chapter 39

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Chapter 39:

(5 years later)

I woke up to Max standing next to the bed, a huge smile on his face. “Mummy?” he whispered. “Yes?” I groaned, still not fully awake. “It’s my birthday!” He grinned, bearing his teeth at me. “Yes Max, It is! Why don’t you go and wake up Daddy?” I smiled, rubbing my eyes.

“Okay!” He ran round to the over side of the bed, dragging his favourite teddy bear behind him. “Daddy, wake up!” He started shaking Alex’s arm. Alex didn’t wake up until Max began shouting down his ear. “Yes Maxie?” He sighed, his eyes still shut. “It’s my birthday! You have to get up!” Max replied, still shaking his arm.

“Wait for mummy to get up.” He moaned, turning over in the bed. “Mummy is already up!” I laughed, looking at the clock. It was 5 past seven in the morning, and Alex and I had gone to bed late the night before, due to having to wrap Max’s presents.

“Daddy!” Max moaned at him, sitting on the bed. “Okay, okay, I’m getting out of bed now.” He sighed, slowly getting out the bed. “Yaaay!” Max shouted, running to the door.

I took Alex by the hand, and pulled him to follow Max out the door, hearing his small footsteps. When we got downstairs, Max was already ripping his presents open. Me and Alex sat on the sofa, and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

After ten more minutes of Max ripping open boxes of Thomas the Tank Engine, Alex stood up. “Alright, well I think it’s time for breakfast now Maxie.” He smiled, taking Max by the hand and leading him into the kitchen.

Sitting on the sofa, I began to think about the past 5 years. During the past 5 years, Alex had fulfilled his promise of getting a job, working at the local bar in town. Thanks to both him and his parents, we’d managed to move into a two bed roomed flat.

Jack had kept his promise, and was now good friends with me, Max, even Alex! Hearing how Jack had tried to kill himself proved to Alex that he actually did care about Max as much as he did. And my guess is that he felt guilty that he was excluding him.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. “Who’s this Maxie?” I smiled, as he came running out the door, a spoon in his hand. ‘Who was this?’ I thought. It was only half eight in the morning.

I opened the door, and Alex’s parents were stood there, holding big boxes that were wrapped in red and blue wrapping paper. “Hello Max!” She grinned at him, and he came running to the door. “Nana and Grandad!” He shrieked.

(6 hours later)

It was now twenty-five to two, and Max had already gotten presents from a lot of people, including my mum, Alex’s parents, and other members of both family and friends.

No doubt about it, Max was going to be a spoilt kid when he was older. I was in the middle of baking his birthday cake, when Alex came into the kitchen. He stood behind me, whilst I had the cake tin in my hands.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck; he was such a romantic. “You okay? You’ve barely spoken to me all day.” He laughed, whispering. “I’m fine, just stressed really.” I sighed, sticking the cake in the oven.

After my hands began free, Alex twirled me around so I faced him, and kissed my lips. He was so sweet, it felt unreal. Our small moment together was ruined by my mum entering the kitchen. “Hanley, Max wants you.” She smiled.

I sighed, and left Alex’s arms, leaving him standing in the kitchen. I walked through the busy living room, and went upstairs into Max’s room. He was staring out his bedroom window onto the pavement below, seemingly searching for someone.

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