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Love is such a strange thing. For the most part, its beautiful. Love can be expressed in many ways, but most people want to show it with the person they feel it for. Not only siblings or their own children, but the one that they love most. My love is Derek, he has shown me sides of myself that I haven't even known about. My whole life I felt like I was trapped. With everything that happened between me and Drake, but now that I have Derek, I don't think I have to worry anymore.

His character has made not only him, but me a different person. The fact that he has done so much to make me see the sides that I want to see of him and of me as well, makes me happier than I have ever been. A lot has happened since I met him. Meeting him was a miracle, I needed someone that could deal with me. Someone that could be there for me and get me through everything I needed to. That's Derek, and I don't know what I would do without him.

"There's leftover salmon if your up for it?" His voice echos from the kitchen into the room. I'm now curled up in bed reading a book I can't seem to stop reading. I grab Derek's glasses from his nightstand because I can't seem to find mine anywhere. "Perfect! I'm starving." I yell back and i hear the front door slam.

I walk out of the room, making myself very cautious of my surroundings. "Is Caroline home? It's urgent." When I come into view Bailey turns around to see me and her smile is bright. My sight adjusts as I see her hand near her face, placing a ring on her finger. "What! Oh my gosh when did this happen! Give me all the details." I pull her into a hug and I can see her eyes turn glossy.

She goes on for about a half hour as the smell of grilled salmon fumes the room. The kids run out of their play whole and Alyssa runs straight to Bailey. "I missed you girly!" She lets go of Alyssa and looks at Wren. "And who might this be? Is this your son Derek?" Bailey's expression changes as she kneels down in front of Wren.

"You are so adorable! All I see is Derek, It's too cute!" I laugh and throw my head back against the couch as she examines his face, making sure he's human. She has always been that type that is curious about everything, but she's also careful of her surroundings.

"Care, the foods ready." Derek calls and I run to the kitchen with anticipation. I sit on a bar stool and he hands me a plate with a piece of salmon that looks like it was made in a professional restaurant. "This looks delicious. Bailey would you want some?" I ask as I take the first bite. My mouth waters for more, I take a drink of my water that is handed to me and I finish my food. "Your making this more often!" I exclaim and Bailey joins us, Derek hands her a plate and waits for her to take a bite.

"Well? How is it?" I question and she looks at her plate and nods her head. "I absolutely agree with you Care! You better be making this at my wedding." My mind travels off, and I can't help but think about when I will have an actual wedding. Ever since me and Derek eloped, I have told myself that I regret it very much.

I can't wait for the day when I walk down the aisle and look at my soon to be husband in the eye. I just hope that will be Derek, I have been thinking about my feelings for him and I know that what I feel for him is real, but it's also serious.

I look down at her ring and I suddenly become jealous. It makes me sad that I can't have what she has yet, but i'm glad that it might come soon. I finish my food and walk over to the sink to since my plate off. I can hear Derek and Bailey whispering to each other and it makes me smile. I sneak around and wrap my arms around Derek. Just as he jumps I laugh and he turns around to see me.

"Well well well, I don't think that's very fair to sneak in on a conversation?" I look at him and stand up straight. "Well your no better!" I laugh and he smiles and pick me up over his shoulder. "Put me down! your gonna drop me!" I start laughing as he tickles me on the couch and I squirm under his grip.

"Derek, I think you forgot Bailey is still here?" I whisper in Derek's ear. He instantly stops in mid action and I start to laugh when he gets up from the couch, smooths down his shirt, and walks non-chalantly into the kitchen. I am out of breath when I reach the kitchen as well, Bailey stares at me with questiongly eyes.

With everything that just happened, I want to talk to him about what he will be doing today with his in laws, well ex inlaws, I don't know how to say it. "Hey Derek remember your meeting Charelne's parents in an hour, you know that right?" He looks up from what he was doing and runs into the room to grab his bag. Guess not.

Rushing back into the kitchen he gives me a short, but romantic kiss and leaves without saying goodbye. What the heck? Did I say something that upset him? I hear my phone vibrate from my pocket and I take it out.

*I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye, I love you and I will see you soon, I hope*

How long is he going to be gone, well I don't know and I'm worried he will run off and leave me. Not only that, but he didn't even say goodbye to Wren. What is he really doing? I began to get worried as the hours passed by. Bailey had left and I sat here in the house worried that he wouldn't return.


It's been three days. He hasn't come back or returned my calls. All I have done while he is gone is watch the kids and sit on the couch. His absence is killing me. Not only that it's been three days, but the fact that he promiced me that it would only be one.

I call him one last time and wait for an answer. Straight to voicemail, great. If and when he comes back, we are having a serious talk.

I look around the room and the kitchen drawrers to see if I can find anything that will give me a clue of where he could be. All I know is that he is with charlene's parents and I do not known where the hell that is. Maybe he ran off and expected me to watch Wren for him. Maybe he just didn't want him anymore and thought I was a better parent that he was.

My mind travels in a serious mode where I am almost shot, I feel like I am pysco and I can't live without him. I lay down and remove the feeling that makes me think that a thousand eyes are on me, waiting for me to make a stupid move I don't want to and I would give up. There's no way in hell I'm giving up, not yet.

He has made a move on me that no one could ever. As the hours pass I grow worried for the kids. They have been checking up on me for the last two hours and can't seem to find something to do that will help.

After two days of spending my time in bed, I finally get up and make something for breakfast. I walk into the living room and stop in my tracks. Taking his shoes off and looking at me, Derek enters the house with a surrendered look.

"What the hell! You had me worried and waiting for five days! It might not seem as long for you, but it is for me. I waited and you never came, I thought you left me. I thought you left me like Drake did." He walked towards me, limping and I almost break down, but instead I hold it in and my mind rambles with questions.

"What happened?" My voice is shaking and I can't quit it. He sits down on the couch and lifts his pants leg to reveal a deep cut that may eventually leave a scar. His ankle is wrapped up and my hand covers my mouth. I take a seat beside him and wait for him to answer.

"Charlene's dad's friends happened. I didn't know it was his friends till one of them told me that this was payback from Gabe. I didn't know he was that type of guy, I'm so sorry I left without an details. I'm sorry I made you worry, and I am so sorry that you would think that I would leave you, not in a time like this." I pull him into a hug and he gives in.

I start to sob, holding it in was a terrible idea. "I was so scared, the kids were checking in on me the last couple of days. If I only knew where you were, I would have been okay. I was so scared, and worried. Why would you do that to me, why." His hands move my body on his and I am now laying on his stomache punching him and crying.

"For what's its worth, Care, I'm alright, I'm here now and I'm okay." He grabs my wrists and yells at me to stop. I slowly get up, walk to my room with him following me and shut the door. I lay in bed, with my eyes closed, mind in a deep dream. A dream about what would happen if eveything was as I had hoped or wanted, how I want his proposal to turn out and how the rest of our lives will turn out.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now