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I woke up feeling rather satisfied with my life. Rather then the fact that I was nervous to call Derek. I looked at my phone and it was 10:33. I then went through my contacts and there was Drake. I clicked on it and hovered my thumb over the delete button.

Contact deleted.

I went to Derek's contact and clicked "call mobile." It rang once, twice. Finally someone picked up. "Hello?" I was really nervous but I knew I could do this, this was my chance to start new.

"Hi, it's me, coffee girl." There was a pause. "Oh! Yeah coffee girl! Did you make your decision is that why you called?" I chuckled, still nervous to be honest. "Yeah, I did what time would be best?" Another late response passed through. "Um, how does 11:15 sound?" I answered back right away. "Sounds good! I guess I'll see you then?" He laughed. "Yeah, see you then!"

He hung up and I took my breath and squealed. I got out of bed and got dressed. I picked out a casual teal blouse, with my lucky jeans. I then touched up my hair and makeup and ran into the bathroom.

While brushing my teeth I dialed Bailey's number. "Hey do you mind watching Alyssa for an hour or so? I have to meet someone." She screamed, and it was so loud Alyssa came running in the bathroom wide eyed.

"Who is he! Is he cute? Give me details!" I laughed, Alyssa walked slowly out of the bathroom and back into her room. "His name is Derek Taylor. To answer your last question, he's gorgeous!" She answered as fast as she could. "I'm on my way! I'll see you in a few!"

She hung up right after her last word. I finished getting ready in time before Bailey made it over which was five minutes later. "You better go! It's 11:00!" I kissed Alyssa goodbye and left.

I met Derek at the coffee shop where he bumped into me. "Hey there coffee girl!" He came and shook my hand firmly. "Hello again, it's nice to see you when your not spilling coffee on me." We both burst out laughing, not being able to hold it in any longer. A waitress came over to take our orders. "I'll have black, with whipped cream." Wise choice. "I'll take just a regular frap." She write the orders down, and left to go get them.

"So, I want to know more about you. Tell me, anything." This is my chance I might scare him off but it'll be worth it. "Um, well it's gonna be a shocker but, four years ago, my ex husband and I got married, and... Sorry it's just really shocking." He looked at me, his eyes blue and bright. "No it's ok, you won't scare me off, trust me I'm not one to be scared." That was good to know so he won't run off even though I have a kid. "Well I found out I was pregnant. He left me the night I went into labor, and I had the baby, alone."

He sat back in his chair looking shocked. "Well I guess we're on the same boat, every person I've tried to date, ran off because of that." I didn't know what he meant, the same boat? "I'm not following?" He laughed, I knew he would. "I have a son, you have a daughter is it?" I was more shocked then he was. "Your kidding?! Oh my, I thought, did your wife leave?" That's when the conversation got awkward. "No, she died, right after she had him. She was too weak." I didn't know what to say I felt so bad for him.

"I'm so sorry, is that why you have been trying to find," we both said "The one" we say in unison. "Wow." He sipped his coffee, feeling guilty for telling his scaring story. "I just haven't found her yet, you know?" I looked at my coffee, then at him. "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, I've been doing the same ever since I got divorced."

We finished our coffee and left to my car. "Well, will I see you again?" He asked. "Of course, I would love to go out again!" He smiled and walked to his car. I set my bag in my purse and turned. He drove away, and I waved goodbye. "New beginnings." I said as those words ran trough my mind. I will never forget that moment we shared.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now