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I tried so hard not to cry when Pearl came in with the news. The tumor had only gotten bigger, kemo wasn't doing its job. "Derek don't have any doubt about this, there's still hope." She struggled to keep them in as well, saying that there was hope.

"There has to be some.. comback that will cover it. Like, any medication?" She was hurting, and I was the one causing it. I didn't know what I could do to help her, and I wanted to do something, but I couldn't come to conclusion of what it was that would make her happy at the moment.

She paced the room, hand over mouth. "Caroline, stop." She didn't listen. "Care.." I couldn't do anything, stuck in this bed.

I could see the guilt in her eyes, she thought it was her fault. When I heard her say it I couldn't take it anymore. "Stop!"

She jerked her head towards me with disappointment. "Dammit Care, your making me go nuts!" I had only hoped she had some sense in her, but this pacing thing made me question how she would handle worse.

"I can't take it Derek! I can't stand to see you so sick. Did I tell you that you look different? That you gained weight in your face? It happens. I can't stand it!!"

"Caroline. We are doing our best." Pearl pushed it. "If you were, his tumor would be shrunken by now!" She shook her head sitting on the chair next to me. "Stop it Caroline. They are doing the best they can, and I know it. It may have grown yes, but that doesn't mean it can't shrink again?" She sighed, putting her head between her trembling hands.

"Come here," Her crying didn't help, and I wasn't just gonna sit here and watch her cry her soul out. "Caroline.." I said the second time, her mind must have been so out of it she didn't want to listen. Finally, she got up from the chair and walked over to the bed. Her weight leaned down on the bed, concaving the matress.

I may had been worried for the both of us, and for the bed. It was meant for one, but I wanted her as close as possible. "I love you?"

She sobbed, whiping her eyes and looking up at me. "I love you too." She laid her head back down, positioning it carefully on my chest. "Derek.." She breathed.


"Please don't die.." I was shocked.

"Oh Care, I'm not going anywhere.. don't ever say that again." Her head dug into my chest, slurring some words I couldn't come out to hear. She was broken, and I was the one who'd caused it.


Alyssa hadn't paid much attention to Zeus lately, and I'm a little worried that he's getting lonely. After we left the hospital, I brought him to the dog park to get some fresh air.

Derek knew how stressed I was, and made everything so simple for me. He did almost everything for me while I was online, it was.. less stressful for me.

At the park, I sat down on the nearest bench, watching him run around like a maniac. It was early morning, which meant that the cool air was frosted against my skin. I could see my breath as I let out a sigh, mentally laughing at myself for handling this whole situation so smoothly.

"Well well well, didn't expect to see you here?" Turning around, I expected Zeus to come running up to me, but instead I got up from the bench and backed away.

"Don't worry so much Caroline, I'm just here with Charles." He points out in to the open and to my vision, I see a golden retriever.

"Get away from me Drake. You know the rules." The last time I encountered him was at the reunion. My thoughts flooded back to what happened that day.

"I know, my goodness. I get reminded by Amy every fricken day." Of course he's still with her, why wouldn't he be?

"Great, then you won't be a problem." I clapped my hands together in a sarcastic, cheery mood, and walked to Zeus. That is the last time I have to deal with his stupidity. "What happened between us? We were so.." I spin myself around at his loss of thought, starring at him with daggers.

"You know exactly what happened between us, and we were nothing. You left me, and didn't even care, and I bet your just trying to grind my gears now and you still don't even care." The closer I got to Zeus, I could hear his growl grow louder.

"Zeus, here." I snap his collar onto his leash, and stomp out of the park back to the house. Almost tripping over, Zeus turns around and gives a bark, turning forward after.


"Yes?" I could feel myself tremble as I walked into the room. "Did you just get back from the dog park?" He lifted his eyes from a novel, pushing his glasses up. "Yes. Derek, Drake was there." He slowly shut his novel, pushing the covers off of him.

"He didn't do anything to you did he?" He darted towards me, holding my elbows. "No, I'm fine. I would just would like to know why he was there." Derek huffed, letting go.

"Yeah wouldn't we all."

"You feeling alright? No headaches?" He smiled, brushing his hands down my face. "I'm great." He kisses my forehead, "But thanks for asking." And walks out of the room.

I follow after him, seeing Zeus scratch at the kids' door. Why do they always have it shut? I opened it, letting Zeus through. Walking away, I left the door opened, just to keep a better watch on them.

"I was going to go for a jog with Zeus but.." I trailed off, trying to forget the incident. "Care, don't worry about it so much. As long as he doe-" The door bell rang.

Derek walked to the door, opening it. "Officer? Is something wrong?" My heart pounded fast as I walked behind him. "Have you seen Drake at all today? We heard from locals that he had robbed a pet store and stole a dog."

"I just had gotten back from the dog park. He was there with the dog!" They turned around and ran off. "Thank you!" As I stepped out onto the porch, I saw as they entered the park, searching around for him.

"Come on.." His hands wrap around my arms, pulling me into the house.

"Caroline. I need to calm you down somehow. Your always jumpy and not on top like you used to be." I sighed, sitting down on the couch right in front of the fireplace.

"That's because you knew more at the time. A lot of things have changed.." He sat next to me, rubbing my back as I placed my cheeks in my hands. "It will take a while. But things will get back to normal, I'm sure of it." He leaned in, kissing my cheek.

I moved myself next to him, laying against him. Everything has been hectic ever since I met him, it's never going to get easy. It'll only get harder, but I will have to learn to get through with it. As long as we work through this together, it just could go back to the way it was.

"I hope so.."

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now