52 - aren't wedding always joyful?

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"You may kiss the bride." The priest rolled his eyes and smiled. I tried to hide the nervous ongoing rumble in my veins, but just seeing Drake sit there with a playful smirk had me on edge. Why was he here?

I stared Derek down, waiting for him to look at me. Him and three other guys stood in place, and I with three other girls. Me as the maid of honor was a big deal, but seeing my two closest people I've come to know kiss, it almost took the worries away.

Derek finally made eye contact with me as we clapped in unison. "What's wrong?" He mouthed. I butted my head towards Drake, who was smirking devilishly at us.

"Shh.." Derek mouthed again, but I couldn't help feeling scared. I'd been watching out for him for what seems like forever, trying to keep my distance from him. Why haven't the police been here yet?! They were looking for him?

It was so surreal, so strange. As the bride and groom ran down the aisle, beside them was the petals being thrown to the middle of them as they passed everyone. "Head down to the community center, drinks, dinner, and a dj!" The priest wailed.

The crowed went wild, shoving everyone in harms way, and I was stuck in the crowed, trying to find Derek. A hand grabbed my wrist. I was calm, until I saw Drake. No no no no!

He pulled me through the back door, jerking me with all his strength. "Derek!!" I yelled, hoping someone would hear me.

"Shut the hell up!" He spat, pulling me into a black car. "What the hell! Kidnapping me isn't gonna get you anywhere but back in a cell." He huffed and crossed his arms, sitting next to me. "Yes, but at least I'll get away with it. After all I just had to see how your brother was doing, I heard he had gotten stabbed by a psycho?"

My heart was racing, it was killing me. The driver in the front pulled out of the parking lot, turning right. "We might be gone for a while, get some rest." I turned to him and spat. He wiped his face, smiling and looking out the window.

How the hell am I supposed to get out? I thought. The only way was-

My hand slipped into the handle of the door, shaking as badly as I wanted to pull it, I'd almost be dead. "Your humorous, you know that? You never changed Caroline." He slapped my hands and tied them together with a rope, ripping my skin with the rope.

"Classic." I grunted. "Anytime." He cooed. "Where'd you get that from, law and order?" He laughed and placed a hand on my thigh. I jerked my knee away from him, his hands lifted up in surrender.

"Brody, it's just around the corner." My gaze fell to the pocket of the seat in front of Drake. A knife, and a gun sat in plain sight, making my body go numb. He wasn't planning on using them was he? I looked away as quickly as I could, before I could get caught in something I didn't want to be.

I was smart. I knew I could get away from him, and I was not going to give up on that. "You ready? I'm gonna need you to follow me, if you don't.." He shrugged and gestured to the pocket in front of him.

"Your disgusting." I spat. He smiled and slapped a hand across my cheek, the flesh burned as I turned away from him. His revolting scent made me gag.

"Your really pushing it lady." My eyes welled with tears I had no control over, it scared me. "L-lady?" I gauked. "Mhm." He sat forward and paid no more attention to me for the rest of the trip. "You and that dress, bleh. I'll make you change when we get there." I felt violated.

First he forced me into a damn car, now he's forcing me to change? What else is he going to force me to do, have sex with him? Make me feed him? Or bathe him! I was being irrational to my thoughts, and not keeping tabs on how I was going to escape.
Focus Caroline. Focus.

It was the only thing I needed to do.



"Where did she go? She was right behind me!" I looked in the closets, bathrooms, dressing rooms, even cars. Then it hit me like I was being slapped. "We need to find Drake. He has her." Laura gasped and covered her mouth.

"Well that would be useful if we knew where Drake was!" Tom was worried as hell, I was just thankful that Isaac and Bailey we t ahead and finished everything. The guests will surely keep them occupied.

When I find him, I will kill him. "I swear if he does anything to her-" Laura grabbed my hand. My chest huffed up and down, nervous as hell. "We'll find her, don't punch yourself over it." I shook my head. This was all my fault, I should've grabbed her the second everyone merged.

We burst through the doors, I remembered that Isaac had taken the kids with him, the other children would be there to keep them company. My mind was going rapid, I couldnt concentrate on what I was doing.

"Come on Derek, let's focus on figuring out where she could be." That was it. Focus.

I needed to focus.

I breathed and closed my eyes tight, kneeling over.

"Focus." I let out.


Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz