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There are some things in life that happen for a reason, or so they say. When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared. Of course I didn't know the reason why, but I told my husband, Drake that none of that business would be experienced until after the honeymoon.

At least a month or two after the honeymoon, I have a little bump. I was a little angry not only at myself for going through with it, but at Drake you made it hard to say no. There's no telling that I 'gained weight', but it's the truth, I did from the baby. I don't know the gender because Drake and I wanted it to be a surprise.

Getting married at the age of 19 is a lot to take in. It doesn't happen often around where im from, but of course I would get the talks from all around. We got married for a reason, because we loved each other.

At eight and a half months to be exact, I bolt up from slumber in pain. I soon realized from my knowledge I was in labor. Screaming with no help, I had to get out of bed myself. When I looked over at my side for Drake, he was no where to be found. My mind was going with the thought that he was still at work. I'm up out of bed now, realizing that the boxes from when we moved here are gone. Everything that belonged to Drake was gone.

He left me, in the middle of the night with this baby all alone. As I get downstairs as carefully as possible, I make it to the kitchen. I grab the phone in my shaking hands, and get the courage to dial the number that was repeating in my head. I punch in the numbers '911' and wait for it to ring.

Once..twice it rings, how am I doing? Almost having a panic attack. "Hello? 911 what's your emergency?" An older lady's voice calls. "I need.. Help. I'm in labor, and I can barely move." I hear paper scrambling around, only making me grow irritated.

"We will be there as soon as possible. Do you think you can hold it for the hospital, or the ride there?" Why is she asking this? "I don't know, the hospital I guess!" I hear voices in the background. "We're on our way, stay calm and hang tight." When she ended the call, I made my way slowly over to the couch, collapsing right in front of it.

I heard the door burst open, lights flashing in my eyes. It only made things worse. "Get the stretcher! Now!" A familiar voice calls. I am being lifted up on the stretcher, strapped down safely for the bumps I would encounter. They haul me into the back of the ambulance, shutting the back doors and giving a signal to leave.

The truck rips through the red lights and it's siren blares through my ears. I look outside as my vision goes blurry. All I see is red, blue, and green lights.

Finally, we get to the hospital and they push me through the doors. The only thing running through my ears is the voices telling whom to go where and I'm sitting here, only thinking where Drake was.

I am settled in a room, nurses surround me, telling me to get ready to push. I do as I'm told and hold onto one of the nurses hands. "Your almost done Sweety." The only thing I hear is a wail from an infant. I cried in pain, realizing I had done it. "Caroline.. It's a girl, she's beautiful."

"A girl.." I say out of breath. I knew right then and there, she was my responsibility. I would give it my all to take care of her. Even if it isn't with her father. I didn't know the next time I would be seeing him but I hoped it would be never.

He has been a disgrace to me from this morning, up until now. My daughter will grow up to be strong. She will be strong and happy, with faith and hope. And I, hope that she will find her happiness better than me. I wish for her to have the best experience at everything this world has to offer. My baby girl is what made me realize what I had missed in this world, and now I have it, because I have hope in her. I have hope that we will live a happy life together.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now