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"What are you doing with him! What's wrong with him?" I had been waiting with Pearl in the room for at least an hour, a few of her men in the room as well.

"You need to come with me."

"What! No, why?"

"Caroline. We've never had this happen here before. Not in this hospital." I blinked.

"You've never had someone wake up from a coma?" She sighs, tapping her foot. "Do you even know how to do this? Treat him?"

"Yes. But with him waking up from a coma, it's going to be more difficult. We don't know if it made his tumor grow, or shrink."

I covered my mouth, hearing Derek yell my name. "Now I have to be in here."

I try to push past her, but she won't let me. "It's been almost a month Pearl! He's finally awake. Just let me see him for God's sake!" I pushed passed her, walking to his bedside.

"What the hell are you doing to him?!" They had him pinned down. The sight was terrible. "Caroline.." I walked over to him, kneeling down beside him. "It's okay, I'm right here." He closed his eyes and smiled weakly.

"What are they doing to me?" I look at all of them, questioning on what they were actually going to do. "Nothing, they were doing nothing. Actually, they were leaving." I glared at each one of them. I got three nods.

"Good." I hear him mumble. I sighed when they walked out, including Pearl. I didn't want to deal with her right now. "Derek..." He smiled weakly and gave into my hug.

"How are you?" He asked out of the blue. "Me? Your asking how I'm doing?" He shrugged. "I haven't seen you in a month appearently, I need to know how my girlfriend is doing." I smiled, kissing his jaw.
"I'm much better." I grabbed my phone from my pocket, dialing my mom's number. "Hello?"

I handed the phone to Derek, he smiled. "Just the voice I needed to hear, how are you Laura?" She gasped, it was so quiet I could hear her panicking and yelling for my dad.

"He's awake!!" I heard her. Derek shut his eyes, moving the phone away from his ear. "I am. Now can I see the kids? Or are you going to hold them hostage till I get out?"

An hour later my parents showed up with Alyssa and Wren. I hadn't let go of Alyssa, trying to make her see how sorry I was for leaving her for a month.

"I'm here now honey, and that's all that matters okay? I'm sorry for what I did, it will not happen again." I whispered in her ear. I brushed her hair with my hands, trying to make her understand. I have been a terrible mother, and I want to make it up to her.

"I know mommy, you had to wait for Derek. Grandma told me." I smiled, kissing her head. "Okay, we can have a play date tomorrow if you want?" She nodded, squeezing her arms around me.

"I can't wait." I got moody when she said that. Tears formed in my eyes, but I swallowed them back, I couldnt let her see how weak I was when it came to her. I need her to be strong.

"I love you mommy." I kissed her cheek, making her look up at me. "I love you more." She smiled and hugged me tight, groaning as she tried to "pop" me.

"How come you never pop, and I always do?" She never understood it, but that was the fun of it. "Because it's a joke. We don't actually pop, we just play around." She huffed, making the cutest angry face ever.

"I'll get you back big bad person." I made a scowl, curling my eyebrows in. "Let's see you try pumpkin." She made a growl noise, then tackled me, tickling my sides that didn't really tickle. She was a great person to have a laugh with.


Looking at her playing around with Alyssa, I knew that she would be the perfect wife. I remembered where I put the ring, and I knew that I wanted to use it soon.

One things still short, I just didn't know exactly when and where. I knew I would figure it out sometime soon, but for right now I just needed to be here. In the moment and live it, and then, when the time was right, I would make that moment happen.

It would happen sooner or later, because I can't wait for too long.


"Your on bed rest for the rest of the month. I will have to be checking in at your home every week. Check your vitals and have MRI'S." I listened to Pearl's words, they were meaningful, but I didn't think I was ready for them.

"Okay, whatever you need to do to make me better." She nodded and turned away for a moment. "It's gonna be okay Derek." Caroline reassures me with her hand holding mine.

"I know, I just need to get through this, and then take baby steps. Not much I can do when I rush things." She nodded, kissing my hand. "I agree." I looked up at her.

What did she mean by that?

She smiled at me, my hand still pressed against her lips. "The kids are asleep." She stated. I nodded and sighed.

What was she talking about, I agree? Does she not want me to propose?

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now