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"What is this all for?" I ask staring at the table full of beautiful decorated goodies. Placed in decorative form was blueberry muffins placed in neat pattern, a plate of fancy scrambled eggs, pancakes of course, cubed fruit in a nice old fashioned bowl, all of the food was placed in old fashioned supplies. Starting from cups, goodie trays, silverware, plates and bowl, and any kind of kitchen utensil I could think of.

"Well? We thought we could do something nice for you, so we wanted to make you happy." Coming from the mouth of my daughter, I almost fall back at her words, she is just getting better and better at that each day.

"Not only that. But because I love you, I wanted to do this cause I couldn't wait any longer, seriously, I've been planning something for our anniversary, so I thought, why not do a two and a half month one?" My eyes I think just popped out of my head, and the fact that he cares so much, makes me want to kiss him until my lips fall off.

"You did this? All by yourself?" He better not of. I stood up from the chair that he put me in and walked in front of him, my hands on his cheeks. "Maybe, I would have if it weren't for these guys." he gestures towards Alyssa and Wren. I walk over to them squatting down in front of them and holding one hand from each body. "Thank you, guys this is so sweet." They pull me into a hug, one body on each side of my shoulder. "I love you mommy. We already ate so we're going to go play with Zeus." Alyssa tells me and my eyes almost let the tears in my eyes fall, but I pull them back and let them go play.

I turn around and Derek is standing there, his hands behind his back and rolling on his ankles. He looks down at his feet and I can see the redness in his cheeks grow by the minute. "Thank you." I say as I approach him with a kiss. His kiss is gentle as always but it's also loving. In the sun I would say his blue eyes are in my sight but, from the looks of it, they look a little faded. Either way I like it.

He sets me back in the chair I was in before, holding one of everything in front of me and letting me choose what I want. "Derek, I can get it. Did you even eat yet?" He looked down, then back up and rolled his eyes. "No. I guess I'll eat with you." I smiled and laughed as he sat next to me, giving me a kiss.

"How is it?" He asks squirming in his seat. 'I only had three bites, literally!" I start laughing as he shoves a muffin in his mouth. Crumbs went all over his face, I wipe them off laughing and he gives me a sad look. "What are you laughing at?" I can't stop laughing, he's trying so hard to make this perfect and I am sitting here laughing at him.

"Your silly." I say shaking my head. He swallows the rest of the muffin down and stands up from his seat. He moves in front of me, both hands on the arms rest of the chair and his face is inches away from mine. "Yeah, and your cute." He smiles and I move in to kiss him but he beats me to it once again. The next thing I know, I'm being lifted off of the chair and brought into the room.

"Get dressed, we're going out." He gently sets me down, but I don't let him go. "But I barely ate anything! I'm starving." I wine, and he kisses my forehead. "Just get dressed, we're going out, the food will still be there when we come back." He walks away, out of the room shutting the door behind him.

I scam through my closet trying to figure out what I am going to wear. I'm getting frustrated fast, I have to ask him.

I open the door and look for him. I walk down the hallway and notice him sitting on the couch. His phone is up against his ear and he is speaking to someone. "Do you not hear me? I said he is not going over there!" He screams and I know exactly who he is talking to. "Your lucky I didn't call the cops last month for child abuse. You don't have a play set do you?" I'm hiding in the hallway listening to their conversation. I bet it's Charlene's mother.

Even if Charlene were here I wouldn't let that happen, not ever." My hand clasps my mouth and I stay quiet. If she was here, we wouldn't be here right now. He stands up and paces the room. "Well that's not going to happen anytime soon, he tells me everything!" He sighs and sits back down.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now