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"Alyssa? You awake?"

"Now I am." Her kidish morning voice seeps through her lips. The sun shines once again thought the curtains and it already makes my day. I could hear Wren snoring in the background of mine and Alyssa's conversation.

"That goober huh?" I look at Wren, then back at Alyssa who yawns and lifts her arms up as high as she can bring them. "Well I think we need a redue of that mommy daughter day huh?" She nods her head and yawns once more. "I'll let you get some more rest okay?" Her eyes grow heavy and I don't get a responded, all I get is my daughter falling back against the pillow, going back into slumber.

I walk quietly out of the room and into mine. I am caught off guard by Derek's bare chest laying right before my eyes. Yum. His arm is laid across the top of his head and the other against his chest. I make my move by crawling back into bed without waking him and snuggle up next to him. Nice one Care.

"Morning." He says against my hair as he kisses it. "I liked it better when you were asleep, go back to bed." a smile is hidden from him while he thinks I'm being stubborn. "Wow, now I truly know what I am here for." He laughs and I cuddle closer to him as he tightens his grip on my waist. I sworn as he pulls me closer. All I hear next is snoring from his lungs. "Well played, Goodmorning sunshine!" I shame him and pop up out of bed to make him desperate.

"Really.. Alright. Two can play that game." He jumps out of bed and runs after me. His strong arms wrap around my body and pull me towards him. I try to squirm, but it doesn't work. "I surrender! Just let me at least wash my face." Before I know it, I'm being carried to the bathroom. He sets me down and walks back to the kitchen.

I splash water in my face and look in the mirror. Somethings different in my face. I can't figure it.... Oh my God. I have a big goose egg on my forehead. How did that get there? "Derek!" I try my best not to make him worried. "What happened?" He enters the bathroom and examines my face.


"Were we... Did we do anything last night?" I ask nervously because I don't know what happened last night. "Well we made out but that was it. You fell asleep on me and I went to bed. I don't know where you got it from?" How come I contentment anything other than me falling asleep. Did I drink at all?

"Oh! You hit your head when you were coming into the room last night before you fell asleep." What.. I wonder if I was drunk last night. "Did I drunk at all last night?" He shakes his head and smiles. I don't think this is a funny thing to laugh at. "It's not funny Derek!" He starts laughing and I stomp my way to the room.

"Your being dramatic about this, you don't remember yes but it's not a matter of life and death?" He's right, I am a little dramatic about this. I guess I need to just chill out and stay calm. "Alright, but I'm still not happy with you making fun of me, it hurts." He walks towards me and places a hand on my cheek. "You look beautiful." Pshh, sure I do.

"Oh okay." I laugh and he looks at me like somethings wrong with me. I walk out of the room to go wake up the kids. The door opens right as I'm about to open and and there stands Wren. "I can't sleep. I tried but I haven't slept all night." I turn around to look at Derek, and he just shrugs.

"Do you want to come and sleep with me for a little while?" He nods and rubs his eyes. I lead him to my room and make him crawl into bed. I climb in with him and wrap my arms around him. He gives in and holds onto me as he closes his eyes.

"Thanks mom." He says in his sleep, I almost burst into tears when I see Derek standing in the doorway, looking at me blankly. "Do you want to.."

"No, it's fine. Looks like he trusts you." He walks over to me and rubs a finger across my face,smiling at me. "Come here." I demand and he listens to what he was told. He climbs in bed right behind me and creeps his hand on my waist. "I love you." He whispers in my ear. "I love you too." I whisper back.

We wake up at 1:40 to Alyssa crying. I bolt up to see her standing in the doorway of our bedroom. "No Alyssa!" I yell from the bed. I get up and chase after her. She ends up hiding in the corner of the kitchen. "You like him better than me. Is that why you haven't been spending time with me?" I sigh and sit right around the corner from her.

"That's not true, he couldn't sleep and he asked for me to lay down with him. I love you Alyssa, don't ever think I don't. I know I have been caught up with something and I haven't been paying much attention to you, and that's what today was for." She turns to look at me and gives me a weak smile, wiping her tears away.

"Was it the makeup day you we're talking about?"

"Yes, but you get to pick where this time." Her face lights up with joy. She scoots over to me and sits in my lap. "I love you Mommy." Says Alyssa. "I love you too, so much." I move the hair out of her face and kiss her forehead.

"Let's go get ready, okay?" She nods and runs off to her room. I look up to see Derek standing in front of me, holding a hand out. I give in and he pulls me up. "Four year olds." He laughs while shaking his head. "Yeah? What about them, you have one of your own?" He laughs and kisses my head.

"Go get ready Missy." He tells me and spanks my behind. I turn around with my mouth open, giving him a hurt look that says 'im defeated okay?'. I get dressed and open the door to Alyssa's room.

"What's wrong you two?" They are standing on opposite sides of the room with their arms crossed. "Nothing, we're not speaking to each other." This better not be about this morning. "Is this about this morning?" I had to ask. "Yes.." Alyssa says, looking defeated. "There's nothing to be mad about, are you coming with me Alyssa?" She nods, looking back at Wren one last time, waving to him. "Sorry I yelled at you." He waves his hands in front of him, letting her know that it's fine.

I hope I can spend this day with Alyssa without any irruption. I just want this to be a mother daughter day. After all, I haven't spent much time with her.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now