttered. The news seemed to have shaken him more than me. “Jack.. I remember you said that you loved me. When you were drunk, you said that you loved me like I loved you.” Our eyes were locked, and I don’t think either of us could look away.

“Ella still needs to know…” he sighed, before attempting to grab the phone from me. “Not yet! Please, just, Jack…” I placed my hand on his again, in an attempt to get him to listen. “Jack, no-one has to know. Not yet. Let Alex think it’s his, for now.” 

I remembered Alex’s painful reaction to his child, and shuddered. “Not that he cares anyway.” A tear fell down my cheek, but I shrugged it off. I was trying to stay strong, sort this mess out. “But, what about Zack?” Jack eyes were filled with guilt, and I could tell he was worried. 

“I’ll tell him.. Later.” Jack shook his head and I couldn’t take this anymore. I threw his phone on my bed and sat on the floor, dragging my knees to my face. I couldn’t take all this pressure. The baby inside of me had two possible fathers, neither of which actually dating me. 

It was too late; I’d already slept with two boys that weren’t my boyfriend. This was all very overwhelming. I still couldn’t believe Alex had left me to deal with this on my own, despite his words. Maybe he was scared of Zack? Who know, I just knew from here on out, it was just the baby and me.

I felt Jack grab my hand, and I looked up to see his face quite close up. “Okay, I’ll keep quiet for now. But not for long!” I felt a smile on my face, but I could also feel the guilt rising.

I’d slept with my best friend’s boyfriend, who was also Zack’s best mate. Not to mention that prick Alex. The buzzing of our phones interrupted my thoughts. 

[Hey baby, I was speaking to Ella last night, and we thought me, you, Jack and Ella should go to the skate park today or something? I need to go and practise, but you can talk with Ella and Jack while I’m not with you. I love you :)xxxxxx]

I looked up at Jack, who looked was looking at me. We were going to have to go with them, but I doubted that I’d be able to look at Zack the same as I had done before any of this. I grabbed my jacket, and Jack grabbed his things and we shuffled out the door, and began walking up to the skate park. 

“Jack?” I stopped him before we entered. “Promise you won’t say anything about anything. Not about you and me, me and Alex, and definitely don’t say I’m pregnant. Please?” I looked up at him, and he nodded slightly.

We entered, and I saw Ella sat at the top of a ramp, Zack halfway down on his skateboard. “Hey!” He jumped off the board, and sprinted into a hug, almost knocking me over. “Oh, hey..!” I tried to sound enthusiastic, but it wasn’t working. Jack stood there, but eventually wandered off to where Ella was sat. 

I stood with Zack by the entrance, my arms wrapped around him, my head on his chest. I didn’t want him to let me go, because I thought for a second he knew everything was going to be okay. But then, I remembered he knew nothing. “I’m going to go practise, go join Ella and Jack up there?” he nodded towards them, all the while not letting me out of his arms. 

“Okay, I love you…” I dazed, as he grabbed his board to the other half of the park. I climbed up to the ramp where Jack and Ella were sat, but it wasn’t the usual, warm loved up vibe I felt around them. That feeling was replaced by Jack’s guilt and lack of actions. I could see Ella was trying to get some form of action from him, but he barely hugged her. He just sat watching the skaters, holding Ella’s hand. 

I noticed she was getting fed up of it, she was dying for some attention from him. I tried to focus on the skaters, but all I could think about where my mistakes and regrets. 

-------Jack’s point of view--------

As we were sat on the ramp, I felt my lose grip on Ella’s hand was getting weaker. I was still in disbelief of what I’d said and done at Hanley’s, even if it was under the alcoholic influence. 

“Baby…” she whispered into my ear. “Kiss me? Please, I’m bored…” I tried to return her smile, but I felt like a total liar. “But, then Hanley will be lonely?” I looked over at her, but her hood was up and I couldn’t see her face. Ella sighed and put her head on my shoulder, and I thought I was safe from giving her fake emotions.

“I’m going to rest for a bit, I’m really tired… I’ll have my head phones in, so I won’t hear you.” Hanley weakly smiled, and Ella’s eyes glinted at me. “Okay Hanley, you, erm, have a nice rest..” she smiled at Hanley before she’d lay down.

By the end of the day, I’d only kissed Ella a few times, and they felt more fake and pressurised every time. I couldn’t put up with these lies much more, I felt too guilty. But I’d promised Hanley, so I’d have to sit through them. Besides, I’d get over the fact I’d slept with Hanley soon, I hoped.

------Hanley’s point of view-------

I woke up, and I was in Zack’s arms, feeling warm and safe again. Warm safe and very guilty. I opened my eyes, and Zack smiled at me. “Evening sleepy head!” he smiled. “Hmm? What time is it?” I groaned. I noticed that the skate park was quite busy now, and I felt that it was probably pretty late. “It’s 9:24, you slept like a baby for 5 hours!” he laughed. 

I was still dazed, but I sat with Zack on that ramp for ten minutes or so before I started to feel tired and sick again. “Zack, baby, I feel ill. I’m going to go home and go to sleep.” I kissed his cheek and stood up t leave, but he grabbed my hand. “Wait, I’ll walk you home.” He smiled, and picked up his board.

He walked with his arm around me the whole way home, before standing in my garden, and we kissed for another 5 minutes before I had to go, or I’d have been sick in his mouth. 

“You sure you don’t want me to stay with you? You said your mum is at work till like 1am, I can watch you till then or something?” He looked worried, like I was going to die. “Zack, I’m not a baby! I can look after myself. Night babe” I laughed and kissed his lips one last time, before I entered my house and sat on the sofa.

I’d only just got my pyjamas on when I heard another knock on the door. I thought it would have been Zack checking on me again, like he does. I got up, and when I opened the door, I didn’t know what to feel.

I opened the door, to see Alex standing on the doorstep, with a sorry looking face on him. “Hanley, erm, can I come in?” 

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