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I decided to make Alyssa scrambled eggs and french toast, trying to talk to her about school. "Are you excited?" She gave me a sour look. I knew she didn't want to go, but I had to persuade her somehow.. "I know it's not your thing, but you can make some friends and learn new things?"

Alyssa isn't one who hangs out with a group. She's one of those little girls that do a lot on their own. "Maybe mommy. I don't know if I want to yet." She spoke with her teeth. She was still trying to pronounce her words correctly, I completely would understand where shes coming from at the age of four.

Alyssa finally finishes her breakfast, and runs into the bathroom to brush her teeth. Someone bursts through the door, slamming the door shut. I rounded the corner to see Bailey leaning up against it.

I could already see Alyssa peeking through the hall. She was always so curious. "That scumbag jerk!" I guess that was one of her favorite words. "What now?" Before she could catch her breath, Alyssa came running into Bailey's arms.

"Hey kiddo- him!" She pointed out the window, and there stood Drake. Every time I hear his name I wanna throw something against the wall. Break something, it just makes me sick. "That it!" I grabbed Alyssa as gently as I could, and led her to her bedroom Bailey followed after us.

I burst the door open and ran after him. "Hey! Rat! What the hell do you think your doing? This is private property, can't you read signs?!" As soon as I was close enough I threw a punch to his face. "Get out of here, now!

I was furious and hoping Alyssa wasn't watching. She didn't need to see me kick her father's ass. "Hey! Get over here!" He grabbed my arms. "Let go of me you- scumbag!" As soon as I got away I booked it towards the house. "I'm not done with you yet!" He grabbed my leg and I flung forward, face planting to the ground. I flipped myself around and kicked him in the face.

"Don't mess with me and my family again!" I got up and ran, I didn't know how strong he was. As I got inside I locked the door and slid to the ground. Bailey and Alyssa stood there, speechless. "Care you just punched him.. but it's a good thing he grabbed you in any way cause now you can take this to court.

"I-I don't know.."

"What do you mean you don't know?? He harassed you!" I closed my eyes, swallowing my nerves.

I didn't even have to say a word as I grabbed the phone and dialed 911. "Hello, 911 what's your emergency?" There was no stuttering needed this time. "There's a man on my property, and he harassed me and my friend." Then all I could hear was the crumpling of paper. "Okay miss, where do you live?" I knew for sure I was doing the right thing. I gave her my address and hoped they would hurry before he leaves. There were other people talking in the background.

"Name of culprit, address and license plate, please." I only knew his name, I wasn't sure about the address. "The name is Drake Hanson." I was put on hold for a few minutes. "Okay, I found him, thank you for your time. We will give you the details as soon as possible."

After I got off the phone, Bailey and Alyssa were in her room playing with her toys. "They found his address. But they told me they would give me details as soon as possible." She stood up, looking shocked. "Well, that's good, I mean really good. Can I just say, I never liked him anyway." I was surprised, but I had it coming.

The police called back an hour later. We found out that he's going to court. So am I. I never wanted it to go this far, especially with Alyssa around. "But we have to go to court together?" Bailey looked more shocked then ever. Then the cops replied, "I'm afraid so, but he is not allowed to step foot near you." Bailey budded in, "He planned this. It was his intentions to begin with.."

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now