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"I love you." He said. "I can't imagine a better place than this, and I sure as hell wouldn't want it anywhere else." His voice was promising and I had to go along with where this was going. "I don't know what else to say than I love you.."

"Good morning." Derek blocks the sunlight away from me and I smile my eyes open. "Morning." His breath is cool against my skin as I turn away from him. "Come on sleepy head, the kids are waiting to go and you aren't even dressed." He tugs the sheets away from me and a whiff of cold air breezes over my and I shiver. "I'll make breakfast?" He bribes and I growl and get up.

Usually at this time I wouldn't be so crabby cause i'm in freaking California, but the fact that I'm hiding it because of the amazing dream I just had but couldn't finish, I will get crabby. "Good morning everyone." My faint yet croaked voice calls. Issac comes over with open arms and I give in. "Did you sleep well dear?" My mothers voice calls. "Yeah, until Derek woke me up from a really good dream." I look at him with bashful eyes. "No hard feelings, love." His eyes blink and I smile while grabbing a glass from the pantry.

"Honey we already have some out, just use these ones." I close the cabinet without even thinking and walk to the small table. "Derek is cooking for us this morning, he offered." Finally something good comes out of today!

As breakfast goes on, it goes gets more awkward by the second. Nobody is talking and it's making me sick. "So, universal today right?" I asked my mom. "Yes, the kids said they wanted to, so I guess we are." She sounded so unsure I didn't know if anyone else noticed. "Dad, when do you get the cast off?" That's me trying to make a civil conversation..

"Next Friday, the day after we get back. My leg is bugging me so much." Well that wasn't as bad. I might as well try everyone else. "Issac, I never caught the name of.. her." I tried to sound less rude than I hoped. "Oh don't worry about her, she isn't a problem anymore. She decided to cheat on my and have a child, it's not my problem." I did not know that much to the story but I guess he really doesn't care for whoever she is.

"Well, since nobody can even last more than two sentences with me I'll just go get ready." I got up, washed my plate and walked to the room to get ready. I put on shorts and a t-shirt and right as I was tying my laces on my sneakers, Issac walked in.

"Hi." He stood at the doorway awkwardly, so I patted the the bed right next to me and tied the other shoe. He sat down and rubbed his legs nervously. "What's up?" I say letting him know I have his attention. "I'm sorry about breakfast. I didn't mean to snap at you, I just don't like talking about her."

"I can't even get a name?" He continues to rub his legs and looks at them. "It doesn't matter, she doesn't matter, I just don't want you to get involved and have to deal with it. I shouldn'tve said anything about what she did. But anyway.." He stands up without letting me open my mouth. His scrawny figure walks away out of the door and closes it.

*Derek's point of view*

I walked to the room and stopped as I heard Issac's voice. "It doesn't matter, she doesn't matter..." I leaned my ear against the door and listened. "But anyway.." Oh god. "Derek?" This is awkward..

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I was just coming down here." He smiles and shakes his head. "No I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so secretive all the time and have to shut the door!" He share a laugh and go our separate ways. I brace my self and open the door.

"Care?" I look around and she jumps up from the bed. I giggle and sit right next to her. "Sorry." She shakes her head and smiles. "It's fine, I was just caught off guard." Now here comes the awkward part. "I'm-" We said in unison. "You go first." I decided to see what she wanted to say. "Okay, um. I have this feeling.." She paused. " That something is going to happen when we get back, something that in my mind is not good. I don't want to jinx it which I probably just did, but I just had to let that out." I wonder what she might be talking about.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now