chapter 59

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Chapter 59:

(3 days later)

-Hanley’s point of view-

Whilst Max was at school, I sat at the table with Jack, planning parts of the wedding. Jack was adorable when it came to planning. He was looking forward to it, like Max when it comes to Christmas. We’d already chosen the venue, the flowers, and the rings, practically everything.

“Ooh, I like that dress!” I smiled, pointing at one in the catalogue. “Well, it’s your dress. You look beautiful in anything, Hanley.” He smiled, kissing my cheek softly. “Hmm, well not everyone thinks that Jack. Which do you think is prettier, that one or…” I laughed, as we flicked through the catalogue together. “Or that one?” I smiled, pointing at a different one.

“Well, if it was up to me, I’d choose that one.” He point at a white dress that was in the corner of the page. It was amazing. “That one is amazing!” I grinned, looking at it with glee. Until I saw the price. “It’s too much though. I’ll go with the first one.” I sighed, but Jack stopped me flicking back. “No, I like this one, and you like this one. My mum said she’d put some money towards your dress, although I wasn’t supposed to mention that...” He smiled, but I could tell he was worried about her.

“She did? Oh gosh…” I gasped at his mum’s generosity. “But don’t mention it! She said she wants it to be the happiest day of our lives, so she’s putting some money towards the wedding. She added some extra so we could pay for your perfect dress.” He laughed, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck.

“Well, okay, if you really think so, I’ll get that one.” I smiled, writing it down on the notepad. “I think Max should wear that small version of your suit. He’d look adorable.” We’d previously decided on Jack’s suit; gray shirt and black tie, jacket and trousers. We’d seen it in Max’s size too, and I really think Max would look adorable dressed like Jack.

“Okay, just so you’re happy.” He laughed, and I kissed his cheek. “It’s not just my wedding you know! You can change something if you don’t like it!’’ I giggled, ruffling his hair. “No, no, I like these decisions.” He smiled, and kissed my lips again.

“Okay then.” I smiled. “I bet when we were 16, you never thought we’d be getting married, huh?” He joked, and I smiled to myself. Even though I guiltily wanted to be planning my wedding with Alex. “Ha, no, I really didn’t. I didn’t think I’d be a mother by the age of 16, but you helped me through that stage. Thank you.” I collapsed into his arms, and kissed him again. I realised how lucky I was to have Jack around. And how I missed Alex like crazy, and it was driving me insane. But this wedding was going to help me get over him, I was sure of it.

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