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Derek, Bailey and I drive to Pour and it was getting dark by the minute. "What time is it?" I asked and Bailey held her phone up to my eyes. "Oh okay thanks." I look over at Derek's hand which seemed to be shaking. I felt bad for him, he had to deal with Drake, and almost got in a lot of trouble for punching him..

I never wanted it to get out of hand, and I never wanted him to show up at my mothers house. He knows that she will believe anything he says, especially if it's something I know the truth about. I stare at his hands and let my mind drift off in a little conversation I have no apart of.

'And I'll love many more' I couldn't get that out of my head, he meant that he wanted to spend more time with me, knowing that I would want to do the same.

My mom would always tell me to never let anyone get to you, cause once they do, there's no way you can escape. But there was always a catch to it, it only depends who it is.

"Are you cold?" He asks as I come out of my 'zone out' session. "A little, but we're almost there it's fine." He nods and looks back at the road when the light turns green. We eventually make it into the parking lot which was almost full, great this will be good.

When I first heard about it, it was when it first opened. Wine and I don't go good sometimes cause I'm not used to it, but I won't let that stop me tonight. Derek pulls the door open for me and I walk through. The bar is filled with people who are tasting wine. The scent makes my lips water.

I've never been fond of wine but it won't hurt to try to get it flowing through my already giddy system.

We are seated at a small squared table in the corner of the room. The waitress is dressed like a girl you would see at a regular bar. Shorts, lots of makeup, tennishoes, I mean is this what everybody dresses like at a wine shop?

"What could I get for you guys tonight? We have a wine tasting session in the room next door and there is a special if you would like to try any of those just let me know."

With a smile I gesture towards Derek to go first. "I'll just get some red wine." That sounds good right now, red wine. "Could I get the same?" She nods and Bailey buds in as I order. "All red wine then!" Everybody laughs and she the waitress excuses herself.

"This place is nice." Me trying to start a conversation is not good. "I agree, I was interested in that wine tasting but I thought maybe not." I smiled at him and looked at Bailey who was amused by our bonding. "You never know who could be in there!" She laughs.

Our drinks arrive and I'm very anxious about taking the first sip. I slowly place the elegant glass cup to my dry lips and hope for the best.


It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, a little too sweet for me but it wasn't half bad. I take a few more sips and we gather a conversation that surely lasts the rest of the night. By my second glass I was getting dizzy and I didn't like it. "I don't think the red wine likes me?" I laughed as I spoke.

"Well your not the only one here!" Bailey slurs. I never knew that it could get this bad after two drinks, I better watch it.

After one more drink we decide to call it quits. That was... Interesting? As we walk out to the car I feel yet another shock in my hand. Derek's fingers intertwine with mine. I don't care if Bailey judges, I'm re-living what I should've had before meeting Drake.

As we make our ride down back to my mothers house, I notice that the roads seem different as we reach her driveway. It's gotten really dark.. Does he have to get home to Wren? Hopefully he's not home alone..

"Is Wren home alone?" I ask as nicely as possible.

"Nope." Wow mood swings much?

Maybe I can get to see if he can have a civil conversation as always. "Where is he?"

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now