30 - the reunion

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I walk into the building, hand in hand with Derek and become slightly nervous of whom I might see tonight. Just as we were about to enter I hesitate. "I'm scared." I admit. Derek looks back at me. "I don't know if I can do this.. I mean five years? For me that's a long time. What If I see someone I hated in high school, what if I see.." I stop at the man blocking the doorway to get in, he was talking to a former friend of his.

Derek looks in my direction and doesn't see what I'm seeing. I hope to god that I'm just seeing things because if I am not, I will walk out of this door right now and never come to one of these ever again. Derek keeps looking in the direction my eyes are glued to and he just cant seem to notice it. All of the sudden he is pacing back and forth.

"You meant to say, what if you saw Drake." He startled me by pointing with his hand in the direction of him. "Oh god I'm not just seeing things.." He scoffs and pulls his hair. "How is he out here with no cops!" I don't know the answer to that, but I sure do not want to find out.

We make a walk for it and enter the room with all of the people I had spent my high school years with. This was the most awkward situation I had ever been in. I look around to see if I could remember anyone. Everyone seemed grown up, like they had lives. Then there was me, right smack dab in the middle of one. Yes I could say I have a life, but mine hasn't necessarily started yet. "Caroline?" A unfamiliar voice calls. I turn around in shock as I see who it is.

"Amy!" I walk over slowly with open arms and give her a hug. She was the only one I had spent time with in high school besides Bailey. Wait, I never saw her. "Ugh! it's been too long." She exaggerates. "Oh! Who might this handsome man be?" He gives Derek the devilish grin and I grab his hand for comfort.

"Amy, this is Derek.. my boyfriend. Derek, this is Amy, my friend from high school." They shake hands and I look around the room, making sure that I didn't see Drake anywhere near us. "Wait! What happened with you and Drake?" I sighed and wanted to make it short. "Long story.. have you seen Bailey?" She gasps and bites her lip. "I just met her fiance and he is a doll! She is by the food table." I nod and wave goodbye to walk over to Bailey.

"Hey girly! I thought you would never bring this guy!" She laughs as we both laugh along with her. I looked at her fiance even though i've only met him once, but he seemed to look a tad different.

"Oh I thought so too, but I wanted him to see what it was like to have a small town high school reunion since he had only been to one of his." She looks at him in shock and I almost die of laughter. Derek and Charlie start up a conversation and they seemed to get closer by the second. "Uhm Care, you know who's here right?" She asks me, turning me towards Drake. "Yes, how the hell is he here without any cops?" She shakes her head with wide eyes.

"You didn't hear about his release?!" My mouth is a big "o" shape and my eyes are blinking constantly. "No.. He.. he can't be. Why would they let him out early, why would they do that?" I walk backwards as he turns and makes eye contact with me. I reach Derek and grab his arm. "Did you know anything about Drake's release?" He shakes his head and turns towards him. "Care, everyone here has been talking about it.."

This cannot happen, he cannot be free to roam the city. "You knew about it and didn't tell me?" I looked at her with squinted eyes. "I just found out tonight Care, it was going around and I had just heard it." I sigh and flow my fingers through my hair. "We need to leave, before he comes up to any of us."

"Who we talking about here?" Someones voice calls from behind me. Derek's hand collides with mine as he pulls me away from Drake. Shit, too late. "I guess I spoke too soon.." I mumbled. "Please don't do anything stupid." He whispers in my ear. I look at him and don't do anything. Drake looks at us in curiosity as Bailey speaks up.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now