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"Lunch is ready Caroline!" I here Derek's voice echo through the kitchen. My thoughts scramble of what he might of made, I hope it is that delicious casserole he made that one night we were alone. That was a nice night. "Coming!" I say pulling my shirt over my head, I walk out of the bathroom from my shower, the smell is sweet, the scent travels through my nostrils and all over the house.

I enter the kitchen, thinking it was the casserole, but really it was even better. "Grilled salmon!" I yelled making my voice screech at the end.

"Yeah, I was going to save it for dinner, but since we get the house to ourselves tonight, I'll save the casserole for tonight." what?

"Wait, to ourselves? Where are the kids going?" He cuts a big piece of fish in half and places it on a plate, handing it to me with a fork.

"Well I was going to mention it before, but Charlene's parents are in town and wants to see Wren."

"Charlene's parents?" I say completely confused.

"Wren's mom's parents, yes, I'm only allowing one night so It'll be fine."

"Are...you going to see them?" I had to ask.

"What? No, Why would I do that when I have you?" That was not what I expected. He turns around, looking at me in question.

"I was just-"

"Care.." His hand his touching my cheek now. He looks in my eyes the way he always does, with pleasure, or is it sorrow. "Never mind, I was just gonna ask where Alyssa would be going?" He decided this without me? He lets go of my face, still looking at me.

"I'm so sorry, I totally forgot." Right.

"Okay, well I guess I should go pack her bag for my mothers house then?" I ask walking away from the kitchen. Did he really think that I would let him take Alyssa to his ex wife's parents? My mind thrills with the thought. Why would he plan that without telling me?

"Caroline!" He calls as I open the door to Alyssa's room. Alyssa is sitting on her bed and Wren is nowhere in sight. She's crying.

"What happened, where is Wren?" I ask. This is not happening.

She points over to the window sobbing, the window is open and wind is flying through. No.

"Derek!" I scream, he is already in the room as I finish. Knife in hand he drops it when he doesn't see Wren.

"Not again, I knew I should have said no! Wren!" He screams out of the window. Again? Does Wren not like Charlene's parents?

"What do you mean again?" I say scrambling to my feet.

"Wren doesn't like her parents, he never has. Whenever he would visit them, he said they would hit him and put him in a corner the rest of the night. I didn't believe him until just last month, he came home with a black eye, they said he was playing on the play set they had. That's not what Wren said. He said they didn't have a playset, I thought he was over it, but I guess not." Poor Wren, afraid of his own grandparents. Alyssa gets up from the bed and walks over to the window.

"Alyssa don't go over there." I tell her, not knowing what she will do. she backs away looking at the tree in the neighbors yard. I notice her shaking her head, I move to the open window and look at the tree.

Running out of the room, I go to the neighbors yard to the tree. "Wren honey, come down. Your father isn't letting you go to your grandparents house, I'm not letting you go." He looks down from the top of the tree, I can see him shaking so I climb to join him. "Hey kiddo, you aren't going. I heard what they do to you, it's okay." I pull him into a hug, putting my chin onto his head and petting his hair. He gives into the hug and squeezes.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now