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Life with him is like a sun that never stops shining.

I'm happy with Derek, my daughter, and his son, followed by my family. Seeing Derek at my door step this morning was my missing piece. I missed him so much, and at the time, he couldn't feel the same. Now that he remembers mostly everything, I'm happy. We are happy.

"So. What are we doing today?" My cheeks turned red. He never asked that, he would always go upfront with it. I guess this was going to be trickier than I thought. "I was actually going to go shopping with Alyssa." He slowly nods his head. "Oh right." I grabbed his hand. "But later, we can go out to eat." He smiles. "That sounds lovely." I kissed him and walked off to my old bedroom.

I shut the door behind me and locked it. I knew that would come in handy some day. Derek wasn't himself. Because he didn't know what his old self was like. He only knew that loving me and Wren were his too priorities. I slid to the ground, leaning against the door. My head lightly banged up against it.

I heard a knock. My body shot up, backing away from the door. "Knock knock." Derek's voice called. "Oh! Hey." He strolled in and wrapped his arms around me. My face burned. "Well your awfully flirty today." I said smiling at him. He kisses my cheek, turning my body around. "Now that I have you in my possession, yes." I laughed.

"Well I'm glad you feel that way." I looked him in the eye. "Is something wrong?" He asked, and I knew he was gonna ask that.


I could feel a hint of disbelief in her voice. "Is something wrong?" She raised an eyebrow, looking deeply in my eyes. "What do you mean?" Something was wrong. I could feel it. "You seem, out of it." She smiles, showing her white teeth. "Well of course I am, I just got my boyfriend back. He remembers who I am, I mean, I'm gonna be shaken up." I look down at her hands, they're trembling. "That's not it."

"What?" I look at her worryingly. "Your nervous. What are you nervous about?" She shakes her head. "Nothing. I'm not nervous. I'm just giddy." Her lips touch mine, giving me that zap of electricity. "I.. I make you giddy?" She smiles. "Yeah, in a good way." I feel like things are awkward between us. I better fix things now then lead her on.

"Um, Caroline?" She turns her head and stops folding a shirt. "Mhm?" I sigh and tuck my hands in my pockets. "I feel like we're awkward. I mean I don't know how we were before, but I just feel distant from you." She drops her shirt, and turns to me. "I know. I felt like we were drifting apart. You just seem..different."

I walk towards her. "Did I ever do this?" I say turning her around and placing my hands on her waist, kissing her neck. I had to know she felt something for me. Cause I know I feel something for her. "No." She almost groans. "Did I ever do this?" I spin her around and crash my lips against hers. The tender smooth feeling of her lips was just enough to know that what ever I felt for her before, I felt it now.


The feeling that I got when he pressed his lips against mine was great. I missed that feeling, but there was something different about it. "Yes. Maybe." He smiled at me, and I smiled back then rolled my eyes. "No." He got me good. He was much more gentle before, but I guess this new Derek isn't so bad. "I love you." He said. It shocked me. "I know it might be weird for me to say it, but I do." My heart melted at his words.

"I love you too." He smiled and hugged me, tucking his face in my neck. We fell over onto the bed as he kissed my jaw. A shiver went down my spine. "I will make sure we get back to the way we were." He gazed into my eyes. "I promise, I will do my best." I nod. He kisses me and then walks out.

I was then left in the room, with my mind jumbled of thoughts I couldn't control.

I finished folding my clothes and finally went into the living room. Everyone was outside in the backyard playing soccer. Isaac sat on the couch, staring at the fireplace. "Don't you think its sketchy how your boyfriend remembers you randomly? Just a month after you saw him, he just runs to mom and dad's house, knowing exactly where it was?"

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now