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Walking up the gravel steps to my brown wooden door, just made me see the clarity in what my life should of been a long time ago. I never would have dreamed of it when I left Drake but it was for the best. I unlocked the door and slowly turned the knob, hoping that Bailey would not scream.

No one came bounding in the doorway or through the living room, I was relieved but lonely. I carefully walked over to the kitchen still making sure that they didn't know I was home. I grabbed the keys for the house and there laid a note from Bailey. "Left to the park with Alyssa, don't worry, I got it. Tell me how the date went later when we get back! Lots of love, -Bailey & Alyssa" I was surprised she wasn't putting her words in caps of some sort, like she usually does.

As soon as I got to the door I see that the sky is bright, and I smile. I take a deep breath before locking the door. Leaving the house made me sad that no one was in it. Just me, myself and I. It felt good to be alone, no lie, but it also made me feel like a total loner! I drove to the library and looked to see if they had any new books that I might of been interested in.

Walking into the library, I remembered how me and my mother used to come here and look for books that the librarian recommended. As always, I did so. "Would you have any time to recommend a book?" She smiled and put her glasses on that were hanging from her chain that connected to the glasses. She was old, the same nice old lady that had always been here. Her adorable smile made me happy.

"What genre? Wait, Caroline? Hah! Caroline Johnson! Oh my eyes must be really getting to that time huh!" Julie remembered me, I smiled and responded. "Yes, that's me! It's good to see a familiar face in here. It's been so long I can't remember the last time I was here with my mother." We walked down the isle and looked at the books together. "Oh? How is she, I miss her so dearly she must be living her life to the fullest, or so they say!" I giggled at her comment. "Yes, she is actually I last saw her when I had to go to court." He words slipped out if my mouth so fast I didn't even notice her gasp. "Court?! What happened?" I looked down at my feet, knowing that I could tell Julie felt sorrow for me.

"I divorced my husband, he sexually harassed me, and my daughter and I have a restraining order with him." She looked so sad, even though I knew she was there for me. "Oh how terrible! There was always something about that Drake.. When I was in my younger years, his father was a trouble maker in high school. He would literally go to houses and throw eggs directly at the owners. He got in trouble a few times, then finally said it wasn't worth it and stopped his crucial act."

Drakes dad? A troublemaker?! It can't be, the last time I saw him he was so elegant and mature. "That's strange. I never knew that he was that kind of person?" She smiled at the memory that was years ago. "Of course, that was many years ago. Now we are all grown up and not remembering days that were so faint! What were we doing? Oh! Looking for a book for you. What genre?" I had to remember what The last book was that I read. That's right! It was those may bird books, they were a series of three.

"Um, how about mystery! I haven't read one of those in a while." She lead me to the section labeled in blue and all caps "MYSTERY." It wasn't hard to miss, but I got the memo. "How about this one. Chasing yesterday. It's kind of a mystery, but I think you'll like it." I read the back of the book and browsed the pages. It's short, but I think I can handle it. Julie continued. "It's a series of three. There not too long but they are worth it." She showed me the other two and I thought about why there was broken glass it looked like on the cover. I had an inference, but then it faded. "Thank you so much Julie, I'm looking forward to it!"

She checked it out and smiled back to me. "No, thank you Caroline for coming, I didn't think I would see you anytime soon. Do tell your mother that I think we should get together sometime!" I nodded in reply. "Of course, I will see you around hopefully soon. Goodbye now!" She waved a weak but reassuring wave. Her years are coming and going but she makes the best of them.

I text my mom and tell her about the encounter with Julie. She replies and says: "oh I would love to! How is life treating her? She must be very lonely while her husband is always so busy teaching." I replied back and told her that I will come back to the library when I'm done with my book and let her know.

I walked out to my car and looked over to my right, startled I thought I saw yet another familiar face. Drake. I swear I saw him standing across the street from my car next to the library entrance. I guess I was wrong, I might of just been seeing things.

I made it back to the house on time just a tad early before Bailey and Alyssa walked through the door. Skipping around the room, Bailey came and sat by me on the couch. "How was it?" I looked up at her and smiled. "It was good, we have a lot of things in common, and he has a son." I looked at Alyssa who had been sitting here the whole time. "He.. A son." I smiled and nodded. "Bailey, he could be the one!" She got really excited and started dancing with Alyssa.

She stops in front of me. "I HAVE to meet him, well at least approve of him." She laughed and I joined in. "Maybe the next time, here I'll call him." I got out my phone and called Derek. "Hey! Um I know it's two times in one day but do you think that the next "date" I could meet your son and if it's alright with you, you could also meet my daughter?" There was a short pause. "Oh! Sorry, yes that would be possible there's just one thing. When? Oh and where?" I could already see the smile spread across his face when I responded. "Well I'm busy tomorrow so how about Friday?"

He responded with joy in his voice. "Yes of course! I will see you then?" I looked down at my feet and they shuffled. "Yes I will see you then, oh and same place?" Bailey and Alyssa were still dancing, quietly. "Same place, I will see you around!" I responded with total confidence that he was the one, I hope he was. "See ya!" I hung up and joined Bailey and Alyssa in their bouncing dance of joyful happiness.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now