chapter 68

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Chapter 68:

-Ella’s point of view-

I walked down the stairs to see Hanley fast asleep on the couch, I’d given a lot of thought about what I wanted to do and I thought it would be best. Quietly, I approached Hanley’s bag and began to search for her phone. After a few minutes of shuffling through her stuff I sighed and turned to see Hanley still sleeping soundly. That’s when I saw it. Her phone, sticking out of her pocket.

I paused for a moment, wondering how difficult this could be and how bad the consequences would be. “Hanley?” I whispered but she didn’t move. I crept up to the couch and slowly reached for the mobile. Hanley jerked slightly and I swiped my hand back. Breathing a silent breath of relief I began to reach for the phone again.

My hand was touching the top now; I tightly closed my eyes and yanked it out. Hanley rolled over but soon settled again. I smiled at my accomplishment and stealthily walked to the kitchen. I scrolled through her contacts down to the G where I found Alex’s name. Hesitating, i rested my thumb on the call button. “I should do this” I thought pressing the button.

The phone only rang once before I heard Alex’s voice blurring from the other end of the phone line. “HANLEY? HANLEY OH MY GOD WHERE ARE YOU? TELL ME RIGHT NOW OK WE NEED TO TALK, I’M SORRY OK, I’M SORRY FOR RUINING EVERYTHING AND I’M SORR-‘’ “Alex!” I whispered loudly. “Hanley?” He sounded confused. “No, it’s Ella” “ELLA?” Alex exclaimed. “SH!” I whispered again. “Hanley’s at mine, she’s asleep” I heard Alex crying into the phone. “How did that even.. I mean, what’s your address I’m coming over now” I heard him moving around quickly. I didn’t reply. “Ella? What’s the address?” The door shut behind him and then another, presumably the car door as the car started moments later. “I don’t know, if that’s a um good idea” I said slowly and unsurely. “Alex laughed in disbelief “Ella this isn’t funny, this isn’t a joke or even a question” His voice was rising with anger.

“Ok, calm down! I know you’re worried but” “WORRIED?” He interrupted. “Ella you don’t understand the half of it, I’m not just worried, I’m fucking sick with worry, my eye’s are raw from the crying and my heart is in absolute agony. My stomach is twisting every second at the thought of I don’t know where she is or what she’s thinking, there’s a lump in my throat that won’t go away, there’s  a constant feeling that I’m going to throw up, my brain is aching with memories of how perfect my life was with her and how easily it was all taken away and” “Alright” I stopped him knowing he could go on forever. “I’m sorry but I just love her so much, I can’t even, I would rather die that not be with her, and I’m not exaggerating” as he spoke he stopped whimpering and his voice suddenly turned serious.

“Ok” I breathed. I told him the address and hung up the phone. Hanley was still asleep. I walked over to the couch not worried about making noise now. “Hanley?” I gently shook her on the shoulder. “Hanley” I repeated slightly louder. She slowly opened her eyes, and sat up yawning. I noticed the pillow she had been sleeping on was wet with tears. “What’s up? What time is it?” she rubbed her eyes. I sat down beside her. “It’s nearly 2am. I’m sorry to wake you but there’s something you should know.” I didn’t make eye contact as I spoke and heard her concerned voice. “What’s going on Ella?” She demanded. “It’s Alex. I called him, and told him you where here.” i glimpsed at her to catch her expression, but her face was blank. “Alex?” she said, a catch in her throat as though she was about to cry. “Yeah, he’ll be here soon. I’ll get out of your way” Hanley didn’t reply. “I’m sorry if I’ve done the wrong thing, but I thought it’d be best to sort this out now before something else happened” Hanley still didn’t reply. “Hanley?” worried I’d made a mistake I went to leave but there were sudden slams on the front door. “ELLA? HANLEY?” Alex’s voice came from the other side.

my only one (COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora