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*One month later*

I wake up to the coffee pot gurgling in my ears all the way from downstairs. I had been at my parents house since the night we got back from the hospital. It's been a month, and I still haven't seen Derek. I called and called, but no one would let me see him. I laid back down and stared at the ceiling. I thought long and hard about this, and I got my hopes up. I still am shocked that he doesn't remember anything, I just pray he remembers.. someday.


"My head.." I whine as I sit myself up. What I still don't understand is why I'm still in this bed, it's been over two weeks since we got back fro-

"Derek?" The nurse comes into view.

"I need to leave," I start getting up. "I need to see Caroline.."

"Derek hold up honey, you need to relax!" I laugh. "You did this to me, and I'm going to fix it!" I get up out of her way and start walking for the first time in two weeks. Then as I get used to it, I run. I run as fast as I can and then I am out of the hospital.

I'm running, on the sidewalk, to the side of the road. I need to get to Caroline, I need to see her. Soon enough, I'm at the house that started it all. I walk up and open the door, I then notice that I'm still in the hospital clothes. Stepping in the house makes a shiver crawl down my spine, all the break ins, the love, the hurt. It's all coming back, I remember.

I open the door to our room. Nothing. The kids room is opened, and nothing. I walk out and start to panic. "Her parents house." I run. I know exactly where it is, and I haven't forgotten it. I stop, getting my breath, almost there. I keep running. The next thing I know I'm standing right in front of what could be, my new beginning, my forever, my remembrance.

She gasps.


I get up out of bed remembering that it's monday, school. "Ughh!"

"I know honey! It's only two hours, don't worry!" I get dressed with my lucky jeans and a sweatshirt. Lazy day I guess. I jog down stairs and grab a cup from the cabinet and fill it with coffee. I take a sip a almost moan from the bump of brightness that awakes me inside. I don't know how long it's been since I last had a good cup of Joe like this.

"You alright there?" Mom says. I nod and look at the clock on the micro wave. "I gotta go I'll see you later!" I grab my keys and walk out the door. The next thing I know, my keys drop on the ground as I gasp.

He walks slowly up to me then stops right in front of me. My eyes are popping out of my head as he slowly lifts a hand and places it on my cheek. "Caroline.." He smiles with teary eyes. I don't believe this is happening. "Derek?" I couldn't speak I was in shock. His eyes where practically blood shot. "I remember, I remember our first kiss, I remember moving in with you, the dance we had at the garden party, the beautiful morning breakfast, everything." Each word brought him closer and closer to me. A tear rolls down my face, he catches it just in time.

I could hear the door open and shut, but I couldn't look back, I was so attached to Derek. The next thing I know, his lips crash into mine. Strong and passionate, our kiss doesn't break. He holds me as tight as he ever could. Tears fall down my face and he sobs. "I love you, so much." I smile. "I thought you'd never say that to me ever again." He laughs. "I'd rather spend one month away from you, then never be able to say I love you ever again." I smile as I cry and he hugs me. It felt like the weight I had been holding on my shoulders, has been lifted off. I didn't let go, I couldn't.

Finally, he let go and looked at me. "Listen," He said while whiping the tears away from my eyes. "There is still a few things I didn't remember, but that bitch of a nurse made sure I got it. She told me she gave me a shot, and I guess it helped. I thought it was impossible?" I laughed and finally turned around to see mom, dad, Isaac, and the kids standing at the doorway. "Daddy!!" Wren screams and sprints over to his father. I put a hand over my mouth and cried because it was so heart warming. "Wren I missed you so much. I'm so sorry." I couldn't look anymore, the hurt, the emptiness that he felt came to me and I couldn't bare the pain.

"Please tell me you haven't forgotten us!" My dad says holding out his arms. "Of course not!" I saw them embrace one by one, and couldn't believe this could happen. I sat down at the step. And sat my head in my hands. Is my happiness bipolar? First the most amazing thing happens in my life, then I lose it all. Then I get it back, but so much differently than I expected.

"Caroline?" Someone says. They sit down right next to me, and takes my hand. "It's going to be okay. I may not be the same as before, but I still love you." I smile and turn to hug him. "I love you." He hugs me back. "I love you too." We both sit and look at the morning sunset. "Well, the cops are probably gonna come for me any minute now."

"We will take care of that." Sure enough, I could hear the sirens come around the corner, and then stomp on the breaks and they jumped out of the car, holding their guns out. "Woah woah, put the gun down." My dad says. "Derek Taylor, is he present?"

"I'm right here.." He stands up, I get up with him and wrap my arms around him. "He's not in the right condition to be seeing anyone at this moment." What? "What do you mean, I remember everything? This is where I belong, not that hell hole you so call a hospital!" He is probably still upset about what he thinks they did to him. I mean I couldn't blame him.

"Just let the poor kid go and leave us alone, we have gone through enough as it is." The next chance I get, I rush him inside. "What the hell Caroline?!" I pace back and forth in front of him. "I can't let them take you back to there? I just got you back!" He crosses his arms. "I just might have to. That would mean I could get help if I go with them. You will see me every day, I will make sure of it." I feel like crying, but that seems to be all I did these days. "I wanna say your stupid, but I guess you won't listen to me either way. You never did before." He looks down at me, and caresses my face. "I, love, you." He said. "Don't you dare forget that." Once again, he catches my tears. "I'm keeping those." He tells me. I smile and he grabs my hand as we walk out. My parents are talking to the police and they stop as they see us.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." He looks at me. "Derek, I'm sorry for your interruption, you may stay where you are, once again, we are deeply sorry for the interruption." They scram in their cars and drive off. A smile crept on my face. "Are you happy now?" My mouth almost hurt because I was so happy. Derek suddenly remembers everything now, he got to stay, and now I can love him more than ever.

"More than ever." My head leaned against his shoulder and he sighed. A love that leaves, is a love that returns.

Derek and I had out ups and downs, but we got through it, or have we even finished? I will learn to love him more, and catch up on what we we had lost. But that doesn't mean it wont be different. Because in ways I can't describe, he has changed.

"Go get dressed!" I said pushing away from him. "I wish I could, my stuff is at the house." I turned to him, laying a questioned look on my face. "When were you at the house?" He shrugged. "I went to find you cause I realized I loved you, so I ran and ran and when I made it to our not so lively house, I panicked, came here and here we are." His smile brought something that wasn't awake to life. He sprung up and hopped up the steps slowly, waiting for me to join him.

I laughed and got up, following him into the house. "Does Isaac have any extra clothes that Derek could borrow?" My dad looked him up and down and burst out laughing. "Yeah, I'll go wake him up." As he walked up the stairs, I could hear him yell, "It's good to have you back Derek!" He laughed. I noticed his cheeks redden. "I'll never get old of you." I said.

"I know." He laughed, feeling confident. I walked into the kitchen wondering what my parents were making for breakfast. It's just like old times.

Everyone was happy, we were all together, and hungry. Nothing could ruin this, even if the police had changed their mind, I would still be happy because Derek remembers who I am.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now