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The wind is whipping my hair on my face as I board off the plane. My eyes were bloodshot from the suspense, they wouldn't let me see him, to check if he was okay. My family and I had to leave before them and I can still remember all of the screaming that came from inside me.

My makeup is smeared on my cheeks, leaving a rough surface on them. I was latched onto Isaac for comfort. At least ten minutes passed and I heard voices from the boarding dock. Mt heart rate instantly ran up and I started to panic. They brought him down in a bed, followed by the women who had been slashed by her husband.

"Derek!" I rushed to him. His leg was propped in a way I couldn't explain. He had bruises all over his face, and he was coughing intensely. "If this is what I get for having a good time, I should be careful." I chuckled and sobbed. "Your gonna be okay, the last time was worse." He laughed a little too hard and started coughing.

I looked back at my parents who were holding each other and I could see the worried look on my mother's face. She was shaking. I nodded at her and she sighed. A part of me wanted to walk away because it has been twice now, he has gotten hurt. I can't take another injury. I don't know what it will take to just have some peace, not even a little?

"Care.." He grabbed my hand as I zoned out. I came back and looked at him. "Go." I listened to the sound of his lips moving, repeating the word. It hit me in the chest like he was compelling me to leave. I was so out of it I walked away. I got to my family and didn't say a word. Alyssa came right beside me, followed by Wren. I looked down at the two of them, thinking what the hell am I doing just sitting here, waiting for them to clear him. These kids are counting on us, and I can't just sit here? I walked back over to him and grabbed his hand, not paying attention to what he has to say. "Don't even say anything. Those kids are counting on us and I'm not giving up."

"Just bring him in the car we will bring him to the hospital on our way home." I can't leave without him I meant. "I'm afraid we can-"

"Just do it! I can't leave without him!" I was getting so mad I wanted to punch the guy.

"Hey it's okay Care. Go home without me and I'll have your parents pick me up. Get some rest." He somehow did that compelling thing again, I obliged. Again. Walking over to my parents, my bloodshot eyes started to burn intensely as more tears fell down. I don't know how I'm going to get through this if I don't fight. I walked back and demanded the man to bring him with us, it was his turn to oblige. And he did. Derek didn't say anything of it, he looked so tired.

The hauled him in the car and gave him tons of pillows and such. As soon as they get out of the car, we drive off back home. I sit right next to him the while way there. Looking at him, I push the hair out of his face. "Your sweating." I said. "Yeah, that's what I get for hard work."

Not even a minute later he is out. I didn't have to say a word for him to do so, it was like a snap and he was out. His body cooled down as he brought him to the hospital. "Is he gonna be okay?" Wren asked me. I looked at him, then at Derek. I looked back and him and kneeled down. "I will be fine Wren."

I get up and turn around to turn around and there he was, awake and smiling. "Dad." Wren goes to him and hugs him, he then looks at me his eyes glossy. Eventually they brought him in a room and we had to wait in the waiting room. "Alyssa, come here." I get up and we walk to the play area. I get my phone out and text my mom.

*I'm over in the play area with Alyssa, I'm just trying to get my mind off of things for a bit. Text me back when you find out anything.*

We played with the toys and talked for a little while. "Is dad in jail?" I froze.

"Um, yes. He did some very bad things, and had to live the consequences."

"What are consequences?" Now she wants Vocabulary.

"Consequences are like when you do something bad, you have to get something bad thrown at you, right in the face." Just to make it sound kiddish.

"Well I hope I don't get consequences!" I laugh.

"No sweetie your a good kid, you won't need them, unless you act naughty?" She gasps, I laugh and place a block on her pre- made tower. "I promise i'll be good mommy." We both share a laugh. My phone buzzes. It's my mom.

*The doctors said he will be having surgery in about twenty minutes, do you want to see him before?*

*Yes I'm on my way.*

"Alyssa we're gonna go see Derek before surgery let's go." She hops up and we walk in a pace that will get us there in time. I turn down the hallway to see my, dad, Isaac, and Wren sitting around the room. "What's wrong?!"

"We wanted you to see him before we did." I sighed and approached the door. His head was turned towards me. I couldnt see if he was awake. He smiles and sighs. "Hey coffee girl." Oh gosh. "Hi. How are you feeling?" He holds his hand out. "I'm better now." I grab his hand and sit down in the chair near his bed. "I remember the last time you were in one of these, it wasn't that long ago." He laughs, then coughs. "They need to hurry and get this so called "Surgery" done with!" He grunts and situates himself.

"It feels like a lifetime since I last saw you." He says. "Well you were out the whole ride here. But you needed rest anyway so it's alright."

"No it's not, I didn't get to see you. You know I hate that." He smiles and I look down at our conjoined hands. I rub my thumb along his fingers and smile along with him. "I know." I lean in to kiss him, just as our lips were about to touch, I hear a knock on the door. "It's time." Derek looks over to the door, then back at me. I lean down to kiss him and he pulls me in, holding me tight. We pull away and I stand up. "I'll see you after." He lifts up a finger and waves it. "See you then."

I walk out of the room, and sat down next to Isaac. He looked at me and I looked at him, then looked down at my hands. "He'll be okay, I know it."

Hours had passed and we all grew worried, they had been in there for a long time and not one nurse had come out. I wanted to knock on the door and see what was taking so long, he only got stabbed, right? A nurse finally came out and I stood up right away. My hands were trembling as they stood there. "He will be able to see everyone in ten minutes. He was very.. competitive with the process." What?

I walked into the room after ten minutes. He looked straight at me and had a look on his face that wasn't what I hoped for. "Charlene?"

"No.. It's Caroline." He sits up and looks at me. "Am I supposed to know who you are?" Oh my gosh. No, this is not happening.

I turn around and go straight to the nurse in the hallway. "What did you do to him?! What did you do!!" I couldn't stand up anymore, I fell on my knees and cried. This cannot be happening. "What happened? Why is she saying that?" My mother came to my side and I couldn't say anything. I prayed and prayed that it was just a dream. But the pain was unbearable, I couldn't take it. "Caroline what happened!"

"He doesn't remember.." My heart dropped just saying the words I never thought would happen. "He doesn't remember me." Isaac came to me and lifted me up. "Caroline! Look at me." I looked at him and sobbed. "What did he say to you?" I couldn't speak it hurt so bad. "He.."

"Shut the door!" Isaac yelled. "Care I'm gonna need you to tell me or none of us will know anything."

"He asked who I was, and wanted his dead wife. He doesn't remember. Anything." I turned back to the nurse. "What the hell did you do to him?! Why doesn't he remember?!!" She steps back and everyone looks at her. My eyes start to burn. "Ow.." I cover my eyes with my hands.

Isaac sits me down and all I see is my mothers face. "Caroline?" she sobs. "Everything is gonna be okay, he will get better." I shake my head. "No, no no no! He doesn't remember anything. He only remembers Wren's mom." Her hand covers her mouth and she cries.

I will not be okay if he doesn't remember us. Everything that we have done, or have planned, is gone. His love for me is gone, but mine still remains.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora