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The last few days had been more exciting than I had thought. Derek, the kids and I, had spent more time together than we would in a week. Everyday that we had free time to spare, it would be with the kids. Of course, when I had school, and he had work, I would drop them off at my parents house since they along so well with them.

I had just gotten out of a morning lecture when I unlock the door to the house and step in. Feeling the absence of everyone made me feel like when Derek was away. The chilling thought almost brought me to tears, I tried to get it out of my head as I kicked my shoes off. I walked into the room to find Derek lying on the bed shirtless, reading a book. His eyes darted up with his glasses hanging down his nose.

"How'd it go?" He asked looking back down at his book. "Same as usual, the professor has to make sure everyone understood everything we've learned. But "supposedly"," I pause setting my bag down in the chair in front of my desk, taking my materials our of my bag. "Next week we are starting a new segment." I say sarcastically.

"Well that should be exciting." He says, trying to fit into the conversation. I crawl into bed with him and his eyes widen. "Uh..." I lay against him and look up as he blushes for some reason. "What?" I ask figuring out if I missed something. The next moment was so embarrassing as I reached across him to hug the other side of his torso. My eyes grow wide and my face is burning.

I slowly crawl out of bed and walk to the corner of the room. "Please tell me your not naked and I just.." I question not looking at anything but the wall.

"I am. And you did." I grossly sigh and smack my head. "Please get dressed. I'm embarrassed enough as it is." I hear movement around the room and I turn around with my eyes still shut. "Are you done?" I wasn't sure if I should ask that, knowing him he might just lie. "Yeah.." He says and I peek my eyes open, but shut them again and turn back around. "Come on, really.." His laugh wasn't the only thing I heard when I turned around.

"The kids are back, you might wanna hurry." I tell him reaching for the door knob. His hand is already there when I attempt to grab it and I sigh. "Please Derek, don't tease me.." My crabby mood has already set off to a bad start with one of my classmates.

Derek lifts me up and locks the door behind him as he walks me to the bed. He sets me down gently and looks at me carefully. "They are gonna wonder." I say with his face inches from mine. "And you better be dressed!" His smile grows, mine is weak, but its refreshing. "I've got boxers on." He says before kissing me.

We lay there for two minutes before knocking sounds on our door. I push Derek to put pants on and unlock the door. "Mom? I thought dad was bringing them back." She looks at me curiously and then in the room. "I was just in the bathroom mom, Derek is getting dressed for work." I heard the fumbling of him tripping and then opening the drawers. Good.

"Alright I was just worried that you didn't answer the door. Well I came to tell you that your five year reunion is next week, so don't forget to go to that." That's right! Oh gosh am I going to need to bring Derek.

"Yes I will put it on my calander." I have her a hug and said goodbye. "Oh and Derek," She pauses making sure she has his attention. "Next time you are going to make out with my daughter, just use caution of the "getting dressed" thing." She smiles giving me a kiss on the cheek before leaving. The kids say goodbye and run into the room, not even saying hi to us.

"Wow.." I said looking at his half naked body. "Work? Really?" I shrugged and smiled. "It was the first thing that came on my mind!" I laughed and walked out of the room and into the kids. "Hey guys! How was it?" I said as they got up from playing with their toys and gave me a hug.

"Where'd my dad?" uh oh..

"Uh, he's getting dressed. He'll be out soon." Just as I finish, I feel arms wrap around me. "Nevermind.." I say looking up at Derek. He kisses me on the cheek and smiles at his son.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now