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"Mama my head hearts.." Alyssa's wining was the first thing in an hour that did not sound like screaming. "I know honey, mine does too. I think we're landing soon, so just..bare with me okay?" I say calmly in her ear, I kissed her cheek and smiled while laying her head on my shoulder.

A noise rang indicating that a speaker will tell us that we are landing soon. "Thank God!" Derek said and I turned to him and laughed. We unbuckle and stand up to get our bags. Derek already had his and took a hold of Wren's hand. A man behind him pushed him to keep going and he was pushed into the wave of exit.

"Oh, Care!" He quickly said and I tried to grab my things and find him. The crowd was huge as I searched and listened for his voice. I became ecstatic when I heard the highlighted manly voice I had been dying to hear for the last five minutes. "Over here!" He said and I smiled at him as I rolled my luggage while holding onto Alyssa's hand.

"That was close, they must be desperate to get out of here. The rest of your family is over there." He pointed to the waving crowd of people that I came here with. "Are you hungry?" I asked him, wanting something myself. "Well, are you?" I blinked and looked around for something to eat. "A little.." He smiled and walked over to the vending machine. "Wait! How do you know what I want?" He turns around and holds up a cinnabun. "Never mind then!" I exaggerate taking the cinnabun out of his hands.

The taste was delicious in my mouth. I didn't eat anything familiar for a while on that plane because the menu was the weirdest thing on there.

"Come on, we have to take a bus." My mom squeals. I've never seen her so excited on a trip like...ever.

We all aboard the bus with hopes that it doesn't take long to get to the condo's. "Tampa! Here we come!" My mom is in a cheery mood with her explorer hat and her khaki pants. I'm glad I'm not the only one that is tired cause I need a nap! "Have you ever been here Derek?" His head jerks up from his phone and smiled. "Once.." I'm trying to guess if it was with Charlene or with his parents, coming for the smile on his face I'm thinking it's with his parents.

"It was with my grandpa.. We used to do everything together."

"Derek, you don't have to tell us." I told him. he insisted he would because he wanted me to know more about him. "He brought me here one summer, to see the Tampa Bay Rays play. On the way there, a car came out of no where and hit his side of the car." This was getting so awkward just walking to the renting place.

We rented a car and Derek finally ended his sad story. He had gotten a concision and almost didn't make it. I'm just lucky that god gave him another chance. "Are you okay tom?" Derek notices him breathing raggedly, and walks over to him. "Yeah, my leg is just sore." I took a hold of Alyssa's hand and looked at his leg. He got let out a few days early because they thought he was strong enough to walk. And now here we are and he is once again, in pain.

The ride to the condo wasn't too long, but I could tell Alyssa was getting crabby. I walked in though the door in awe, the walls were a amazing cream color, and the stairs were steep but good enough. We had a decent kitchen with a table and a counter. "Caroline come up here!" I heard Derek's voice from up stairs and I ran up there to see what he was up to.

"What is it?" He turns around and shuts the door, grabbing me by my waist and walked me over to this balcony in the room. "This one is ours, I called dibs!" He laughed and let go of my hips. I grabbed his hands and placed them back on my hips. My face turned up to him and looked him deep in the eyes. I noticed a little hurt in his eyes and I was guessing it was from the story he told us.

"I wanna try something." He said and turned me around. His hands gripped my waist and he lifted me up and sat me down on the railing. "No, no! Please get me down!" I was scared and started to panic, but I know that wouldn't get me anywhere but the patio down below. He shushed me and placed his hands on my back. "I got you. Do you trust me?" I looked back in forth in his eyes, looking for that spark of trust I had found the day I met him.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now