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"No stop it!" I laughed as Isaac chased me around the yard. "Your the only one I can chase after!" I rounded the big tree and hid behind it.

"I'm not dumb Caroline! Your behind the tree." He laughed. I giggled, then covered my mouth so he wouldn't hear me. I looked up at the sky. It was dark, and starting to get colder as the days rolled on. "Gotcha!" He said reaching around the tree, tagging my shoulder. He ran off across the yard, away from me.

"Isaac! Caroline! Time to take bathes!!" I could hear him groan along with me. A dynamic duet of frustration. We both ran after the porch. Of course, he beat me to it.

"Let's make an oath." He said swirling water around the tub. The bubbles flew in the air, surrounding us. "What's an oath?"

"An oath is like a promise. So if I were to promise you something, I would make an oath." I smiled and flung a pile of soap in the air. "I wanna make an oath!"

"Let me think? Hmm?" He rubbed his chin, thinking hard. "I know I know! Let's oath to protect each other from this day foward." He smiled and blew a bubble at me. "I like that oath." He said, holding out his hand.

"Promise to protect me?"

"Forever, I promise." We held up our right hand and smiled.

I ran down the hall, looking for the room they put him in. They said he was having trouble breathing and needed to go in immediate surgery. "Which room?!" I yelled cornering the hall. I stopped at the sound of beeping. I slowly walked in. "Isaac?" The beeping slowed down to normal rate and I sighed. As soon as I saw his face I covered my mouth.

His face had lost so much, making him look like skin and bones. I looked away, letting tears fall down. "Is he okay?" Derek's voice called. I pointed towards the bed, not wanting to look at him. "He's dying isn't he?"
"Well of course he is. He's just going a lot faster, with less pain." The nurse leans up against the door. "When's the surgery?"

"Less then five minutes if my crew can hurry up." She walks to him, petting his arm. "He'll be fine. If we bring him down there now, I could start the surgery. Stitch him up, add some fluid into his body, he's lost a lot.." I walked up to her and held her hands.

"Thank you so much. You don't know how thankful I am." She smiled. I could see tears welding up in her eyes. "It's no problem. I'm just doing my job." She pats my shoulder and walks to the bed. "Isaac?" He moans and struggles to get his eyes open.

"Is it..over?" I sob as he speaks. "Hasn't even started yet hon, it'll be over before you know it." She clanks the bars and lowers the railings on the side of the bed. "Isaac I'm gonna need you to cooperate right now. I'm gonna put you in a wheel chair, and your sister is going to help me."

She doesn't take a second to rethink her plan, lifting him up, he starts screaming. "I know it's gonna hurt, but you gotta keep up." My head was aching at the sound of his scream.

"No mercy or anything?" I yelled over his scream. "The faster we get him on here, the faster we get the surgery done." She says, finally placing him on the wheel chair.

My phone started ringing and I picked it up.

"Hello?" It was my dad.

"Where's all that screaming coming from?!" I sighed and walked with them down the hall. Derek followed behind me. "We had to move Isaac on a wheel chair..."

"Where are you?"

"Just coming down the hall." I saw them and flagged them down. They saw me and ran down the hall. "Stay back here. Derek can you go with her?" He nodded and ran after them. I turned my attention back to my parents. "I have a lot to explain."


"We need to hurry up he's losing more blood." She ignored me and kept on rolling.

"Son, I know what I'm doing. I've dealt with this so many times, this one isn't any different." She turned down the hallway and into the surgery room. I sighed in relief when I saw that her "crew" was here.

"Wait out here, they'll get angry. I'll give you information as soon as they get settled in." She turns away and claps her hands. "Alright! This one, stabbed in the stomach, losing a lot of blood." I listened for another minute as she explained the details. It was amazing.

I walked out of the room and shut the door. "Is he gonna be okay?" Candice's voice sprang in my ears. I turned around, shooting daggers in her eyes. "Oh I don't know? He got stabbed, and not to mention, he's losing a lot of blood." I raked my hands in my hair, pacing back and forth. "I don't know why Caroline hasn't beaten you yet?"

"Because she's got a lot to worry about right now. She won't get to me until she knows Isaac is safe. I could see it in her eyes Derek." I backed away from her, making sure she doesn't try to kill me. "Why are you still here? I don't even know why I'm near you?"

"I only did it to eliminate him. Cause if I had both of you in my life, I wouldn't hear the end of it." She's inches away from me, looking in my eyes. "So you think that it's okay to stab him?! I don't understand you!" I walk away and head for the one that matters most to me.


"So you want to tell me that Derek's kid is Candice's kid, and Isaac was Candice's fiancé?!" I nodded fiddling with my fingers. "And then she made it seem like Isaac was trying to kill her? So in return, he could end up like this?!!" I rubbed my temples.

"Don't worry mom, I'm still trying to make sense of all this too. But she will have to pay. Because when Isaac makes it out of here.." I almost chocked on my words. If he makes it out. I didn't want to jinx anything but what if he doesn't make it? Do I go for Candice? Or do I grieve and leave it be?

I notice Derek walking down the hall and I run to him. "They just started the surgery. Candice is here, by his room." Anger rolls inside me, as I start running towards the surgery room. I turn down the hall to see all the nurses and doctors walk slowly out of the room.


"What happened!! What happened, tell me what happened!!" The one nurse from before, strangled my shoulders holding me in place. "Listen to me!" I cried, I couldn't hold it back. "He's not dead.. no." I shook my head.

"Honey listen to me!" I paused and listened to what she had to say. "He lost too much blood." I could hear my mom's cry behind me. "He can't be dead.."

"Listen to me!!" She now had my attention. "I added the fluid back in his body. He is still very weak, but I'm positive he will make it." I gasped. "What if he doesn't!!" She shushed me. "His ears are sensitive from all the drilling and stitching. A few nerves were hit, and he is in severe pain." I sighed letting out a few tears.

"Do you want to see him?" I nodded walking in front of her into the room.

The room was plastered white. The machines were white, tools were white, and then he was..red. "Is that blood?" I asked not knowing if anyone heard me.

I walked to the side of the bed, looking at him. He looks..dead. My eyes were glued to him, not able to look anywhere else. "Isaac. This is all my fault.. I didn't protect you. I hate myself for that." I closed my eyes, letting tears crawl down my cheek. I felt a hand touch mine. Opening my eyes I gasped.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now