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My eyes blinked open, and light crossed my vision. I wasn't tied up, I was chained up. This cot, hard as a rock, and little to no room for my body to even fit on it. He was clearly stupid yo even bring me here, cause they will find me, and he will rot in a cell.

"Morning beautiful." I cringed at the statement. My head throbbed, aching every nerve and muscle in my body. "Don't call me that." He smiled and brushed a finger against my cheek.

"Derek will be here soon. I'm making a deal." All I could do was shake my head, I wasn't scared because Drake was stupid. He wouldn't do anything even if he wanted to. If I were to show one sign of myself being scared, I'd never get myself out of here.

I looked over to the table next to me, there was a key. "Can I have water at least?" He chuckled and walked away. I snatched the key unlocking the cuffs, they dropped but I caught them in time, placing the key back on the table.

"Here." He pressed. I glared at him as he held the cup to my lips. When he pulled it away, I went for a kick right in the groin.

I didn't care if it hurt, I wanted to get the hell out of here. He bent over, groaning in pain. "You bitch." I walked in front of him, and kicked him in the face, knocking him out. I bet my heals did the trick.

The air outside was cool, and it felt amazing. It wasn't even a full day and I felt like I was cuffed to the chair for a year. I went to grab my phone and remembered I didn't have one anymore. Drake had stepped on it repeatedly, smashing it with a hammer.

I wasn't as much as bugged about it, but it sure was a waste. Looking both ways before I crossed the street, following my daddy girl rules, I walked to an old run down gas station. It seemed sketchy as hell but where else was my other option hanging out?

The bell chimed as I walked in, shutting slowly behind me. I walked straight to the cash register, slamming my hands against the table getting the man's attention.

"May I use your phone. I'm not in the mood for questions I just need a way to get home." He eyed me, blinking rapidly. "Yeah sure, here." He handed me his cell, no tele?

I dialed Derek's number, tapping my finger on the counter. "Hello?"

"Derek, holy god am I glad to hear your voice! I'm at some old run down gas station on.. the highway to the church." I heard mumbling in the background, then yelling.

"What's happening?"

"They thought you were dead, and your mom is screaming.." I could see it now, him scratching his ear and squinting his eyes closed.

"We'll be there soon, are you safe?" I looked around me, rolling on my heals. "I'm not sure at the moment, Drake is kinda knocked out, but I'm inside this gas station with the man working." I looked at the man at the cash register, he waved showing his missing teeth.

"Can you hurry?"

"Of course, we'll be there soon."

With that, he hung up and I handed the man his phone back. "I'm going to do some things to the store, I hope you don't mind?" He shrugged and waved his hands in front of him. "Go ahead, and have a few snacks melady.." Who even says that anymore?!

I took his offer and grabbed a few bags of honey mustard pretzel bites, one of my favorites, and a fruit punch arizona. Locking the doors, I shut the blindes, sitting in the corner. I caught a glimpse of the man smiling at me, he was a sweet one, but yes a bit creepy.

"Do you want some or what?" He nodded and I got up, my bare feet felt cool against the tiled floor. I held the bag out and he laugjed, grabbing a handful. "Thank you." I laughed.

"Your the worker, and I got this for free, so thank you."

By the time me and the worker had out awkward end of the conversation, Derek's car pulled into the parking lot. I unlocked the door, opening the blinds. Reaching behind me, I grabbed my heals, and opened the door.

"Miss!!" I turned and looked to find my aquantance standing in the doorway. "Here's for the road!" I smiled and walked up to him. "Thank you Richard." I read off of his name tag without hesitation. He held his arms out and gave me a hug. I laughed and squeezed him back.

"Bye now!" I waved and walked away. When I turned around Derek's arms wrapped around me, scaring me half to death.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight again." I could barely breathe, but I didn't give a crap. "Baby I can't loose you again."

It was one of those moments that I needed to pull out my emotions. "I'm here, it's okay." I praised him, he tucked his head in my neck, my arms wrapped around his neck.

"I missed you too much.." I sighed and closed my eyes, I was in his arms, and I was safe.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora