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It's been weeks. I don't know how many, two I think, but I'm worried. Very, worried. Speaking to someone who won't answer back is the worst thing ever.

"Nothing?" Pearl says. I shake my head, holding it into my hands. "This is painful.." I blurted. Nothing can hurt more than seeing the love of your life in a coma.

"It'll only get worse, but when you put yourself down in the dumps like that Caroline, you will never get the hope you wish for." I sighed, looking at Derek's pale face. It terrified me seeing him like this. He was still alive, but it didn't seem like it.

"Don't put too much time into this. Your still breathing too." I'm awake though, he's not.

I fell asleep a few hours later next to him. His hand was freezing but I didn't care. I knew I could sleep better if I was near him, or at least if I knew he was okay. In both cases, it wasn't working.

I sat up, looking at him. "You know I'm waiting right?" I knew I was talking to myself, but I didn't care. I'd rather be called crazy then insane.

It's not just any given moment you can let something so meaningful to you go, it takes courage, and that I don't have.

I missed being able to wake up to a normal morning where I could walk out into the living room and see Derek cooking breakfast from the kitchen. I miss seeing the kids run around and then get scared when Derek would chase after them.

I missed the way he made me feel. The way he told me it was okay, it was okay to be nervous, or scared. It was just the way he said it, like he'd been through it.

Everytime I'd look in his grey bluish eyes, I knew, he was there for me. He would hold me up and make sure I was comfortable, safe, and happy. And now I'm sitting here, in this room, with him here, but I can't get anything out of him.

"Caroline. You need to go home, see your kids, see your family. He'll be here waiting for you." Pearl had been too kind, I couldnt let her slave away after me, and work at the same time. "Okay.."

I gathered my things, hugging Pearl goodbye, and walked out to my car in the parking lot. I couldn't hold back the tears that stained to my cheeks.

I drove straight home. I didn't want to see my parents or the kids, I just wanted to be alone, and if I couldn't be alone, then I wanted to be near Derek.

My bed was the nearest thing to comfort me. Make me feel like he was still okay. I can't hide the fact that he's not getting better, he's only getting worse, and he probably will get worse until..


He will get better, he will make it through. My phone rang, I saw that it was my mom. I ignored it.

An hour later my phone rang again, it was my mom again. She kept calling every ten minutes, and a headache formed in my head. The next time it rang, I picked it up and answered.

"Mom can you please just stop worrying about me for a day god dammit!!" I sighed, sitting up.

"How many times has your mother called?" Pearl...

"I'm so sorry.. I didn't look at the caller ID." I could already see the disbelief on her face. "It doesn't matter, you need to get down here right now." Again?

"Pearl, I really don't want to stay any longer then I should." Without hesitation, she interjects.

"I'm not joking around Caroline. If you love him that much, you better get down here to be the first person he sees." What?

I hang up without another word and grab my car keys, heading straight for my car. I didn't need to keep my thoughts to myself, I couldn't help but freak out as I drove to the hospital. I needed to get there before he woke up.

If he wakes up and I'm not there, I will never be forgiven. I couldn't cope with the pain I'd cause him if he woke up before I got there.

"Dammit!!" I said as I ran a red light, it was just my luck when I didn't have anyone chase after me. I jumped into the parking lot, running out of my car and locking it, running to the door.

I ran to the elevators, going to the same floor he was on and running down the hall. When I ran into the room, Pearl stood at the bed, holding his hand and talking to him.

"Wake up please.. I can't lose anymore of my patients." I walked beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "A tear rolled down my cheek, and I smiled. "He'll wake up when he feels like it. That's Derek for you, the stubborn, and lovable man."

She smiled and nodded, letting go of his hand and handing it to me. I bent down and pressed my lips to his hand, praying for him to respond. To say anything, to just wake up.
"Derek.. you can wake up now." I could only see him breathing. He just needed to wake up. "Wake up Derek." I gripped tighter on his hand, pleasing for his eyes to flutter open.

I've waited too long for him, for someone like him, and I couldn't give up. Not now, not like this. I love him too much to let him go. I've sat her for a week straight and waited, and I would wait for a lifetime to his grey bluish eyes again.

"Please, just wake up."

I felt a hand touch my shoulder. "Caroline your hurting him." I opened my eyes and looked at him. I loosened my grip on his hand and kissed it, closing my eyes again.

Another hour later, Pearl had left the room, leaving for the night and trusting me to watch after him.

I eventually fell asleep in a dream, one that felt so real.


Derek and I were sitting on our porch, and watched the kids run around, playing tag. The sun shone down on the both of us, and I looked down at my hand to see the diamond he had given me glistening. "Do you like it?" He asked, holding my hand and examining it.

"I love it." He smiled, nuzzling my neck. "I love you." He said against my neck, I smiled and leaned into him. His lips touched my hand, kissing all over the diamond.

"We need a set date." I nodded, bringing a hand to his cheek. "I know. Your getting very impatient." He laughed and laid his head down in my lap.


"Caroline..." I heard a weak voice call. My eyes fluttered open, looking directly in front of me. I gasped.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now